Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2934 The Horn of the Candle Dragon! (3 updates)

"Oh my god!"

Before Ling Feng could speak, Taoist Bu Xing had already started to marvel. His eyes were flashing with green light, as if he was open to money.

Manager Zhou quickly stepped forward and stopped in front of Taoist Bu Xing, "Old thief Bu Xing, you don't have to go in."

Taoist Bu Xing frowned and glared at Manager Zhou. Although Manager Zhou felt a little weak in his heart, he still gritted his teeth and said: "Bu Xing... ahem, Taoist Bu Xing, the rules are like this, even you can't break them. ”

"Hey, who is so rare?"

The Taoist Bu Xing snorted coldly, picked up the jug and took a sip. He stood outside angrily, but from time to time he looked at the treasures in the inner treasure house with his peripheral vision.

I have to say that the contents of this treasure house are indeed of a much higher quality.

There are only ten treasures in total, and they are all treasures among treasures.


Suddenly, Ling Feng's eyes fell on a treasure that looked like antlers. It was about five feet long. It was dark golden in color and contained an extremely large amount of energy and blood.

"This is……"

Ling Feng's eyes were fixed on the "antler"-shaped treasure. This thing would be a good substitute for his own elixir recipe.

"This is the Horn of the Candle Dragon, a remnant of the ancient beast. It is the treasure of our Tianxie Auction House."

Manager Zhou took a deep breath and said, "Brother Black Heart, your eyes are too poisonous. You fell in love with this treasure at a glance."

"If you trade this Candle Dragon's Horn, I can hand over the elixir recipe."

Ling Feng said calmly with no expression on his face.


Manager Zhou's expression changed. All the other treasures were easy to say, but this Candle Dragon's Horn was too precious.

"In a word, if you change it, change it. If you don't change it, don't change it."

Ling Feng shrugged. This Candle Dragon's Horn is indeed a good treasure. The power of Qi and blood contained in it can undoubtedly greatly improve his "Dragon Elephant Overlord Body Technique", and can even be promoted to the power of ten thousand dragons. level.

The power of ten thousand dragons, once he breaks through the realm of Tao, he can rely on his own brute force to defeat the strong ones in the ancestral realm.


Manager Zhou was hesitant, but at this moment, a very young man in white clothes slowly walked in from outside the treasure house.

"Lord Pavilion Master."

The steward that week quickly stepped forward to salute. Ling Feng was slightly startled. He didn't expect that such a young guy was actually the master of the pavilion.

However, among the evil cultivators, there are many evil ways, and the master of the pavilion may have used some evil method to maintain youthfulness.

In fact, his age is probably over a thousand years old.

The Pavilion Master looked at Ling Feng with a smile, "I am the King of Heavenly Evil, nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you!"

Ling Feng looked at the pavilion master, his expression unchanged, still looking deep and calm.

"I just heard that your Excellency wanted to exchange this candle dragon's horn for the recipe for the Star Holy Spirit Pill, right?"

The Evil King said calmly.

"Yes, I only need this thing. Whether to exchange it or not depends entirely on the wishes of the Pavilion Master."

"Change, of course I have to change!"

The Heavenly Evil King laughed and said: "Although this Candle Dragon's Horn is a treasure left behind by the ancient divine beast, it is a pity that no one has been able to withstand the power of the divine beast so far. Let alone refining this thing, few people even take it. Can pick it up."

"The power of the divine beast is too terrifying. If you can really tame this thing, it will be your fate with this thing."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and nodded, "Then, can you allow me to give it a try?"


The King of Heavenly Evil made a gesture of invitation. In the past thousand years, the number of people who could hold this object was no more than five fingers. Even if they could pick it up, let alone refine a trace of its divine power. The power of this candle dragon, let alone People are helpless.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, strode forward, put aside the soul-calling flag in his hand, and reached out to grab the candle dragon's horn.

In an instant, in his mind, a terrifying behemoth gathered together and formed into an ancient candle dragon. It roared for nine days, making Ling Feng tremble all over.

"Deng Deng stare!"

Ling Feng took three steps back and his eyelids twitched. This candle dragon horn was indeed unruly and unruly.

"Haha, it seems that you have no connection with this thing."

The Evil King smiled faintly, as if everything was as he expected.

Ling Feng was not discouraged. He stepped forward again and reached out to grab the object.

However, this time, when the Zhulong Dharma was condensing, a more terrifying true dragon suddenly took shape in Ling Feng's spiritual sea.

Taixu Zhoulong!

Back then, Ling Feng met Taixu Zhoulong in the reverse flow of time and space. By chance, he got a trace of time and space mark of Taixu Zhoulong.

In his body, there was the power belonging to Taixu Zhoulong. When provoked by Zhulong, it naturally burst out uncontrollably.

For a moment, a terrifying power of the ancestral dragon burst out from Ling Feng, and even the Evil King showed a look of horror.

The next moment, Ling Feng had already raised the candle dragon horn high.

He turned around and looked at Tianxie King, and said calmly: "Pavilion Master, it seems that I still have some fate with this Candle Dragon's Horn."

The corners of Tianxie King's mouth twitched slightly, he swallowed, gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, the candle dragon's horn is yours, and the pill recipe is mine!"

Ling Feng smiled casually and wrote down the recipe without any hesitation. This thing had long since lost much value to him.

After the transaction between the two parties was completed, Ling Feng left the Tianxie Auction House without making any further stops.

Who would have expected that Taoist Bu Xing would follow him reluctantly.

"Oh, dear friend, why are you leaving so fast?"

The Taoist Bu Xing chased after Ling Feng, "You haven't given me my benefits yet!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, took out a small bottle of Star Holy Spirit Pills, a total of thirty pills, and handed them into Taoist Bu Xing's hands, "That's enough!"

"Enough is enough!"

Taoist Bu Xing was beaming with joy, but he still followed Ling Feng, "Where are you going, my friend Bao? Wouldn't it be wonderful for us to combine our swords and make a fortune together!"


Ling Feng's head went dark. He was leaving Fengxie City and returning to the temporary camp of the medical camp. How could he keep carrying this Taoist Bu Xing with him.

And this guy...

Ling Feng had a headache. Ling Feng couldn't tell the depth of his strength.

But even those at the Tianxie Auction House are quite wary of Taoist Bu Xing. His strength is probably extraordinary.

If he had been following him, he would never have been able to escape.

Ling Feng sighed softly and said slowly: "I have to go out of the city to do something, so we must not be on the way."

"Hey, it just so happens that I have to go out of the city for something, let's go for a walk!"

Taoist Bu Xing laughed and said, "My dear friend, we are really destined to be together!"

Ling Feng's head was bigger than the other two, so he had no choice but to leave the city with Taoist Bu Xing. He could only wait for an opportunity to get rid of him on the road, or kill him!

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