Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3018 The successor! (1 update)

One day and one night later, Sao Feng Island Group.

Although the battle of Shenshui Palace was a final victory, there was no doubt that the price paid was extremely heavy.

Whether it was the three high-level gods or the Sao Feng Camp, they all paid a heavy price.

Especially the death of Chief Sao Feng made everyone extremely sad.

When they returned to the Sao Feng Island Group, it was sunset and dusk. Everyone did not care about the exhaustion and hardship after a battle, but buried the bodies of all the heroes in the cemetery.

Of course, there are many people who did not even leave their bodies, such as Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng, who blew himself up and died, so only a tomb can be erected for him.

Everyone in the cemetery silently mourns these fallen companions. Some of them are their relatives, some are their lovers, there are also comrades who are sympathetic to brothers, and there are also mentors who are sympathetic to father and son...

However, death is always the most ruthless, and the unbreakable boundary between life and death always makes people fall into endless sadness.

Some people cried loudly, some shed tears silently, and everyone had solemn expressions. This victory not only belongs to those who survived, but was also forged with the flesh and blood of these victims.

The night is getting darker.

Everyone stood in front of the cemetery for three hours before returning home.

In front of Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng's tombstone, the three masters bowed in unison.

"Lao Yuan, I have been fighting with you for half my life, and I have been angry with you for half my life. In the end, I am not as good as you."

Qin Zheng sighed softly, recalling the fearlessness and determination at the last moment when Chief Sao Feng self-destructed. He asked himself, even if he made up his mind, he would never be able to die as generously as Chief Sao Feng.

He took a deep look at the tombstone, then turned and left without saying anything more.

Mu Xuanxiao and Ye Changtian also shook their heads, saying a thousand words, but in the end they just turned into a sigh, and then turned and left.

With the departure of the three clan leaders, the disciples and elders of the three major divine clans also left one after another.

Mu Qianxue gritted her silver teeth, glanced at Ling Feng's back, tightened her fists, and left with her father.

In front of the tombstone, only the members of Sao Feng Camp were left.

From the generals, the Ten Blades, to the ordinary members, they all stood silently in the cemetery. Sheng even knelt down in front of the tombstone. She had a triple personality, silently, but her eyes were red.

Whether she is unruly and fierce, gentle and generous, or weak and shy, at this moment, my heart is probably full of sorrow.

After all, Chief Sao Feng is her last relative in this world.

The remaining two generals comforted Sheng a few words, bowed in front of Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng's tombstone, and then told everyone to leave.

The deceased is already dead, and it is useless to dwell on it and grieve.

The mission of Sao Feng Camp will continue. They are the guardians of the Central Yuan Realm. No matter what happens, they still need to bear the burden and move forward.

"Xiao Sheng'er..."

Liu Xu put her palm on Sheng's shoulder and said comfortingly: "If Mr. Souji is alive, I don't want you to be so sad."

Sheng choked with sobs and did not look back or speak.

Yunfu walked up to Sheng and made a face at her.

Because they are close in age, Yunfu and Sheng are usually close to each other. When Sheng is unhappy, Yunfu is usually the one who makes her happy.

Only this time, even Yunfu's grimace no longer worked.

Yun Fu shook his head. It seemed that this time, Sheng was really, really sad.

Ling Feng sighed and walked slowly behind Sheng. Because he was too old, he looked a little decrepit.

Everyone glanced at Ling Feng, thinking that Ling Feng was going to persuade him, but they didn't expect that Ling Feng raised his hand and hit Sheng on the back of the neck with a knife.

Sheng rolled her eyes and fainted. Ling Feng supported her body, looked at Yunfu, and said calmly: "Senior brother Yunfu, take her down to rest."

Yun Fu was stunned for a moment, then nodded, letting Sheng continue to suffer like this without sleep would only make her think wildly, and she might get into trouble.

"Well, Junior Brother Ling, you still have something to do."

Yunfu sighed, picked up Sheng horizontally, and flew to Sheng's residence.

"Hey... I didn't expect that I would pay such a heavy price this time. Even Mr. Souji..."

Zong Yan clenched his fists, then shook his head, looking at the tombstone of Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng, his eyes were red, as if he didn't want to stay here anymore, he turned and left.

Then, the other ten-blade warriors left one after another. In the end, only Ling Feng and Ye Weiyang were left. When Ling Feng was about to turn around, Ye Weiyang turned around and called Ling Feng.

"Brother Ling."

Ye Weiyang took a deep look at Ling Feng and said, "There is something I want to entrust you with."


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, and when he saw Ye Weiyang's serious face, his expression became a little more solemn. He nodded and said slowly: "Please tell me."

Ye Weiyang took out a letter from her arms and said in a deep voice: "This is the suicide note left by the Chief Secretary. It explains who will succeed the Chief Secretary."

Ling Feng glanced at Ye Weiyang and said calmly: "If I'm not wrong, probably Mr. General will choose you to become the new generation of Chief."

Ye Weiyang did not deny it, but simply said: "I am the young master of the Haotian God Clan. In the future, I will definitely return to the Haotian God Clan. Therefore, I am not suitable to take over the position of chief director."

"You..." Ling Feng blinked, "You mean..."

"I am the only one who has read this letter." Ye Weiyang said slowly: "Master Zongsi may not have thought that it was you who sealed Shenshui Yinji in the end, and in fact, you are more suitable to be the new generation of Zongsi than me."

"No, no, no... I can't."

Ling Feng's eyelids jumped suddenly. Could it be that Ye Weiyang wanted to tamper with the suicide note of General Xiaofeng?

"If it's you, you can definitely do it."

Ye Weiyang smiled faintly. He only had one eye left, and covered his empty eye socket with a black eye mask, which added a bit of fierceness to his originally handsome face.

Ling Feng knew that he dug out his eyes in order to repair the Hun Tian Mirror.

If it weren't for Ye Weiyang's sacrifice, to be honest, they would have no chance of successfully sealing Shenshui Yinji in the end.

"Ye Shen..."

Ling Feng clenched his fists. For Ye Weiyang, Ling Feng's heart was more of an admiration.

He acted just to be at peace with his conscience.

But in Ye Weiyang's heart, he had a greater ideal.

Although this seemed more or less "naive" to Ling Feng, this world needed such naive people.

"I am not the best candidate to take over as the General Manager, you are."

Ye Weiyang walked up to Ling Feng and patted him on the shoulder gently, "What's more, the General Manager's will is for me to become the new generation of the General Manager, and as the new generation of the General Manager, it is reasonable for me to pass the position of the General Manager to you, right?"


Ling Feng smiled bitterly. He was used to being alone, and he had never thought about taking over as the General Manager of Xiaofeng.

However, he remembered what Li Chunyang had said to him when he was in the Demon Sealing God Clan.

If he wanted to gain a real foothold in the Zhongyuan Domain and gain the right to speak, he needed to build his own power.

And now, there was a Xiaofeng Camp in front of him.

If he became the General Manager of Xiaofeng, he would immediately have the capital to compete with the other three upper God Clan.

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