Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2952 A blessing in disguise! (3 updates)

Yes, Ling Feng is back!

After more than ten days of hard training, Ling Feng finally returned!

The process of coming back was not a tortuous one, because Ling Feng had actually left a space mark near Whirlpool Island a long time ago and kept it on the starry instrument of the East Emperor Bell.

Therefore, after practicing in seclusion, Ling Feng successfully returned to Whirlpool Island only with the help of the power of Donghuang Bell.

As for Whirlpool Island, it was not far from the Sea of ​​Sao Feng. Ling Feng directly purchased a large ship and returned with Sheng to the Sea of ​​Sao Feng.

Along the way, I had pretty good luck, everything went smoothly, and I didn't encounter any trouble.

"Hahaha, you boy, you are so lucky!"

The person who spoke was a guy with a shaved forehead. He punched Ling Feng in the chest, and then slapped Ling Feng on the shoulder several times with his strong hands.

This guy, no need to ask, is naturally Henry Zhang.

However, on weekdays, Ling Feng's shoulder would always feel a burning pain when Henry Zhang slapped him a few times. Seeing Ling Feng's grinning look, Henry Zhang was secretly happy in his heart.

But this time, he slapped her palms so many times that their palms turned red and numb, but Ling Feng didn't feel anything at all.

Henry Zhang hid his palm behind his back and couldn't help but shake it a few times. If you look closely, you will find that his palm is like a soldering iron, almost red and smoking.

"This brat might have another adventure!"

Henry Zhang couldn't help laughing and muttered in his heart, if nothing else, his body was already outrageously strong.

How can you say that you are also a strong man in the ancestral realm! I can't even take a picture of this new recruit's balls!


Ling Feng naturally knew about Henry Zhang's little thoughts, and did not expose it. He just grinned, raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder a few times, "Vice Captain Xiao, I didn't expect you to miss me so much. I really care about you." I’m so flattered!”

Henry Zhang was so slapped by Ling Feng that he almost had stars in his eyes. He quickly grabbed Ling Feng's palm, laughed dryly and said, "You brat, if you slap me again, you will kill me!"


A burst of laughter suddenly came from behind, but it was Lu Chong who came with some companions from the third battalion and the second team.

Hua Yangming, Fu Chaochen and Jin Rulie were all present. These protoss geniuses had completely put aside their noble status and sincerely admired Ling Feng.

"Captain Lu, Brother Hua, Brother Fu, Brother Jin!"

Ling Feng greeted several people one by one and swept his eyes across the crowd. The female disciples from the medical camp also rushed over, and the girl Yu Junyao was among them.

As for Yan Jinghong, although that guy didn't come forward, he was still behind the crowd, looking at Ling Feng with a hint of smile in his eyes, as if to say: I knew you wouldn't die that easily!

"vice captain!"

At this time, the female disciples from the medical camp had also arrived and saluted Ling Feng one after another. Jiang Mengli also nodded towards Ling Feng, feeling sincerely happy that he could return safely.

Even the woman Hong Yu walked up to Ling Feng, lowered her usually arrogant head, gritted her teeth and said: "Vice Captain, it was my fault before. From now on, I, Hong Yu, will definitely obey your orders, Vice Captain." , I will never fight against you again!”

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "It's just a trivial matter, why bother mentioning it."

Although Ling Feng was indeed a little dissatisfied with Hong Yu before, but now, Ling Feng's state of mind has reached another level, and he has no interest in fussing with such a woman.

"You brat! You even knew you were coming back, why didn't you die outside! Uuuuuuu..."

A purple figure suddenly rushed into Ling Feng's arms. Ling Feng froze slightly and felt a wetness in his chest. It was actually wet from Yu Junyao's tears.

It turned out that after Yu Junyao learned that Ling Feng was involved in the "prehistoric beast", she thought that Ling Feng was bound to die, and she was almost in a state of crying every day.

After all, although Ling Feng is a monster, he is still a strange beast from ancient times.

Even the strong men in the ancestral realm dare not provoke such ancient beasts!

But Ling Feng came back after all. Yu Junyao was so surprised that she could hardly control herself and pounced on Ling Feng, completely unable to suppress the emotional explosion in her heart.

Only then did she realize that she cared about Ling Feng so much.


Ling Feng was at a loss for a while, and patted Yu Junyao's back gently, "Um, haven't I already...ahem, come back. Okay, stop crying!"

Only then did Yu Junyao realize that this seemed to be happening in public. She quickly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and glared at Ling Feng, "I...I don't care about you. You can just die!"

After saying that, Yu Junyao turned red-faced and fled the scene, leaving Ling Feng alone and messy in the wind.

"Hey hey hey..."

Hua Yangming and others all looked at Ling Feng with half-smiles, which made Ling Feng's heart tremble.

What are you doing? That woman is really inexplicable!

Shrugging, Ling Feng didn't bother to think too much, because he had already noticed that a strong aura was approaching.

The next moment, sure enough, Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng tore out of the void, flew down, and grabbed Sheng's shoulders with great excitement.

"Xiao Sheng'er, you are finally back!"

Chief Sao Feng's eyes were red with excitement, and he gently stroked Xiao Sheng'er's head with his palms, "It'll be good to come back, it'll be good to come back!"

"Smelly old man, whoever asked you to touch the top of my head was the fault of you, so I can't grow taller!"

Sheng glared at Chief Sao Feng angrily, but Chief Sao Feng just laughed and continued to caress Xiao Sheng'er's head.

Sure enough, Sheng's expression changed, and he took the initiative to nuzzle Chief Sao Feng's palm with his little head.

Her parents died young, and the image in her memory was very harsh, while Chief Sao Feng, although he was a high-ranking Chief, was very kind and kind to her.

Therefore, deep down in her heart, she actually still likes this amiable and good grandfather very much.

"Grandpa is so happy that Xiao Sheng'er can come back this time."

Chief Sao Feng held Xiao Sheng'er with his left hand and Ling Feng with his right hand, and said with a smile: "Come, follow me. I really want to know how you escaped from the mouth of the wild beast?"

Sheng's expression turned gentle. He wrapped his arms around his grandfather's arms and shrugged, "Sheng'er doesn't know the specific situation. Anyway, it's all thanks to Mr. Ling."

"Little friend Ling Feng, not only did you successfully complete the mission this time and rescued the members of the first battalion, but you also helped me bring Xiao Sheng'er back!"

Chief Sao Feng looked at Ling Feng sincerely, "From today on, you are my benefactor. In the entire Xuanling Continent, whoever is your enemy is also my enemy!"

The voice was sonorous and powerful, and Ling Feng took a deep look at Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng. He did not expect that Sheng and Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng were actually related to each other. By some mistake, he saved Sheng. Find yourself a big backer.

However, no matter what, with Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng as his backer, he should have more or less status even in front of the three high-ranking gods!

This time, it was a blessing in disguise!

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