Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2926 Test the poison with yourself! (1 update)

"Poison mist..."

Ling Feng pondered for a moment, then stepped forward and said, "Mr. President, I wonder if you have collected some samples of the poisonous mist. Can you let me have a look?"


Hua Xiaoshuang's eyes fell on Ling Feng and took a closer look at him. This young man was the deputy captain assigned to the medical camp by Chief Sao Feng. He even cured the problem that had troubled Sao Feng Camp for thousands of years. Toxozoism.

Perhaps, he might be able to do something about it.

Thinking of this, Hua Xiaoshuang nodded and took out a transparent glass bottle from the Naling Ring. The poison condensed into a ball of black gas inside the bottle, like a trapped hungry wolf, constantly rolling around inside the bottle. Demonstrated its strong aggression.

Ling Feng stepped forward, reached out and took the glass bottle filled with poisonous mist, and said slowly: "I'm afraid it will take some time to study this poisonous mist. I want to take him back to study, but I don't know if it is convenient."


Hua Xiaoshuang nodded, and then reminded: "This poisonous mist is extremely dangerous. Even if you inhale just a little bit, it will cause great harm to the body, so you must be careful when researching."

"Disciple knows."

Ling Feng bowed his hand to Hua Xiaoshuang. Although the poisonous mist was powerful, Ling Feng had already been immune to all poisons. If it didn't work, he also had Xiaodie beside him, who could absorb any toxin, so there was no need to worry about this kind of toxin. What big threat it would pose.

After bringing the glass bottle containing the poisonous mist back to his residence, Ling Feng began to study it.

The best way to understand a poison is to test the poison yourself.

Ling Feng closed the door, opened the glass bottle without saying a word, and took a deep breath.

The poison followed the nasal cavity and penetrated into Ling Feng's body in an instant.

Even though Ling Feng had a special constitution and was immune to all poisons, he still felt a burning pain in his throat for a moment, and then he started coughing violently.

The poisonous mist mixed with his own energy and blood, and invaded his internal organs almost instantly.

Even if you use the power of a saint to suppress it, you can only suppress the poison temporarily. It may take up to ten days and a half to kill you.

"What a terrible poison!"

Ling Feng frowned. Unless he had a body as invulnerable to poison as his own, even any other saint-level genius might not be able to withstand this kind of poison.

Ling Feng gave up the resistance of his Yuan Power and allowed this poison to rage in his body. He needed to use this method to understand this poisonous mist in the most direct and profound way.

An hour later, Ling Feng's complexion turned completely black, and bursts of black smoke continued to appear around him. After the poisonous mist infected his body, it actually began to spread.

In other words, after this poisonous mist eats away at the Yuan Power in a warrior's body, it will spread. If one person is infected with this poisonous gas, then other companions may not be spared either.

No wonder Hua Xiaoshuang looked so ugly when she came back. Obviously, the elites in the first battalion should have been in a very serious condition. Except for the former members of the ancestral realm, the rest of the saint-level members may have been infected by this disease. It's a poisonous mist.

Ling Feng frowned slightly. If this poisonous mist cannot be resolved, the Fallen Gods will definitely use this poisonous mist liberally in the next step, and even spread it to the entire Sao Feng Island Group.

By that time, the problem may become even more serious.

From the current point of view, the best way is of course to let Xiaodie directly absorb the poisonous mist. However, there is only one Xiaodie, and he cannot detoxify too many people in a short period of time.

Taixuan acupuncture can also control the erosion of poisonous mist to a certain extent, but again, manpower is limited.

Even if he selflessly teaches Taixuan acupuncture to other members of the medical camp, it is impossible to ensure that they reach his own level in a short period of time.

Therefore, the best way at present is to refine the detoxifying elixir.

If you want to develop a detoxifying pill, you must better understand the characteristics of this poisonous mist.

Two hours...

Three hours...

Ling Feng tested the poison with his own body. It had been three hours since his body started to show signs of ulceration to a certain extent, and Ling Feng finally understood all the characteristics of this poisonous mist.


Ling Feng let out a long breath and quickly called out Xiaodie, asking her to suck away the toxins for him first. After allowing these toxins to wreak havoc and corroding, his own detoxification ability could obviously no longer keep up. Even if Xiaodie absorbed the toxins, After they were all sucked away, Ling Feng's face was pale and his expression was sluggish, as if his body had been hollowed out.

The toxin was removed, Ling Feng circulated the immortal golden body, and the festering body recovered as before, but his complexion was still not very good-looking.

"Okay Xiaodie, you go back first."

Ling Feng gently patted Xiaodie's little head. Among his spiritual pets, Zifeng was lazy, the bitch was slippery, Xiaoqiongqi, apart from being cute, his current strength was average, and the underworld dragon was basically Responsible for guarding the mysterious little goldfish and occasionally feeding it.

After all, the most reliable one has to be Xiaodie!

After personally experiencing the horror of this poisonous mist, Ling Feng became more aware of the importance of this antidote.

No time should be wasted, the antidote must be prepared as soon as possible, otherwise, the brothers in the first battalion may really be wiped out.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng hurriedly went to the meeting hall where the chief was located.

When Ling Feng arrived, Hua Xiaoshuang and Jiang Mengli were studying the poisonous mist. However, they did not dare to directly absorb the poisonous mist like Ling Feng. After all, there was currently no effective antidote to directly absorb the poisonous mist. , maybe you have to pay the price with your life.

"My lord, I already have some ideas."

Ling Feng strode into the meeting hall, startling Hua Xiaoshuang and others.

Hearing Ling Feng's words, Hua Xiaoshuang's eyes flashed with surprise. It had only been a few hours, but Ling Feng had a clue?

Hong Yu, who was on the side, snorted softly: "Smelly... Huh, Ling Feng, don't just talk nonsense and pretend to be here!"

Ling Feng ignored Hong Yu and simply said: "Although this kind of poisonous mist is terrifying, all things are mutually reinforcing each other. As long as we find something to restrain it, it will naturally be self-defeating."

"Nonsense, do you need to say more?"

Hong Yu spoke again, but was interrupted by Hua Xiaoshuang, "Okay Hong Yu, shut up!"

Hua Xiaoshuang stared at Ling Feng and asked in a deep voice: "Ling Feng, please continue."

Hong Yu stepped aside angrily, but his teeth were itching with hatred, and he cursed in his heart: Damn boy, just wait for me!

Some people are often so twisted in their hearts that they have no ability and are jealous of others who are better than themselves.

And often there are not a few such people.

Ling Feng's eyes were calm, as calm as an old well, and he said word by word: "Through my research on this poisonous mist, I have thought that there is something that may be able to restrain this poison!"

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