Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2956 The Netherworld Palace Members! (1 update)

Three days later, Jiuli Divine Realm.

In the midst of high mountains and dense primeval forests, a caravan was traveling on a relatively open road.

The destination of their trip was a town on the border of Jiuli Divine Realm, called Lishan City.

There were about ten people in the team. There were three people riding earth dragons in front to clear the way, followed by two dragon chariots. Behind them were some warriors dressed as guards. Each of them had bright eyes and seemed to be a well-trained expert.

Riding the Earth Dragon at the front was a middle-aged man wearing a blue silk robe who looked rather elegant. Beside him, on one left and one on the right, were two strong men with swords.

Among the dragon carriages following behind, the curtain of one of the dragon carriages was opened from time to time, and a woman wearing a veil sat inside. Although her face was obscured, judging from her bright eyes, she should be A beauty.

The caravan quickly passed by and gradually walked away, but in this dense forest, there was actually another group of warriors hidden for a long time.

"They are the members of the Netherworld Palace."

In a dense canopy, a handsome man wearing a golden crown looked at the caravan that just walked past and said slowly.

"Are you from the Netherworld Palace?"

A man wearing a light blue gown and a very shabby scarf around his neck frowned and said slowly: "This Nether Palace has always been cunning and unpredictable. Thanks to Young Master Mu's help this time, Otherwise, I’m afraid we really won’t be able to find these monsters!”

This scarf man is obviously Lu Chong, the captain of the 3rd Battalion and 2nd Team.

After receiving the mission, they rushed to the Jiuli Divine Realm as quickly as possible, and then met up with Mu Qianyang, the young master of the Jiuli Divine Clan.

Among the Jiuli Divine Clan, the Mu family is undoubtedly the largest branch and is the lineage of the family leader.

Mu Qianyang is the grandson of the contemporary head of the Mu family. He can be said to have a transcendent status among the Jiuli Divine Clan.

However, when choosing the legion, Mu Qianyang directly chose the Divine Fire Legion without considering the Sao Feng Camp. Otherwise, he would probably be a captain-level expert in the Sao Feng Camp now.

"Any force that colludes with the fallen gods is the public enemy of all gods."

Mu Qianyang was expressionless and just replied in a very official manner: "It is also an honor for our Divine Fire Legion to cooperate with Sao Feng Camp this time."

Although the tone is polite, it gives people a feeling of indifference that is thousands of miles away. It seemed to him that there was no need for Sao Feng Camp to interfere in this operation.

Lu Chong frowned, but didn't say much after all.

On the other hand, Henry Zhang, the bald man, couldn't help but cursed in his heart: Isn't it just relying on the power of the family that he became a partial general at a young age? What's so arrogant! When I was galloping on the battlefield, killing everyone, you were still wearing crotchless pants.

He snorted softly and was about to have an attack, but was held down by Lu Chong.

Lu Chong shook his head at him, then looked back at Ling Feng, and said slowly: "Ling Feng, go and contact these people later, and try to be as smooth as you can. If your identity is revealed, don't fight, leave immediately! These people Among them, there are many masters.”

Ling Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry. In fact, if he just wanted to get some information from the mouths of the Netherworld Palace members, he didn't need to pretend to be a fallen god at all.

All you need to do is catch them and then use the Eye of the Emperor to read the other party's memory. The effect will not be hundreds of times better than this.

However, the Eye of the Emperor is his biggest secret after all and cannot be exposed easily.

Since Lu Chong and the others have arranged this, I can just cooperate.

The Nether Palace is a very large evil force, but in fact, their power is no worse than the fallen gods.

However, they do not have the ability of the Fallen Gods to plunder other people's divine patterns, so the level of harm is much smaller than that of the Fallen Gods.

The Nether Palace has always been dealt with by the Divine Fire Legion, but this time, because it involves the fallen gods, there is such a task.

For hundreds of years, Nether Palace has been hiding in the dark, keeping its tail between its legs, and its whereabouts are very secretive.

After experiencing several raids by the Divine Fire Legion, the leader of the Netherworld Palace has become more cunning and difficult to track.

This time, it was luck to be able to find these Nether Palace members.

"They are almost entering Lishan City."

When the sun was already three o'clock in the sky, Lu Chong said slowly: "Okay, let's go our separate ways!"

This time, Sao Feng Camp and Shenhuo Legion each sent a group of elites.

Ling Feng first came into contact with these Nether Palace members as a fallen god, while the others were responsible for setting up a dragnet around Lishan City.

This time, no one in the Nether Palace can be allowed to escape.

"Ling Feng, your task is important."

Lu Chong raised his hand and patted Ling Feng's shoulder, and said slowly: "Those evil cultivators are all ruthless people who won't accept hard words. Even if they are tortured, they will not reveal a word. So, if you want To get valuable information, you can only rely on you to deceive their trust. "

Ling Feng nodded. He was able to risk the world's disapproval and conduct transactions with the fallen gods. Naturally, these people were not afraid of death.

"Almost there!"

The middle-aged man at the head of the caravan looked at the looming city ahead with a faint smile on his lips.

Lishan City is actually a stronghold of Nether Palace.

How could the Jiuli Divine Clan imagine that the Nether Palace was so courageous that it dared to establish a stronghold in the Jiuli Divine Domain?

This is also called darkness under the lamp.

At this moment, a figure flew over at a very fast speed, and the next moment, it was already blocking the caravan directly in front.

The middle-aged man in blue shirt frowned, and when he looked carefully, he saw a man dressed as a Taoist. He had a soul-calling flag in his left hand, a soul-calling bell in his right hand, and was muttering something in his mouth.

This Taoist is naturally the fallen god that Ling Feng pretends to be.

The middle-aged man in blue shirt looked at the Taoist in front of him, saluted him, and said with a smile: "Friend, you don't look like a bandit blocking the road, do you?"

Ling Feng straightened his face and snorted coldly: "You idiots, don't you know you've exposed your secret?"

"Huh?" The middle-aged man in blue shirt's expression changed slightly, "Sir, what do you mean?"

"What's the meaning?"

Ling Feng's divine pattern on his forehead lit up slightly, then disappeared immediately, with an extremely cold and stern look on his face.


When the middle-aged man in blue shirt saw Ling Feng's divine pattern, his expression suddenly changed, "You... you are!"


Ling Feng raised his hand to stop him from continuing, but said coldly: "Do you know how much damage we have caused because of your carelessness? The Divine Fire Legion has already noticed you! This matter, even It even alarmed the guys from Saofeng Camp!"

"If I hadn't received the news in advance and came to inform you, you idiots would have been ganged up on and taken advantage of!"

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