Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2928 The Sea of ​​Curved Realm! (3 updates)

Under the arrangement of Director General Sao Feng, the mission to collect scorpion tail flowers in the Sea of ​​Crooked Realm was carried out jointly by the Medical Battalion and the Third Battalion.

Among them, Sheng, a ten-blade level expert, was dispatched, which was considered a very advanced configuration.

At the medical camp, Hua Xiaoshuang personally led the team, bringing with her Ling Feng, Hong Yu, Jiang Mengli and four other elites from the medical camp. Except for Ling Feng, they were all beautiful women, which was a very eye-catching lineup.

As for the Third Battalion, since he had been personally appointed by Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng, Pang Shiliang had to go into battle himself even if he wanted to be lazy.

In addition to him, there are also the captain of the third team, Lu Chong, deputy captain Zhang Yang, and Ji Ruye, all of whom are masters among masters.

In addition, in order to give the newcomers a chance to practice, several elite recruits were recruited, such as Jin Rulie, Hua Yangminghe and Fu Chaochen, who were naturally among them.

What surprised Ling Feng the most was that Yan Jinghong actually got a quota.

Although this guy is quite good, there is still some gap compared to Fu Chaochen and the others.

This can be seen from the previous confrontation training of new recruits. Yan Jinghong was eliminated by Fu Chaochen personally.

"Brother Ling!"

Fu Chaochen and Hua Yangming saw Ling Feng and immediately stepped forward to say hello to him. Yan Jinghong, on the other hand, looked cold and unconventional. He had completely forgotten his identity, but now he is still Where are Ling Feng’s followers?

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, not bothering to argue with this guy.

Fu Chaochen said with a smile: "I didn't expect that we would have the opportunity to cooperate on a mission so soon."

"Yes, I heard that the medical camp is a great place with many beauties!"

Jin Rulie smiled evilly, raised his eyebrows with a "you know" expression, and looked at the female disciples in the medical camp behind Ling Feng from time to time.

I have to say that each of these women is indeed more beautiful than the last, Jin Rulie's eyes were a little straightened when he saw them.

"What are you looking at!"

Hong Yu didn't seem to have a good impression of all the men. He noticed Jin Rulie's slightly lewd look, put his hands on his hips, and glared at him fiercely.

"Isn't the medical camp full of little peppers like this?"

Jin Rulie was disappointed and felt a lack of interest.

As the main genius of the Jiuli Divine Clan, there will naturally be no shortage of women around him. Although he likes beauty, he is not so thirsty.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, without saying much. It was not his intention to go to the medical camp anyway. As for this Hong Yu, he felt even more disgusted.

"Okay, everyone, let's gather together."

Pang Shiliang, the commander of the third battalion, offered a boat-shaped magic weapon. The model rose in the wind and soon turned into a large ship of more than 20 meters and landed on the sea.

This is an immortal magic weapon. If you want to cross the countercurrent outside the Sea of ​​Crooked Realm, only an immortal magic weapon can withstand it.

The reason why those fallen protoss chose to hide in the Sea of ​​Crooked Realm was because of the natural barrier of the countercurrent tide, so they could intercept most of their forces that wanted to be cleared first.

Except for the Sao Feng Camp, few people can own such an immortal ship to cross the countercurrent.

After a while, everyone boarded the ship one after another. The women from the medical camp were on one side, and the disciples from the third camp were on the other side. There was almost no communication between them.

There was no words to say all the way. Crossing the countercurrent tide from the Sea of ​​Howling Wind, even at the speed of this fairy ship, would take a whole day at the fastest.

Except for the two captains who were driving the ship, everyone was closing their eyes and striving to board the Sea of ​​Curved Realm in the best possible condition.

As for the newcomers who have no experience yet, they are more or less nervous.

After all, the Sea of ​​Crooked Realm is the home of the fallen gods!

The fallen gods have a notorious reputation in the entire Zhongyuan Domain.

The scary thing about the fallen gods is that they can plunder other people's divine symbols. As a disciple of the gods, once the divine symbols are plundered, basically their whole life's future will be ruined.

Time passed bit by bit, and finally, the big ship came outside the countercurrent.

Above the Immortal Ship, a golden translucent light shield appeared, covering the entire ship.

Then, with a "chi" sound, the entire ship rushed directly into the vast sea.

Everyone felt like the world was spinning and they had difficulty breathing. In the countercurrent, the entire rules of time and space were reversed.

It's a bit similar to Ling Feng's Qiankun Reverse Chaos, but there is a huge pressure coming from it, making the barriers around the ship make a "creak" sound, as if it will break at any time.

"Everyone, please calm down and stop thinking wildly!"

The voice of the commander of the third battalion, Pang Shiliang, exploded in everyone's minds like an enlightenment.

That terrible pressure causes some strange pictures to appear in people's minds involuntarily, either ecstatic or sad, making people indulge in them and easily lose themselves.

After hearing Pang Shiliang's words, everyone reacted. They were all geniuses among geniuses, so they naturally reacted quickly enough.

However, as the captain, Lu Chong actually hugged his head and started crying, which scared Henry Zhang and slapped him on the face quickly, and then woke him up.

Lu Chong opened his eyes, took a deep breath, glanced at Henry Zhang gratefully, and nodded to him.

"You guy, I told you not to come!"

Henry Zhang muttered in a low voice, “After so many years, you still can’t forget the past.”

"What must be faced must always be faced."

Lu Chong clenched his fists, "What's more, it may not be possible...hehe..."


Henry Zhang sighed, and Ji Ruye also shook his head. Obviously, he also knew something about Lu Chong's past.

Darkness covers the entire world.

The deeper you go into the countercurrent, there is not even a trace of light in the entire space.

I don’t know how long it took, but the darkness seemed to blur a person’s concept of time. Finally, the ship broke out of the water.

A world completely different from the outside world appeared before my eyes.

The Sea of ​​Howling Wind is a blue ocean, full of vitality and aura. But here, all that comes into view is darkness, dilapidation, and decay.

The sea water was filled with darkness, and the sky was covered with dark clouds, sometimes accompanied by terrifying red thunder.

From the first sight, all the islands that can be seen are black land, rotten swamps, and dark woods, exuding a strange atmosphere.

"This is the Sea of ​​Qujing."

Pang Shiliang looked solemn and said solemnly: "Our mission is very simple. We collect scorpion tail flowers, and then quickly go to the place where the first battalion is stationed to detoxify them. Then, as long as we can escape unharmed, the mission is completed!"

"Although this is the Sea of ​​Crooked Realm, it is only the periphery of the Sea of ​​Crooked Realm. We may not encounter the fallen gods, so relax. Furthermore, even if we encounter any danger, Sheng among the Ten Blades She is here too, so everyone is safe!"

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