Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2967 Get ready! (3 updates)

"Wow, what's going on?"

Zong Yan and Liu Xu looked at each other behind them and smelled a hint of gossip.

Could it be that there are other complicated relationships between Ling Feng, Ye Weiyang and Mu Qianxue.

Looking back, it seems that Ye Weiyang has known Ling Feng for a long time!

"Okay, okay, stop gossiping and follow him. Our mission is to protect that kid!" Zong Yan said, took a step forward, and followed him in large strides.

Liuxu shrugged and followed closely. Although this was still the Sea of ​​Howling Wind, theoretically there would be no accidents.

What if Ling Feng couldn't bear to think about it and jumped into the river?

"Ling Feng..."

Yu Junyao bit her lip, looked at Ling Feng's somewhat lonely and gloomy back, and clenched her fists.

It's all my fault that things have turned out like this!

She took a deep breath, hesitated, and chased in the direction of Mu Qianxue.


Yu Junyao quickly caught up with Mu Qianxue and shouted loudly.

Ahead, Ye Weiyang stopped, let go of Mu Qianxue's arm, and said lightly: "You like that boy named Ling Feng, right?"

Mu Qianxue froze and glanced at Ye Weiyang blankly.

Ye Weiyang smiled faintly, he raised his hand to cover one of his right eyes, and said slowly: "My eyes see that your fate and his are entangled, but in the end it will only be me who gets married to you. . I, Ye Weiyang, am not a person without courage. If you still have an unresolved relationship with Ling Feng, you can still go to him and do whatever you want."

Mu Qianxue bit her silver teeth and took a deep look at Ye Weiyang.

She had always known that Ye Weiyang was her fiancé, but at this moment, she began to understand Ye Weiyang a little bit.

"However, I hope you will not forget the mission that you and I shoulder."

Ye Weiyang smiled faintly, "I just need to go see Mr. Souji by myself. This is Saofeng Camp. No one can hurt you. Just go where you want to go."

After saying that, Ye Weiyang turned around and left, leaving Mu Qianxue alone in a daze.

At this time, Yu Junyao rushed up panting. She looked at Mu Qianxue with an apologetic look and explained hurriedly: "Cousin, things are not what you think. Ling Feng and I...he and I are just , just good brothers!”

"Yao'er, ever since you were a child, the last thing you've been able to do is lie to others."

Mu Qianxue looked at Yu Junyao with a smile, raised her hand to touch her cheek, and said lightly: "You like Mr. Ling, right?"

"That's not true!" Yu Junyao quickly denied it.

"You don't have to lie to yourself."

Mu Qianxue shook her head and smiled, "Actually, Yao'er, you should know that it is impossible for me and Master Ling, so I am very happy that you can be by his side."

"Sister, I..."

Yu Junyao bit her lip. She knew very well that the Saint of Jiuli, while inheriting the power of seven generations, also shouldered a major mission.

From the moment Mu Qianxue became a saint, she was destined to be unable to control herself.

"Okay, I understand."

Mu Qianxue smiled softly, "Master Ling is not the kind of person who takes the initiative to express his emotions. He is even a person who keeps his heart sealed, so sometimes, he will act a little silly. But that’s what’s so cute about him!”


Yu Junyao couldn't help laughing when she recalled her time with Ling Feng, "Yes, sometimes he is so angry that people want to hit his head crookedly!"

"You are more suitable to be by his side than me."

Mu Qianxue smiled and said, "Yao'er, sister wishes you the best."

"Cousin, you really think too much. He doesn't like me! He has been clamoring to come to Zhongyuan Realm to find you. He still cares about you very much! He just left without saying a word. I I have known him for so long and I have never seen him like this. He actually cares about you very much. "

"This is just because I was once kind to him. He has already given me the elixir, and the past kindness has been repaid."

Mu Qianxue took a deep breath, patted Yu Junyao's palm gently, and said with a smile: "Go, go and accompany him. Master Ling will understand your intentions sooner or later."


Yu Junyao didn't know what to say for a moment, but at Mu Qianxue's urging, she turned around to look for Ling Feng.

Looking at Yu Junyao's leaving figure, Mu Qianxue felt bitter in her heart: Let the past go.

But why is it so painful in my heart!

Early the next morning.

The fleet of Camp Sao Feng was already ready for departure.

This trip to the Shenshui Palace ruins was bound to be a tough battle, so basically the commanders, captains, and elites of each battalion in the Sao Feng Battalion were dispatched, and the medical battalion also set out with the army.

Except for the nearly a hundred disciples who were responsible for staying behind to guard the position, this time, the Sao Feng Camp was almost mobilized in full force.

In addition to the Sao Feng Camp, each of the three high-ranking protoss' ships also sent nearly a hundred elites. The four ships advanced together, and the momentum was quite grand.

"Jade girl!"

When they were about to board the ship, Yujunyao's red-bearded man finally arrived belatedly. He immediately locked onto Yujunyao's location and appeared in front of Yujunyao.

Yu Junyao is now a recruit in the medical camp and is under Ling Feng's jurisdiction, so she is naturally with Ling Feng.

Ling Feng is protected by two masters, Zong Yan and Liu Xu, so he will not be in any danger.

"Grandpa Red Beard!"

Yu Junyao threw herself into Red Beard's arms affectionately and said with a smile: "Grandpa, you are here too!"

"Although I am a little old, I can still kill a few fallen gods!"

Grandpa Red Beard laughed and looked at Ling Feng. His eyelids jumped. "Aren't you the kid in the West Sword Domain?"

"Junior Ling Feng, meet the senior!"

Ling Feng bowed to Red Beard. When he was in the West Sword Domain, the old man did not embarrass him.

After all, he is Yu Junyao's grandfather, so he should be polite.

"Good boy, I didn't expect that you have reached such a realm in just over a year, and even joined the Xiaofeng Camp!"

Red Beard's eyes were shocked.

After all, when he was in the West Sword Domain, Ling Feng was just an emperor.

At this moment, Ling Feng is already at the Saint level, and judging from his aura, he has even reached the limit!

This boy's talent is not much inferior to the top geniuses among the Jiuli God Clan.

After all, even Yu Junyao, after being baptized by the divine fire, awakened her talent at the same time as Ling Feng, and has only barely reached the Saint level. There is still a long way to go before she reaches the limit.

"It's just a coincidence."

Ling Feng waved his hand and said modestly.

"Grandpa, Ling Feng is still the deputy captain of the Xiaofeng Camp now!"

Yu Junyao said with a proud face, even prouder than he became the deputy captain of the Xiaofeng Camp.

"Oh?" Red Beard looked at Ling Feng, took a deep breath and said, "I really underestimated you at the beginning!"

He thought Ling Feng was just a genius in the West Sword Domain, and in the Zhongyuan Domain, he was just an ordinary person, so he wanted to let Yu Junyao and Ling Feng cut off their fate as soon as possible.

But now...

Ling Feng's talent, qualifications and character, plus Yu Junyao also likes this boy, now it seems that the more you look at him, the more satisfied you are.

Thinking of this, Red Beard looked at Ling Feng with more kindness. This boy might become his grandson-in-law in the future!

(PS: I am not good at writing love scenes, so don't pay attention to so many details. From another perspective, it is also because of this, so don't worry, there will be no sadomasochism, because this is too difficult for me...)

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