Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2965 Key figures! (1 update)

Not long after, Ling Feng was brought by Sheng to the courtyard where Chief Sao Feng lived.

When Ling Feng arrived, there were already several figures sitting cross-legged outside the courtyard of Chief Sao Feng's wooden house.

Ling Feng had seen most of them once in the Divine King's Court, but before that, they were just a form of Divine Soul Dharma.

Among the ten-blade strongmen present, except for Ye Shen Ye Weiyang and the fifth-blade Ruoshui Yunfu, everyone else was actually present.

Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng glanced at Ling Feng, nodded slightly, and then said calmly: "Sit down."

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Everyone here was a master of the Gotei Ten Blades level. Although he was recognized by a God King Blade, his real strength was still far from the Ten Blades level.

Ling Feng found a corner and sat down. He would actually be invited to a ten-blade level meeting?

"Little friend Ling Feng, you seem to be very confused, right?"

Chief Sao Feng glanced at Ling Feng and said lightly.

"There are indeed some."

Ling Feng nodded. Although he did have some abilities, he was not arrogant enough to think that he could be on an equal footing with the ten-blade warrior.

"The reason why I called you here is, first of all, you should be the first to be able to detect the abnormal movements of the fallen gods and detect the signs of the loosening of the seal of Shenshui Palace."

Chief Sao Feng took a deep look at Ling Feng. Although Sao Feng camp had placed undercover agents among the fallen gods, there was still a countercurrent between them due to the Sea of ​​Curved Realm and the Sea of ​​Sao Feng.

It also takes a certain amount of time to get the message out.

Ling Feng learned this important information in advance so that the Sao Feng camp could have time to deal with it.

Otherwise, when they come back to their senses, they may have to face an enemy as terrifying as the "Shenshui Yinji" of the past.

"Disciple, it's just a mistake. I don't dare to take credit."

Ling Feng waved his hand and said modestly.

"Whether it was an accident or not, you have made the greatest contribution. In addition, there is another reason. You are also the key to sealing the Shenshui Palace again this time."

Commander-in-chief Sao Feng took a deep breath and said slowly: "At the beginning, the power of our Sao Feng camp to seal the Shenshui Palace was the power of the ten blades. Now, one of the ten blades is missing, and there are only nine blades. But to seal the god The Water Palace is indispensable.”

"You also know about Qiutong, right?"

Chief Sao Feng looked at Ling Feng and said calmly.

"I know something." Ling Feng nodded. Yan Qiutong was originally the fourth of the Ten Blades, the Blade of Thousand Illusions.

But in order to stay undercover in the Sea of ​​Crooked Realm, she had become a real fallen god and lost the qualification to control Qian Huan.

In other words, the Gotei Nine Blades are the only ones left in Sao Feng Camp now.

Ling Feng is the remaining blade.

"So now you are the only one who can fill this void."

Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng looked at Ling Feng and sighed: "Originally, you shouldn't have taken the risk on this mission."

After all, a big event has happened in the past ten days.

General Lu, one of the three generals, has unfortunately passed away.

General Lu's strength is by no means inferior to that of an ordinary ten-blade sword. Even if he loses to Ye Shen Ye Weiyang, he is still comparable to the second and third-blade level warriors.

Even he encountered unexpected events, and the difficulty of this mission was far beyond imagination.

"Sir, there is no need to say more, my disciple is willing to go!"

Ling Feng bowed to Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng, "As a member of Sao Feng Camp, this is also a disciple's responsibility!"

"Okay, it's rare for you to have such awareness."

Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng nodded, "The three chiefs of the high-ranking divine clans will arrive at the Sea of ​​Sao Feng in the near future. By then, by gathering the power of our Sao Feng Camp and the three high-ranking divine clans, we will surely be able to seal the Shenshui Palace again! No matter what, we can seal the Shenshui Palace again! What kind of conspiracy does the fallen protoss have, but they will all be disillusioned in the end!"

"My subordinates must do their best!"

A group of ten-blade warriors shouted in unison.

Since they passed the test of the God King's Court and became the Ten Blades, they have shouldered the heavy responsibility of guarding the peace of this continent.

Ling Feng also felt that there was a warm blood flowing in his blood.

The meaning of holding a sword is not to destroy and kill, but to protect.

Chief Sao Feng briefly explained his combat ideas, which in fact meant recreating the four divine powers that sealed the Shenshui Palace that day.

One is the power of the ten blades of Sao Feng Camp.

Secondly, the power of the divine fire of the Jiuli God Clan.

Then there is the power of the divine eyes and the divine sword of the Haotian Divine Clan and the Tai'a Divine Clan.

The four great powers combined together can re-strengthen the seal and restore stability to the Xuanling Continent for thousands of years.

However, this time the Fallen God Clan took the lead and wanted to re-cast the seal. I am afraid there will still be a bloody battle with the Fallen God Clan.

The fallen protoss can survive to this day despite the suppression and ostracism of the entire Yuanshen Alliance. Naturally, it is not that easy to deal with.

This battle will definitely be extremely brutal and extremely bloody.

No one dares to say that they will not fall in this battle.

After the meeting, everyone dispersed, and there were two more people beside Ling Feng.

The seventh blade, "Cangshan" Zongyan.

The eighth blade, "Instant God" catkins.

These two people are under the special care of Chief Sao Feng. From this moment on, they must always follow Ling Feng and be responsible for protecting his safety.

To seal the Shenshui Palace again, one must rely on the power of the Ten Blades. As the "weakest" link among the Ten Blades, Ling Feng might be used as a breakthrough by the fallen gods.

Therefore, in order to protect Ling Feng's safety, two ten-blade warriors were dispatched at the same time to protect Ling Feng personally.

Although Ling Feng was a little helpless about this, he couldn't refuse.

"Boy, we meet again."

Zong Yan raised his hand and patted Ling Feng's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, since Mr. General has arranged for me to protect you, then no one can touch you until I fall."

"Don't talk too much."

Liu Xu on the side immediately sneered and said: "Although your brute force and defense are great, if you encounter an opponent as fast as me, you can barely protect yourself, and you still want to protect others?"

Zong Yan's eyelids twitched, he glared at Liu Xu, and snorted: "The most annoying thing is a guy like you who only knows how to run around. If you have the guts, you can have fun with me and fight head-on!"

"Hey, only a stupid guy like you can fight head-on!"

Liu Xu and Zong Yan started to pinch each other crazily, but although they were arguing, no one was really angry, it was more like...


Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, and had no choice but to interrupt the two of them: "That's why the General Secretary sent the two of you to act together at the same time, and it's up to you to cooperate together, so that it will be seamless."

"Hey, you know how to talk." Zong Yan raised his hand and patted Ling Feng's shoulder again, obviously quite satisfied with what Ling Feng said.

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