Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2924 Jealous! (2 updates)

The next moment, Ling Feng put his two fingers together, a little bit between Ye Xinzhu's eyebrows.

At the same time, behind Ling Feng, colorful rays of light flashed, and a figure that looked exactly like Ling Feng was condensed behind Ling Feng.

Astonishingly, it is the colorful fighting spirit!

"Colorful fighting spirit!"

A hint of brilliance flashed in Jiang Mengli's beautiful eyes.

It’s actually a colorful fighting spirit!

Even among the powerful people in the ancestral realm, those who master the colorful fighting spirit are rare, but Ling Feng actually displayed the colorful fighting spirit.

Obviously judging from the aura, Ling Feng is just a saint, and he has not even reached the ultimate level.

"People have three souls and seven souls. The origin of Senior Sister Ye's soul was scattered by external forces and lost the support of divine patterns. She is like a rootless duckweed. Now I use the Taixuan Golden Needle to seal the origin of her soul, and then use the colorful Fighting spirit, help her soul return to its rightful place.”

Ling Feng took a deep breath. This was also his first time trying to help others regroup their souls, so it was hard to say what the final result would be.

However, this process undoubtedly requires a lot of his spiritual power.

Divine thoughts directly entered Ye Xinzhu's spiritual sea. Her sea of ​​consciousness had begun to collapse, and the entire spiritual world fell apart.

As long as the sea of ​​consciousness completely collapses, her soul will also be completely dispersed, and she will die.

Ling Feng sighed softly. He wanted to reshape this huge sea of ​​consciousness and awaken Ye Xinzhu's self-awareness. This was undoubtedly a huge project.

An hour...

Two hours...

Three hours...

In the blink of an eye, three whole days and three nights passed.

Finally, Ling Feng's spiritual thoughts returned to his true form, rolled his eyes, and passed out.

However, Ye Xinzhu's complexion gradually turned from bloodless pale to rosy, and her breath became more and more stable.

"Junior Brother Ling, what's wrong with you?"

Jiang Mengli did not dare to close her eyes for the past three days and three nights. Although she did not need to expend the power of consciousness like Ling Feng, her spirit was also in a highly tense state.

Seeing Ling Feng fainted, Jiang Mengli suddenly panicked. Although Ye Xinzhu's breathing seemed to be getting more and more stable, who knew whether it was cured or not.

At this moment, Ye Xinzhu opened his eyes after hearing a low groan.


Ye Xinzhu opened his eyes, as if he was in another world.

"Xinzhu, are you okay?"

Jiang Mengli stared at Ye Xinzhu with wide eyes. Although she still looked weak, her breath had stabilized. This also meant that Ling Feng had really done it. He should have brought Ye Xinzhu back from the edge of death.

Ye Xinzhu nodded blankly, "Yeah, I just felt like I was wandering in a fog, but a figure suddenly appeared and pulled me back."

"That figure is Junior Brother Ling."

Jiang Mengli smiled softly and pointed at Ling Feng, who was sleeping beside him.

Ye Xinzhu glanced at Ling Feng, this man was actually sleeping on his bed...

Moreover, he was completely naked...

Although, her body was still covered with the golden needles that Ling Feng had pricked before.

Ye Xinzhu bit her silver teeth and said weakly: "Mengli, please take off the golden needle for me."

Jiang Mengli nodded. As the captain of the medical camp, she was also an excellent doctor, so she could still handle such a small matter.

After taking off the golden needle, he put it back into Ling Feng's golden needle bag, put on Ye Xinzhu's clothes, and then looked at Ling Feng who was still sleeping.

Judging from his tired look, he didn't know how long he would sleep.

"What should I do? Should I wake him up?" Jiang Mengli blinked her eyes. After all, it was not a problem for a grown man to sleep on a woman's bed.

Ye Xinzhu shook his head, "Thanks to him for saving my life, let him have a good rest."

She gritted her teeth and got out of bed with Jiang Mengli's help. The two women straightened Ling Feng's body so that he could sleep a little more comfortably. Ye Xinzhu even covered Ling Feng with her own quilt.

"Xinzhu, you used to hate those stinky men the most. Why, it's not like he saved your life. You are grateful and want to commit yourself to him."

Jiang Mengli joked with a smile.

Ye Xinzhu shook his head and sighed softly: "Stop talking nonsense, I am much older than him. Besides, now that my divine pattern has been abolished, I am just a useless person..."

As he said that, Ye Xinzhu's expression darkened again.

Without the original divine pattern, for a disciple of the God Clan, he is indeed no different from a useless person.

Her cultivation level has fallen down to the Saint level, and she is only at the peak of the Emperor level. I am afraid that even continuing to stay in Sao Feng Camp is a bit reluctant.

"How can you be a useless person? The reason why you were injured was to save your comrades! Besides, you still have medical skills and you can make elixirs. In short, you are not allowed to say that you are a useless person anymore."

Jiang Mengli grabbed Ye Xinzhu's palm and said, "Don't worry, I will explain it to Sister Hua and ask you to stay."

"Okay, everyone is worried about you. You are already well, so let everyone come in so that no one else will worry."

Ye Xinzhu nodded, "It's really thanks to everyone's care during these days."

However, she thought of Ling Feng on the bed again, her pretty face turned red, and she couldn't help but said: "Forget it, it's better not to let them in. No... it's not good."

"Giggle..." Jiang Mengli pursed her lips and smiled, "Okay then, I'll send everyone away. I'll see you again in a few days, and it'll be the same."

Outside the cabin.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Ling Feng placed a layer of barrier outside the door, and Jiang Mengli sent messages to the outside every day, so even though it took a long time, because Jiang Mengli always responded, everyone could only Waiting outside.

Hong Yu looked anxious, wondering if there would be good news in the end.

Only Yu Junyao, who heard that Ling Feng treated the former vice-captain's injuries as soon as he arrived on Baihua Island, and stayed in his room for three days, couldn't help but come to see if he was still muttering. A few words.

This brat, why don’t you just treat a disease? Why does it take so long?

Yu Junyao felt a little unhappy, and she was almost jealous.

Finally, the door that had been closed opened and Jiang Mengli came out.

There was a smile on Jiang Mengli's face, she clapped her hands, and said with a smile: "Xinzhu's injury has healed, and he is resting now. Let's go back to work first. Although the president is not here, but our medical camp You have to continue with your job.”

The girls nodded, and when they heard that Ye Xinzhu was well, they all left relieved. Only Hong Yu was still reluctant and rushed forward. Jiang Mengli couldn't stop her, so she broke in through the door.

Yu Junyao also frowned and said, "Where's that brat? He's already been cured, why doesn't he come out yet?"


Jiang Mengli shook her head and smiled bitterly. Without stopping her, Yu Junyao also rushed into the house.

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