Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2953 The catastrophe of billions of stars! (1 update)

Let us say that Chief Sao Feng took Ling Feng and his party back to his residence and inquired in detail about what happened.

Naturally, Ling Feng would not tell anything about his encounter with the "ancestor" of the Jiuli Divine Clan in that forbidden place.

After all, the ancestor seems to be a "prisoner", and his contact with him may cause some unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, Ling Feng simply described that they were dragged into an unknown island by "prehistoric beasts", and then they managed to tame a flying dragon before escaping from the island.

Ling Feng didn't lie, he just skipped some details completely.

As for Sheng, although she was a little surprised why Ling Feng didn't describe in detail that the island would block Yuan Power and spiritual consciousness, she didn't think much about it. Anyway, what Ling Feng described was basically the same.

Of course, there is another part, which is the details of Ling Feng’s training on a desert island...

This part of the memory left an indelible memory in Sheng's mind.

That guy is simply a freak!

After dealing with Chief Sao Feng, Ling Feng returned to his residence in the medical camp.

Chief Sao Feng didn't ask any more questions. After all, Ling Feng saved his granddaughter. Even if he concealed some of the details, it wasn't a big deal.

However, Chief Sao Feng still gave Ling Feng corresponding rewards, and even allowed him to arbitrarily select a treasure from the top treasure trove in Sao Feng Camp.

Naturally, Ling Feng would not refuse, but now he was in no hurry to choose any treasure.

After returning to his residence, Ling Feng discovered that the female disciples from the medical camp had prepared a banquet for Ling Feng. Captain Yin Yan of the first battalion, along with the team members who had saved a small life, all came. Thank you Ling Feng.

Pang Shiliang, the commander-in-chief of the third battalion, Lu Chong, the captain, Ji Ruye, Xiao Yang and others were also present. The banquet was very lively.

The banquet did not end until the evening, and everyone dispersed. After Ling Feng saw off these friends, he also returned to the Xiaozhulou where he lived.

The night was slightly cool, the sea breeze was blowing, and there was a rustling sound in the bamboo forest.

Under the moonlight, Ling Feng saw a beautiful back figure, with long hair flowing down like a waterfall, sitting quietly on the spot, shrouded in moonlight, with a kind of beauty like a fairy under the moon.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, walked forward and sat down side by side with her.

"Wow, you're dressed in such white, you look like a female ghost, you're going to scare people to death!"

Ling Feng looked at Yu Junyao with an exaggerated expression and laughed.

Yu Junyao gouged out Ling Feng, and Ling Feng shrank his neck and had to change the subject: "Well, haha, why didn't I see you at the reception of Feng Yan?"

Ling Feng's eyes were fixed on Yu Junyao. This woman ran away for no reason before. Was she angry with him?

Yu Junyao rolled her eyes at Ling Feng angrily, her eyes slightly red and swollen. She bit her silver teeth, hesitated, and then said softly: "Next time, don't put yourself in such a dangerous situation, okay?"


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, Yu Junyao's expression was very serious and serious.

In his impression, this crazy girl seemed to have never been so serious.

"I know, it's useless even if you promise me. You have a trouble-making physique, and you will always be in trouble wherever you go."

"Ahem..." Ling Feng's forehead darkened. What does it mean to have a troublemaker physique? He has always been very low-key.

He was about to retort, but was interrupted by Yu Junyao, "But please promise me, okay?"

"I try my best……"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. He took a deep look at Yu Junyao. He could feel that although Yu Junyao often teased him and even deliberately tricked him, she did care about him.

Yu Junyao fell into silence again. Ling Feng scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and could only stay with her quietly.

"These stars are pretty pretty, hehehe..."

The night is getting darker.

Yu Junyao fell asleep at some point, her head resting on Ling Feng's shoulder, and her breathing gradually became longer.

Ling Feng glanced at Yu Junyao, shook his head and smiled, helped her sit against a big tree, thought for a while, took off his coat and covered Yu Junyao's body.

This place is not far from where he lives, because there are not many people in the entire medical camp, and he is the only male on the island. On such a huge Baihua Island, the bamboo building where Ling Feng lives is actually far away from the other female disciples. It's relatively far away.

This actually gave Ling Feng greater space for practice.

Sitting cross-legged, Ling Feng raised his head and looked at the stars in the sky.

"Millions of star calamities!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and muttered to himself.

He recalled the scene when he was practicing on that desert island.

With the help of Kun Yuanzhu's power, Ling Feng's cultivation level can be said to have skyrocketed crazily.

The realm of the Holy Lord, which had stayed for some time, finally made a huge breakthrough.

In just a few days, Ling Feng broke through from the seventh level of the Nine Transformation Realm to the ninth level, and then to the extreme realm.

The ultimate section!

Extreme second stage!

Extreme three stages!

Ling Feng himself couldn't believe the speed of this breakthrough.

The Kun Yuan Pearl is indeed a rare treasure that condenses Xian Kun's centuries-old cultivation. The power contained in each one is terrifying.

Of course, in terms of grade, the Kun Yuan Pearl is actually much inferior to the Asura Demon Dragon's original magic pearl.

But Ling Feng's efficiency in absorbing the original magic beads was much lower, relatively speaking.

For such a long time, Ling Feng had absorbed even one percent of the power from one of the original magic beads.

The power in this Kun Yuan Pearl is very tame. Ling Feng absorbs it at will and automatically pours it into his limbs and bones, helping him to continuously break through his own limits.

After absorbing three Kun Yuan Pearls, Ling Feng had reached the peak of the third level of ultimate.

However, after he absorbed five Kun Yuan Pearls, he still could not attract the tribulation thunder that promoted him to the ancestral realm.

His background is so profound that for him, the rules of this world no longer allow a monster of his level to be promoted.

Therefore, even though his current strength has exceeded that of ordinary ancestral realm experts, he still cannot be promoted.

This may be the sorrow of the eternal monster.

However, as the saying goes, there is no perfect way.

The huge information transmitted from the Heavenly Punishment Blade that Ling Feng had fused before recorded a way to enter the ancestral realm with the physical body.

That is what is called, the calamity of billions of stars!

This is equivalent to helping yourself to overcome the disaster!

Since heaven and earth do not allow me to overcome the tribulation, then I will crush the void myself and prove the Tao with my own body!

When the remnants of the Heavenly Punishment Blade merged into the destruction of all directions, it was also accompanied by a huge burst of information.

This "Tribulation of Billions of Stars" is one of them.

After Ling Feng discovered that he could not trigger the Tribulation Thunder, he no longer blindly swallowed the Kun Yuan Pearl, but began to practice the Tribulation of Billions of Stars.

Not long ago, Ling Feng had already achieved some success.

Slowly close your eyes, activate the power of the stars, cut your hair, and feel the power of the stars floating around you.

In this sea of ​​roaring wind, the power of the stars seems to be unusually strong, which actually makes Ling Feng's practice more effective with half the effort.

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