Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2996 A life of great calamity! (2 updates)




Ling Feng was unable to dodge every time the Evil Lord of Nirvana slashed out, unable to escape, so he could only bite the bullet and take it, and the consequences would be that his body would be shattered into pieces.

But every time he was shattered to pieces, he could be reborn with a drop of blood and return to his original state.

And with the huge energy and blood power contained in the "Candle Dragon's Horn", Ling Feng can definitely be resurrected even if he dies ten thousand times, which is more than enough.

And in this transition between life and death, Ling Feng's "Billions of Stars Tribulation" has become increasingly complete.

In the end, Evil Lord Nirvana even realized that if he did not use more than 70% of the force of his sword, he might not even be able to kill Ling Feng.

And at the very beginning, only 30% of the strength was needed to crush Ling Feng into pieces.

In other words, under his "killing", Ling Feng became stronger and thicker with each killing.

This is the terrifying thing about billions of star calamities. Every time he experiences life and death, his physique will become more and more abnormal, until his body has endured millions of calamities, using his flesh and blood body to break through the limits and advance to the ancestral realm.

However, even the predecessors who originally created the "Billions of Stars Tribulation" probably could not have imagined that there would be people in later generations who could practice the "Billions of Stars Tribulation" in this way, almost cheating.

The candle dragon's horn ensures that the power of qi and blood is abundant. It can even be said that the power of qi and blood contained in the candle dragon's horn is too powerful for Ling Feng's body. His container cannot carry such Much energy and blood power.

However, as his body was destroyed again and again, constantly tempered, and constantly built, each time it absorbed some of the power of the Candle Dragon's Horn, doubling the effect of the Tribulation of Billions of Stars.


The Evil Lord of Nie Mie was also panting, staring at Ling Feng in front of him with an incredible look in his eyes.

What kind of monster is this guy in front of me? He is obviously just a "trash" that is not even in the ancestral realm, but he is actually able to be reborn again and again under his killing moves.

"I want to see how many times you can be resurrected!"

Evil Lord Nirvana gnashed his teeth in hatred. No matter how great his energy and blood were, they would eventually run out, but Ling Feng's power was still far from being able to compete with him.

"You'll know if you try it."

Ling Feng smiled coldly. Normally, with the power of his Qi and blood, he would not be able to regenerate from a drop of blood so quickly, and it would be good to be resurrected three times in one day.

But with the huge energy and blood power of the Candle Dragon Horn as the backing, it was enough for Ling Feng to die tens of thousands of times.

Just in time, it couldn't be more suitable to be used to cultivate billions of star tribulations.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

At this moment, several figures flew over, and it was the eight evil kings who had arrived.

After all, they were seriously injured by the power of Chief Sao Feng's self-destruction, and the speed of their return was naturally not comparable to that of the three clan leaders.

"Nirvana? Why are you here?"

The leader, Evil Lord Killing the Sky, could not help but frown when he saw Evil Lord Nie Mie panting and a young man with the same pale face and weak appearance standing opposite him.


There was an explosion, but it was Heyang Evil Lord. With a wave of his hand, a terrifying evil force directly crushed Ling Feng's body into pieces.

"Hmph, Nirvana, you are really getting better and better as you live. How can a mere brat like you be so tired make you so tired?"

Heyang Xiejun said with disdain.

Evil Lord Ji Mie clenched his fists and said bitterly: "That boy is very evil. Lord Heyang, please don't underestimate him."


Heyang Evil Lord laughed loudly, "No matter how evil you are, can you still be more evil than our Eight Great Evil Lords?"

At this moment, Ling Feng, who was strangled by Heyang Evil Lord, was reborn with a drop of blood and resurrected.

In the blink of an eye, Ling Feng appeared in front of everyone intact, although being surrounded by so many powerful evil kings all of a sudden made Ling Feng feel somewhat guilty.

But there is no doubt that if so many people attack together, the speed at which he is killed should be greatly increased.

And this also means that his "billions of star tribulations" can be improved faster.

"did you see that!"

Evil Lord Nirvana stared at Ling Feng, gritting his teeth with hatred and saying: "This kid, I don't know what means he used, but he can become immortal. He is even weirder than those resurrected evil spirits!"


Evil Lord Killing the Sky smiled disdainfully, "It's just a way to use the power of qi and blood. It can be realized when the rules of qi and blood are reached to the extreme. However, the power of qi and blood in this kid's body is too strong, and I'm afraid he will swallow it." Did you take some exotic treasure?"

"He seemed to have swallowed something, kind of like an antler or something."

The Evil Lord Nie Mie glanced at the Evil Lord Killing the Sky, and said in a deep voice: "By the way, Lord Killing the Sky, when you came back, did you see the Head of the Ten Blades and the juniors like Saint Jiuli?"

Evil Lord Killing the Sky shook his head, "Why, did they just leave from here?"


Evil Lord Nie Mie snorted, "Damn it, I actually let them run away!"

After hearing the words of the Evil Lord Killing the Sky, Ling Feng felt calm. It seemed that he had not reminded Ye Weiyang in vain. Since they had avoided these eight Evil Lords, the rest of the matter should have become easier.


Evil Lord Heyang cursed loudly, stared at Evil Lord Jijie and said, "You useless piece of trash, what use do you have?"

With that said, Heyang Evil Lord was about to lead people to hunt down Ye Weiyang and others, but was stopped by Killing Sky Evil Lord.

"Well, even the Head of the Ten Blades is just a young boy."

Evil Lord Killing the Sky looked solemnly, looked behind him, and murmured to himself: "Those three old guys are really not that simple. They can actually fight Shenshui Yinji to such an extent. If we add Mr. Sao Feng... Si, maybe even Shenshui Yinji will be suppressed by them again! Fortunately, the old man, Chief Sao Feng, has already died by himself. "

"Okay, Lord Heyang, you stay and work with Ji Mie to deal with this kid. When his energy and blood are exhausted, he will not be able to be resurrected. Just kill him a few more times and that will be enough."

After the Evil Lord Killing the Sky finished his explanation, he took the remaining powerful Evil Lords and rushed to the battlefield where the three chiefs of the clan were fighting against the Shenshui Yinji.

Although they have enough confidence in Shenshui Yinji, they are still sailing with caution.


Ling Feng frowned even more when he saw these powerful evil kings rushing to support Shenshui Yinji.

The three clan leaders are already very reluctant to deal with Shenshui Yinji. With the addition of these powerful evil kings, I'm afraid...

However, there is no point in thinking about this.

Now he can only be reborn with blood and continue to resurrect.

To stop these evil kings is far beyond his ability.

He took a deep breath. Although the other party only left behind an Evil Lord of Heyang, this guy was obviously stronger than the Evil Lord of Annihilation, and the tempering effect should be better.

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