Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2932 Tianxie Auction House! (1 update)

After telling the Taoist Bu Xing to go and connect him with the auction house in Feng Xie City, Ling Feng sat down in a nearby teahouse.

Hesitation witnessed the scene where Ling Feng forcefully suppressed the big man, so no one around him dared to provoke Ling Feng, which saved Ling Feng a lot of trouble.

Outside the teahouse, people were coming and going, and everywhere you looked, it was a scene of the jungle preying on the strong.

Ling Feng didn't have time to pay attention to these things. He just sat there, closed his eyes and rested, waiting for the unhappy Taoist to come back.

After waiting for more than an hour, Taoist Bu Xing finally returned.

Before anyone arrived, the signature cry of "Oh my god, my precious friend" was already coming to me like a demonic sound filling my ears.

"Friend Bao, this time I have given up all my words and finally helped you get things done!"

Taoist Bu Xing walked up to the table in front of Ling Feng and sat down. He opened his mouth, revealing a pair of big golden teeth. He swallowed a few mouthfuls of wine and wiped away the stains from the corners of his mouth. With wine stains, he looked at Ling Feng with a smile and rubbed two fingers towards Ling Feng.

"You haven't finished the work yet, and you want to get paid?"

Ling Feng didn't want to be fooled. Not to mention the Taoist's dirty look. When he first appeared, he deceived the big man's treasure and was chased and beaten.

Speaking of which, the big man from Roshan was the victim, but the people who were hanging out in Fengxie City were not good people, so it didn't matter.

"Don't you just don't trust me?"

Taoist Bu Xing had an unhappy look on his face, "When I take action, I will naturally be the one to support the other, okay, okay, just follow me."

Taoist Bu Xing stopped bargaining with Ling Feng. This time, he simply took Ling Feng to find the manager of Tianxie Auction House in Fengxie City.

The entire Fengxie City is based on a black tone, with black earth, black roofs, and even the pedestrians walking on the road are mostly wearing black robes.

Ling Feng wore a soul-calling flag in one hand and a soul-calling bell in the other. He was quite eye-catching among the crowd.

In comparison, in such a big Fengxie City, so far, the only ones dressed up by Taoists are him and Taoist Bu Xing.

It's no wonder that Taoist Bu Xing pestered him directly and kept saying that they were the same family eight hundred years ago. It was completely shameless.

Not long after, Ling Feng, led by Taoist Na Bu Xing, arrived at a fairly large auction house.

Following a winding passage, we came to a quiet room.

There was a middle-aged man with a big body and a round waist inside, and he was holding a woman in a bunny girl costume in his arms. As for what they were playing before, you can probably understand without guessing.


Seeing Taoist Bu Xing coming in with a strange Taoist, the middle-aged man patted the woman in his arms on her buttocks and said with a wicked smile: "Okay, you can go out first."

The woman responded with a soft voice, then gently touched the middle-aged man's chest, then twisted her waist and walked out of the room.

"Don't like the old thief, he is the big business you said?"

The middle-aged man looked around Ling Feng, but he was just a poor Taoist priest, probably not from the same family as Bu Xing Taoist.

He has been dealing with Bu Xing Taoist for more than ten years, and he knows very well what kind of person Bu Xing Taoist is.

Such a guy only thinks about taking advantage of others, how can he bring the advantage to his door?

However, although Taoist Bu Xing looks crazy on weekdays, he is actually a master who pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger. His strength is terrifying.

Therefore, even if he looked down upon Taoist Bu Xing very much, he still had to give Tao Bu Xing some face.

"Hey, it's a really big deal this time!"

Taoist Bu Xing grinned and turned back to look at Ling Feng: "Friend Bao, take out your elixir and give it to that fat friend!"

When the middle-aged man heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and he gritted his teeth and said: "My surname is Zhou, call me Manager Zhou!"

"Oh my god, I'm still a fat friend, so friendly!"

The Taoist Bu Xing still went his own way, and Manager Zhou was also very helpless.

Ling Feng smiled faintly, took out a Star Holy Spirit Pill from the porcelain bottle, put two fingers together, and ejected the pill.


Although Manager Zhou looked chubby, he also had quick eyes and quick hands. He stretched out his hand to grab the elixir and took a closer look. He suddenly showed a look of horror.

"This...this is an immortal elixir!"

Manager Zhou has good eyesight.


Ling Feng nodded, "This elixir is called the Star Holy Spirit Pill. It can enhance the power of a saint. Manager Zhou, what do you think?"

"nice one!"

Manager Zhou's eyes suddenly changed a lot when he looked at Ling Feng, and became a little hot.

If Taoist Bu Xing hadn't been present, he would have had the urge to rob Ling Feng directly.

In this Fengxie City, there are no absolute rules.

The biggest rule is that the weak eat the strong, so it is very common for the gangster to eat the gangster.

"How many more pills like this do you have?"

Manager Zhou stared at Ling Feng and said in a deep voice: "If you can provide more than a hundred pieces, we should be able to sell them for an astronomical number!"

Ling Feng sneered. In order to refine this batch of elixirs, he spent more than astronomical amounts of money?

He had almost exhausted several sect treasure houses, and spent all the resources that the master of Wanling Hall had worked hard to collect for hundreds of years.

Despite this, he was still almost penniless, and only then did he master a large amount of Star Holy Spirit Pills, allowing him to be promoted to the realm of the Holy Lord in a short period of time.

If it wasn't for the sake of completing the mission and switching to Scorpion Tail Flower, he wouldn't be willing to take out the Star Holy Spirit Pill.

"I have a hundred of them here, but I don't need things like Yuan Crystal and Soul Crystal, I need to barter!"

Ling Feng looked at Manager Zhou and said slowly: "Manager Zhou, what do you think?"


The manager that week burst out laughing, "Our Tianxie Auction House is open for business. If our customers have needs, we will naturally find ways to satisfy them."

"That's very good." Ling Feng nodded, stroking his long beard pretending to be profound.

"Then, what do you need in exchange for these elixirs? If it is something too rare and rare, I'm afraid I can't make the decision. I have to ask the master of the pavilion for instructions."

"If you don't cherish it, you have to see what is suitable."

Ling Feng smiled faintly and did not mention Scorpion Tail Flower directly. After all, Scorpion Tail Flower was too purposeful and easily exposed.

Therefore, he still needs to figure it out slowly and not act too hastily.

"makes sense."

Manager Zhou nodded, paused, and looked at Ling Feng again, "I don't know what you call me."

"My Taoist name is Black-hearted Taoist." Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and said in a loud voice.

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