Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2906 Eye of Haotian! (1 update)

Three days passed in a flash.

At dawn, the once-in-a-decade training for recruits has begun.

First, there is the squad competition, where recruits from each camp are randomly divided into teams of four to compete against each other.

In the Xiaofeng Camp, the most common team configuration is composed of four warriors, who work together to complete the task.

Because the team members are randomly assigned, there is no point in forming a team in advance, and it can also ensure the fairness and justice of the competition to the greatest extent.

Ling Feng's luck is not bad. Although the three teammates assigned to him are average in strength, at least they have no grudges against Ling Feng and will not play tricks on Ling Feng.

And their opponents did not encounter geniuses from the upper gods, so in the squad competition, in just a dozen breaths, Ling Feng's team easily crushed the opponent and won the game.

However, in the second round, Ling's team was obviously unable to keep up. Almost in just one encounter, Ling Feng's three teammates were eliminated, leaving only Ling Feng on the field.

On a high platform in front of the ring, the captains, vice-captains, and even some general-level strongmen from various camps and teams came to watch in person.

In the past few days, Ling Feng cured many members of the Xiaofeng Camp who were troubled by "poisonous insect disease", so his reputation spread.

In the Xiaofeng Camp, perhaps these veteran strongmen did not know how many geniuses the three upper gods had come, but they were quite familiar with the name Ling Feng.

"That kid must be the Ling Feng."

The general of the third camp narrowed his eyes and looked at Ling Feng on the ring.

Three teammates were eliminated tragically. It would be difficult to win this team competition by one's own strength.

The four-man team of the Xiaofeng Camp is not just a configuration of one plus one equals two. Although it is a temporary four-man team, every recruit in the Xiaofeng Camp will inevitably learn the so-called four-core battle formation.

As long as the battle formation is formed, it is both offensive and defensive, which is far from as simple as adding the strength of the four members.

"Yes, it's that kid. What a pity, Lao Pang, this kid will not be in our third battalion soon." Xiao Yang said with a smile. The chief and the captain have a one-level difference in rank, but because they have been together for a long time, and Xiao Yang has a carefree personality, he and the chief have always been brothers, without any respect for seniority. The chief of the third battalion smiled faintly, "Whether he is in the third battalion or not, he is still in our Xiaofeng Battalion. This kid is really good. It's okay that he has great medical skills, but I didn't expect that he is so strong. However, his luck is not very good." He naturally saw that Ling Feng's strength was much stronger than his teammates, but unfortunately, in the team competition, these teammates obviously seriously dragged him down. "Hehe, Lao Pang, do you think that kid is sure to lose?" Xiao Yang grinned, and even Ji Ruye, who was standing next to him, had a smile on his face. "You want to fight against the four-core battle formation by yourself? Not to mention that there is a genius from the upper god race among the opponents." General Pang shook his head, "Xiao Yang, you old man, don't you think that Ling Feng still has a chance of winning?"

"Hehe, that's hard to say." Xiao Yang touched his bald head, "What's up, old Pang, do you dare to bet?"

General Pang carefully looked at Ling Feng on the stage, and still shook his head and said: "It's impossible, it's impossible, he is very outstanding, but it's still exaggerated to defeat the four-core battle formation by himself "." "That's gambling." Xiao Yang laughed. "Ji Ruye, you have a testimony for me and Pang, who lost, and take out the collection of the treasures." Do n’t cry, do n’t cry! "" Cut, are you like that? "Xiao Yang snorted lightly, and immediately attracted the white eyes of many people around him. This Xiao Yang was really this kind of person! However, at this time, Ling Feng's figure had come out. Ling Feng has been easily solved by Ling Feng. Now, the two sides have returned to the starting point, which means that the final victory of the two teams will be decided between these two people.

On the high platform, General Pang opened his mouth so wide that an egg could almost fit in.

"Are the newcomers this year so evil?"

General Pang couldn't believe his eyes. The four-core battle formation was cracked so quickly, and it was like a crushing blow, with no resistance.

"Hehe, Lao Pang, get your Yu Yang Chun ready!" Xiao Yang smiled.

General Pang's mouth twitched slightly, and he snorted and said, "Xiao Yang, you haven't won yet! Even if there is only one person left on the other side, he is a genius from the Haotian God Clan!"

Xiao Yang raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Lao Pang, I'm going to drink this wine today!"


"I didn't expect that in addition to being able to use sweet words to coax women, you also have these two tricks!"

On the high platform, the genius from the Haotian God Clan stared at Ling Feng with a cold look.

This guy was also one of the new recruits who had always disliked Ling Feng. He thought he could give him a hard lesson when he met Ling Feng, but he didn't expect that Ling Feng was so powerful.

But so what?

He is just a loser from the Demon Sealed God Clan, and he is from the upper class God Clan!

"Eye of Haotian!"

The left eye of the genius of the Haotian God Clan suddenly bloomed with a purple light, like a purple crystal, exuding an evil aura.

As the Eye of Haotian opened, the next moment, an octagonal purple mark appeared between the eyebrows of the genius of the Haotian Protoss, like a mirror, and Ling Feng's shadow was actually reflected in it.

"Boy, the power of the superior gods is not something that a mere lowly person like you can understand!"

The genius of the Haotian God Clan smiled coldly, made a hand gesture, and said loudly: "Sure!"

For a moment, Ling Feng felt that his soul seemed to be imprisoned by a special force, and his limbs became unable to move.

However, this imprisoning power lasted less than a breath, and it collapsed under Ling Feng's powerful colorful fighting spirit.

However, the genius of the Haotian God Clan was not aware of it at all. He just walked into Ling Feng with a sneer, "Boy, this is the phase fixation technique of the Haotian God Clan. I won't let you move. You can't even lift a finger." I can’t move, hehehe!”

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