Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2918: Heavenly Punishment Fragments! (1 more)

"No sword..."

After defeating the God King Blade Spirit, Ling Feng was in a state of excitement and could not calm down for a long time.

Through the battle with the God King Blade Spirit, he realized the next realm of swordsmanship, which is the so-called swordless realm.

Although I have just realized it and haven't really reached it yet, at least I have stepped over it with one foot. It is no longer vague and cannot be seen or touched.

There is no sword in the hand, which means there is no flaw in the swordsmanship.

There is no sword in the heart, which means there is no flaw in the heart.

When the two are superimposed together, there is truly no flaw. On the contrary, the opponent has flaws and loopholes everywhere.

"Thank you very much."

Regardless of whether God King Blade Spirit is conscious or not, Ling Feng has to say thank you. If Blade Spirit's last sword hadn't inspired him, he wouldn't have been able to comprehend the so-called "swordless sword" so quickly.

The world in front of him suddenly became blurry. The dense bamboo forest disappeared and was replaced by a cave that looked a bit dark and gloomy.

With Ling Feng's arrival, the ever-bright lamp automatically turned on in the cave, and in front of him were stone platforms with strange shapes, filled with all kinds of magical weapons.

"Brother Ling, you have passed the test of the God King Blade, and now you can choose a blade that resonates with you."

In the void, Yun Fu's voice came, "Each blade represents a powerful Taoism. You only need to rely on your own heart, choose one of them, and pull it out."

In the God King's Court, the nine ten-blade warriors were more or less still immersed in the shock of Ling Feng's defeat of the God King's Blade Spirit.

Even Ye Weiyang had to admire this guy who was as weak as an ant in his eyes.

After hearing Yun Fu's instructions, Ling Feng nodded and did not immediately choose the magic weapon among them, but sat down cross-legged on the spot.

Each of the blades here is a unique magic weapon, and it also carries a powerful ancient tradition. If you choose one by one, it is easy to get lost among these powerful traditions.

After all, Ling Feng just glanced at it casually and already felt that any magic weapon here could resonate with him.

The body of chaos has all kinds of attributes, so in theory, he is enough to inherit any kind of Taoism here.

But he knew better than to bite off more than he could chew.

Among thousands of orthodox traditions, he can only choose one.

"This boy's ambition is indeed extraordinary."

The strong man named Zong Yan grinned, "When I first entered the God King's secret vault, it was so fascinating that I almost got lost in it. I felt that every magic weapon was It’s a masterpiece not to be missed. ”

"Being able to pass the test of the God King Blade is naturally extraordinary. You think it's similar to you."

Next to him, the graceful woman named Liu Xu glanced at Zong Yan, who just scratched the back of his head and smiled.

All the ten-blade experts stared at the light screen in front of them, and were very curious about what kind of "blade" Ling Feng could finally choose.

The strength of this blade will also be related to what kind of era he creates.

I don't know how long it took, but Ling Feng felt his consciousness was shaken in the sea of ​​​​spirit, and he suddenly opened his eyes.

Hearing the "Zheng" sound of the sword, a golden light suddenly flew from the corner of the cave.

Ling Feng subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab it, and a handful of magic weapons fell into Ling Feng's palm.

In an instant, a feeling of blood connection arose spontaneously.

He raised the magic weapon and placed it in front of his eyes. When he took a closer look, his eyelids suddenly jumped.

This sword...

No, strictly speaking, this is not a sword, but a hilt!

There is only a hilt, but no blade.


In the Divine King's Court, those ten-blade warriors were all dumbfounded. Ling Feng actually chose a broken sword?

Oh no, even if it is a broken sword, it must have at least half of the blade, and this is not a sword at all, it is just a handle.

However, the next moment, Ling Feng's expression suddenly changed.

The bare hilt of the sword was held in Ling Feng's palm, and then it became extremely hot, as if it had grown in his hand, and there was no way to throw it away.

Then, the hilt of the sword turned into a pale golden liquid and merged into Ling Feng's body. What surprised Ling Feng even more was that it actually annihilated and merged with his own ten directions.

This feeling...

Ling Feng suddenly recalled that when he was in Taihua Immortal Palace, by chance, he got a fragmented heavenly weapon from the ancestor of the Tiandao clan. In this way, it was fused with his own Destruction of the Ten Directions.

But at this moment, the same thing happened again. (PS: For details, see "Chapter 2294 Heavenly Punishment!")

Could it be that the hilt of the sword was actually a heavenly weapon.

The next moment, Ling Feng no longer had any extra thoughts to think about, because in his mind, an extremely huge amount of information suddenly came.


This sword is called Tianchu!

It’s Tianchu again!

The broken sword that Ling Feng got last time, the broken blade, was also named Tianchu.

Now, I actually collected another part of the broken sword, and it was also a hilt!

This sword comes from the ancestors of the Tiandao clan. It is really a magic weapon tailor-made for him!

A stream of heat began to sweep from the center of his eyebrows. The domineering and blazing power washed over his whole body, seeming to cause some unknown changes to his physique.


Ling Feng couldn't help but roar up to the sky. The power traveled through his limbs and bones, and then shrank to the center of his eyebrows. Finally, Destruction in Ten Directions appeared in Ling Feng's palm, and Destruction in Ten Directions appeared in Ling Feng's palm. It has been perfectly integrated with the Tianchu fragments.

Although there is no change in appearance, it is a bit heavier to start with.

"I see."

In the God King's Court, the ten-blade warriors finally came to their senses, thinking that this was the full picture of the God King's Blade that Ling Feng had obtained.

It is not surprising that some magic weapons will only show their full form after recognizing their master.

"Congratulations, you got a blade of your own! Okay, you can come out!"

Yun Fu smiled faintly and made a hand gesture. A humanoid light and shadow flew out from the light curtain and merged into Ling Feng's body. The next moment, Ling Feng woke up.

Opening his eyes, Ling Feng saw that besides Yun Fu, there were actually eight other figures in front of him.

He has seen Sheng before, and the others...

Feeling the aura of these people, Ling Feng probably realized that they were the so-called Gotei Ten Blades.

And the figure standing in the center of everyone must be Ye Weiyang.

Although Ling Feng had seen a clone of Ye Weiyang when he was at Tianwei Academy, after all, there was a huge difference in aura from the original body, and his temperament was also completely different.

But seeing Ye Weiyang now, the only feeling that Ling Feng felt was that she was powerful!

Unparalleled power!

Even among the ten blades, the gap is extremely huge, and Ye Weiyang, as the leader of the ten blades, is probably comparable to those of the older generation of ancestral realm experts.

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