Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3016 Three treasures! (2 updates)

"If you run away, just run away. Seven of the eight evil kings have fallen. The fallen gods' losses this time are far more severe than ours."

Mu Xuanxiao's expression darkened, and then Yang Tian spat out a mouthful of blood.

The Nine Dragons Divine Fire Barrier was broken before, and his soul had already suffered heavy damage. It was already very difficult to be able to persist until this moment.

"Clan leader!"

Mu Xuanshuo hurriedly stepped forward to support Mu Xuanxiao, and injected the little remaining energy in his body into Mu Xuanxiao's body.

Mu Xuanxiao waved his hand, took a deep breath, and immediately took out a "Nine Yang Fire Ginseng" from the Naling Ring and handed it to Mu Xuanshuo's hand, "Second brother, go and give this Fire Ginseng to Let’s get it into the hands of that little friend Ling Feng.”

This Jiuyang Fire Ginseng is the most precious treasure of the Jiuli Divine Clan. It takes a thousand years to bloom, once a thousand years to bear fruit, and another thousand years to fully mature.

A palm-sized Nine-Yang Fire Ginseng like this would take a total of three thousand years to cultivate.

Even among the Jiuli Divine Clan, there are no more than five plants in stock.

Mu Xuanshuo nodded. The reason why Ling Feng has reached such an old age is because he fights for everyone. He is qualified to obtain this Nine Sun Fire Ginseng.

"And this one, please send it as well."

Ye Changtian also took out a dark purple round gemstone from the spirit ring and handed it over, "This life soul amethyst can not only replenish a certain amount of vitality, but more importantly, it can nourish the soul." . Although that kid was promoted to the Immortal War Soul at the last moment, it was actually a bit counterproductive. If he couldn't stabilize his soul, it would be harmful."

"Clan Leader Ye is really willing to give it up. This Life Soul Amethyst is comparable to three top-quality fairy treasures!"

Qin Zhenglang on the side laughed, "Since Chief Mu and Chief Ye have expressed their opinions, I, Qin, can't be stingy anymore."

With that said, Qin Zheng also took out a scabbard from the Naling Ring.

Seeing the confused looks of the people around him, Qin Zheng smiled and explained: "We, the Tai'a God Clan, don't have so many fancy treasures, nor are we proficient in alchemy and medicine. We can only make swords. Since the treasure that restores vitality , you two have already taken it out, I will give the boy a scabbard. The God King Blade in his hand seems to have no scabbard. "

Ye Changtian looked at the scabbard carefully, his eyelids twitched suddenly, as if he remembered something, and he was a little surprised and said: "This scabbard, could it be..."


Qin Zheng nodded, "The scabbard of the Heaven's Punishment Sword, when you draw the sword, it is the Heaven's Punishment. We, the Tai'a God Clan, often use the scabbard to nourish swords, and this Heaven's Punishment Sword Scabbard can even cultivate a kind of Heaven's Punishment Power." . The boy's sword energy is decisive in killing, and at such a young age, he has reached the state of being swordless. Since the scabbard of the Heaven's Punishment Sword was cast more than three hundred years ago, it has become the most powerful weapon in our Tai'a God Clan. No one can control it, maybe this kid can.”

"Clan Chief Qin, you are so willing to give up!"

Mu Xuanshuo couldn't help but said: "In order to create this Heavenly Punishment, it is said that almost an entire vein of top-quality Yuanjing mineral energy was drained out, right? Moreover, several kinds of divine iron were used. There are not many sheaths in the entire Tai'a Protoss."

"That's natural."

Qin Zheng had a look of pride on his face. The scabbard of the Heavenly Punishment Sword was his handiwork. It was a pity that even he couldn't control it in the end.

His sword energy is not lethal enough.

"Although heaven's punishment is precious, that boy is qualified to take it."

Qin Zheng took a deep breath and said calmly: "Let's go and send the things over. After a while, I will personally teach him the art of raising swords."

Many people around him had envy on their faces when they heard Qin Zheng's words.

Tai'a's cultivation of swordsmanship is a secret that is not passed down by the Tai'a God Clan. Theoretically, only direct descendants of the Tai'a God Clan are qualified to practice it.

"Brother Ling, you did it."

Ye Weiyang walked up to Ling Feng, knowing that the relationship between Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue was extraordinary. Mu Qianxue even kissed Ling Feng once in front of him.

However, Ye Weiyang didn't have much hatred towards Ling Feng.

The original engagement with Mu Qianxue was just because of the mission they had to complete together.

Ling Feng smiled bitterly, nodded towards Ye Weiyang, and simply said: "It's all thanks to everyone's joint efforts."

He was so weak that he couldn't even stand firmly.

His gray hair was dancing in the wind. Ling Feng raised his palms, looked at his wrinkled skin, shook his head and smiled bitterly.

He spent too much life force, and in fact, if it weren't for sharing his life force with Zifeng, he might not be able to survive now.

Zifeng was already very weak in order to provide himself with energy and blood, and now his life force is almost exhausted.

Now, he is weak, and Zifeng is actually weaker than him.

It could no longer maintain the form of a light and dark unicorn, and shrank to its original larval state, falling into a deep sleep within the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

However, Ling Feng had already thought of some plans. For example, he would first go to a place like the Monster Forest to hunt a few more monsters, and then Zifeng would absorb the vitality of the monsters.

In this way, it won't take long for him to return to normal again.

"No, the sacrifice you make personally is greater."

Henry Zhang grabbed a handful of Ling Feng's white hair and couldn't help but sigh, "Look at how old your kid has become."

"No matter what, it will be good if we can seal Shenshui Yinji."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. With Zifeng here, it is not difficult to restore vitality.

"Yes, it would be great if we could seal Shenshui Yinji."

Those disciples from the Sao Feng Camp who had a good relationship with Ling Feng all nodded, and then began to give Ling Feng advice, or take out some pills, some heavenly materials and earthly treasures, hoping to help Ling Feng recover.

Ling Feng just smiled. In his situation, ordinary pills and natural treasures would not have much effect.

However, he did not reject their good intentions, at least, they were all sincere.

"Just now..."

Ye Weiyang pondered for a moment, glanced at Ling Feng, and asked: "At the last moment, you condensed the immortal fighting spirit. Although the effect was remarkable, the damage suffered by the immortal fighting spirit was almost magnified several times when it was fed back to the body. The origin of your soul, I’m afraid…”

"It doesn't matter."

Ling Feng waved his hand and smiled, "Although it is somewhat damaged, I have ways to treat it."

It is very difficult to recover from the trauma of the soul.

This time, although Ling Feng was promoted to the Immortal Fighting Spirit at a critical moment, it was a bit reluctant to face a strong person like Shenshui Yinji as soon as he broke through.

Although Ling Feng said it lightly, in fact, every time he took a breath at this moment, he felt a sharp pain like a needle in his mind.

The injuries he suffered were much more severe than they appeared.

Of course, compared to those warriors who died here, he was undoubtedly lucky.

At this moment, Mu Xuanshuo, the deputy chief of the Jiuli God Clan, and Qin Zheng, the chief of the Tai'a God Clan, came hand in hand and walked up to Ling Feng.

As for the other two clan leaders, they sat cross-legged and meditated on the spot and began to regulate their breathing.

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