Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2963 Ye Shen Weiyang! (2 updates)

"Okay, I understand."

Ling Feng gave up and continued to ask for information from Jin Rulie. He probably wouldn't be able to find out much from him.

As for Mu Qianxue...

Although Ling Feng could vaguely sense Mu Qianxue's aura, even if he used his infinite vision to the extreme, he could not locate Mu Qianxue's location at all.

In the huge Jiuli Holy City, Ling Feng's attempt to find Mu Qianxue was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

During this period, the Jiuli Divine Clan only sent an old housekeeper to receive Ling Feng and the others. After that, even the real senior figures of the Jiuli Divine Clan were rarely seen.

It can be seen that although Ling Feng is already a vice-captain of the Saofeng Camp, in the eyes of the senior leaders of the Jiuli Divine Clan, he is still not worth mentioning.

Perhaps, only by becoming the Gotei Ten Blades can you get different treatment.

"Brother Ling Feng!"

At this moment, a rough voice was heard coming from outside. Without looking, Ling Feng knew that it was that guy Zhang Yang.

Ever since Ling Feng defeated Mu Qianyang and earned a lot of face for Xiaofeng camp, Henry Zhang no longer relies on his elders, but calls him Ling Feng's brother, calling him very affectionate.

"Brother Xiao..."

Under Henry Zhang's repeated requests, Ling Feng had no choice but to call him brother.

Although this old man is indeed quite old, at least a hundred years older than Ling Feng.

"I received the order from the camp."

Henry Zhang strode over and said seriously: “We should go back!”

In these ten days, I have played what I should have played, and I have relaxed what I should have relaxed.

However, Henry Zhang kept thinking about Shenshui Palace and felt uncomfortable doing anything.

Therefore, as soon as he heard the order from Xiaofeng Camp, he was immediately ready to leave.

From Jiuli Holy City, there is a teleportation array that can be sent directly to the overseas Whirlpool Island. As long as you arrive at the Whirlpool Island, you can basically return to the Sao Feng Island Group very quickly.

Ling Feng nodded. He originally wanted to come to Jiuli Holy City to meet Mu Qianxue, but unfortunately, his wish did not come true.

Even though they are both within the Holy City, they seem to be separated by an insurmountable gap.

Soon, Ling Feng and his party gathered together and left with the help of Jiuli Holy City's teleportation array.

What they didn't know was that shortly after they left, the teleportation array lit up, and two more figures, one black and one blue, walked out of the teleportation array.

"Who is coming?"

The Jiuli Divine Clan warrior responsible for guarding the teleportation array stared at the visitor with a serious expression.

The leading man in black just said lightly: "Ye Weiyang."


The guard's eyelids twitched suddenly, as if he remembered something, and stared at the man in black with wide eyes, "Are you Night God?"

"He is the God of Night, and I am the fifth of the Ten Blades. Ruo Shui Yun Fu, this time I came here to pay a visit to the Xuanxiao Clan Chief specifically in the name of the General Secretary!"

"It turns out to be Lord Yagami, please!"

Hearing the names of Ye Weiyang and Yun Fu, the guards all trembled, and there was no way they dared to show any signs of neglect.

After a while, a middle-aged man with red hair and a red robe who looked tall and majestic strode over, surrounded by more than ten people.

Red hair is one of the main characteristics of the male descendants of the main line of the Jiuli God Clan. Basically, as long as the men are of the main line, they basically have red hair.

This is true for Jin Rulie, and the same is true for Mu Qianyang.

"Nephew Weiyang, thank you for coming all the way, hahaha!"

The red-haired man, with a smile on his face, quickly walked up to Ye Weiyang, and seemed to be very close to Ye Weiyang.

Ye Weiyang just nodded slightly, bowed to the red-haired man and said, "My nephew has met Uncle Xuan Shuo."

This burly red-haired man is actually the younger brother of the current head of the Jiuli Divine Clan, Mu Xuanshuo.

They were both from the Saofeng Camp. When Ling Feng and the others came, they were sent an old housekeeper to receive them, but when Ye Weiyang and the others came, they were actually received by the second clan leader personally. The difference in treatment was not small.

"My nephew came without saying a word in advance, so Uncle Shi can prepare in advance and take care of you."

Mu Xuanshuo looked at Ye Weiyang with a smile. After all, Ye Weiyang's identity was the fiancé of the saint daughter of the Jiuli God Clan, and also the son-in-law of the Jiuli God Clan.

Mu Xuanshuo is Mu Qianxue's father!

Therefore, although Ye Weiyang has not yet married Mu Qianxue, in Mu Xuanshuo's eyes, he already regards Ye Weiyang as his son-in-law.

"When my nephew comes here this time, he actually has something important that he needs to report to the Xuanxiao clan leader. The matter is of great importance. I hope Uncle Shi will pass the news on my behalf."


Mu Xuanshuo blinked, "Why does your nephew pay so much attention to it? It seems like it should be a big deal!"

Mu Xuanshuo nodded, grabbed Ye Weiyang's arm, pulled Ye Weiyang forward very intimately, and said with a smile: "Come with me! Of course, don't forget to meet Xue'er later." Girl, no matter what, she will be your wife soon."

"That's fine."

Ye Weiyang nodded. Speaking of it, he had not actually met Mu Qianxue, but his spiritual consciousness brought Mu Qianxue back from the Eastern Spiritual Realm.

Therefore, although he knew Mu Qianxue's appearance, he had never communicated with her in a real sense.

As for appearance, Mu Qianxue's stunning appearance is naturally worthy of him.

More importantly, this marriage was an engagement that he and Mu Qianxue had made before they were born. It was an engagement that even he could not refute.

Under the leadership of Mu Xuanshuo, Ye Weiyang and Yunfu soon arrived at a magnificent hall.

Bypassing the main hall, there is a retreat room at the back.

The leader of the Jiuli Divine Clan, Mu Xuanxiao, usually retreats here.

"Brother, nephew Ye Weiyang, and nephew Yunfu, the fifth blade of Saofeng Camp, are here to pay their respects."

Mu Xuanshuo gently buttoned the stone door. The next moment, the stone door in front slowly rose, and from the quiet room, a man who was 78% similar to Mu Xuanshuo walked out.

But it turned out that Mu Xuanshuo and Mu Xuanxiao were actually twin brothers.

"Greetings to Patriarch Mu!"

Ye Weiyang and Yun Fu bowed to the middle-aged man at the same time.

"Yakami Weiyang."

Mu Xuanxiao's eyes looked at Ye Weiyang, and a ray of light burst out in front of his eyes. Suddenly, in Ye Weiyang's eyes, the whole world seemed to collapse, and he fell into the furnace hell, never to be recovered.

Ye Weiyang smiled faintly, the clouds were light and the wind was gentle, and Haotian's eyes bloomed with light.

The next moment, the broken world that Ye Weiyang lived in was healed up again.

"Okay! Hahaha!"

Mu Xuanxiao laughed loudly and nodded immediately, "An incarnation of a divine soul can actually have such momentum, yes, yes! There are talented people from generation to generation, Weiyang's nephew, within a hundred years, even I am probably not as good as him you."

It turns out that this Ye Weiyang is just the incarnation of a divine soul...

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