Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3023 The wedding is approaching! (3 updates)

"I see."

Ling Feng nodded, and probably knew what the Hongmeng Divine Transformation Technique meant. Only by successfully cultivating this magical power could he become a veritable Commander-in-Chief of Sao Feng.

"Time is running out, Chief Ling had better start retreating from today."

General Yan glanced at Ling Feng and said slowly: "Of course, everything depends on the wishes of the Chief Secretary."

"I haven't officially succeeded yet, senior just call me Ling Feng."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. He was somewhat unaccustomed to seeing the two old men speaking and keeping silent.

Seeing Ling Feng's humble attitude, the two generals nodded, quite satisfied with Ling Feng.

"Okay, then I won't disturb you anymore."

The two generals looked at each other and resigned to Ling Feng. From this moment on, this courtyard belonged to Ling Feng.

After the two generals left, Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief and opened the "Hongmeng Divine Transformation Technique". He wanted to see the "untold secret" in Sao Feng Camp. What a magical power it is.

After a while, Ling Feng had a look of shock on his face.

The so-called "Hongmeng God Transformation Technique" focuses on the word "God Transformation".

This skill is a magical power specifically designed to move from the ancestral realm to the virtual immortal realm.

This technique relies on Hongmeng Dragon Qi as its foundation to refine itself step by step and transform into a divine body. The process of transformation is more like the process of transforming into a dragon.

The first level, transforming into dragon patterns, transforms one's own divine patterns into dragon clan emblems, breaking away from the rules of heaven and earth in Xuanling Continent. In this process, one's own strength may not advance but retreat.

The second level, transforming into dragon scales, transforms dragon energy into thousands of dragon scales, greatly improving one's own defense.

The third level is to transform into a dragon roar and acquire the magical power of dragon roar.

The fourth level is to transform into dragon bones. Even one's own bones and tendons are tempered by the Hongmeng Dragon Qi and become no different from a divine dragon.

The fifth level, Dragon Transformation, as the name suggests, transforms into a dragon. With the help of the power of the dragon clan, the blockade of the plane was broken, and the dragon soared into the sky and rushed straight into the fairyland.

Theoretically speaking, this technique can be called a peerless mysterious technique created over many days. Unfortunately, the Hongmeng Dragon Qi required to practice this technique is extremely rare and scarce.

As a result, most of the Chiefs of Sao Feng can only practice this "Hongmeng Divine Transformation Technique" to the third level of dragon roar realm. If they can master one or two dragon roar magical powers, it is already the end. .

As for the divine dragon transformation, at least, no one has succeeded in the past ten thousand years.

Ling Feng was immersed in this mysterious technique. After reading it carefully, he also read through all the training experiences of the previous commander-in-chief Xiao Feng. He felt very excited in his heart. .

This exercise undoubtedly opened a new door for him.

Billions of star tribulations can allow his power to break the shackles of the Xuanling Continent. However, if you want to go further and advance to the realm of immortality, you can't just rely on strength to break it.

This "Hongmeng Divine Transformation Technique" can be said to be a pillow for sleepy people, allowing him to clear away the fog and be able to see the next path clearly.

"One month."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, closed the secret book, and carefully put it back into the secret compartment.

It is also recorded in the secret book that among the Sao Feng Islands, there is a cave that contains a trace of the Hongmeng Dragon Qi, and it was also in that place that the Chief Sao Feng of all dynasties was able to master the "Hongmeng Divine Transformation Technique". Introduction to practice.

In the next month, he will go to that cave to practice.

"However, before that, I'd better go to my original residence and tidy up."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows. Although there weren't many things to pack, there were still some simple clothes and the like.

After walking out of the boss's courtyard, the disciples from Sao Feng Camp whom they encountered on the road all looked at Ling Feng in awe and bowed.

Ling Feng smiled bitterly in his heart, but after all, he was also a man who had been the head of the family before, so he could bear this situation.

After a while, Ling Feng returned to Baihua Island and returned to his residence in a familiar way. He saw Yu Junyao walking towards him.

This woman must have been waiting for me in front of the door for a long time.


Yu Junyao walked up quickly, slapped Ling Feng on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Okay, I never thought that you, a brat like you, would soon become the Chief Secretary! Oh, no, no, you can't do it now. But the superior Souji-sama is here!”

After saying that, Yu Junyao took a few steps back and bowed to Ling Feng, "Little girl, I have met Mr. General Secretary!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Okay, okay, don't deliberately tease me here. Don't you still know what my temper is?"

"Tch, I'm afraid that today is different from the past, and you are trying to act like the Chief Secretary in front of me."

Yu Junyao folded her hands on her chest, looking like a girl who has seen through you a long time ago.

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "No matter what my status is, a friend is still a friend."

Hearing Ling Feng's words, Yu Junyao gritted her silver teeth, hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help but said: "Ling Feng, there is something, I think I should tell you."

"Go ahead." Ling Feng smiled, "Between you and me, there is no need to hesitate like this."

"Cousin, she..." Yu Junyao's voice paused, and Ling Feng's heart suddenly jumped up, and he blurted out: "What, has something happened to Qianxue?"

"Not really."

Yu Junyao shook her head, took a deep breath, and sighed softly: "Cousin, she is leaving."

"Is this so..."

Ling Feng clenched his fists. Mu Qianxue was a saint from the Jiuli Divine Clan. Naturally, she couldn't stay in Sao Feng Camp forever. It was reasonable for her to leave.

"Also, her wedding to Ye Shen is...just three months later..."

Yu Junyao glanced at Ling Feng, seeming to be observing Ling Feng's expression.

"Three months later...?"

Ling Feng smiled bitterly and counted the time. Indeed, it was only the past few months.

Did Ye Weiyang really mean what she said to herself last night?

They are going to get married after all...

"Ling Feng, you..."

Seeing Ling Feng's appearance, Yu Junyao felt a slight pain in her heart, "I know where my cousin is now. If you want, I can take you to see her."

"Take me there."

Ling Feng sighed. Before this, he once wanted to give up, but after the battle in Shenshui Palace, he became more clear about the bond between himself and Mu Qianxue.

He could feel that Mu Qianxue was still the Mu Qianxue she once was, even though she had become a noble saint.

However, when there was no concealment, the look in her eyes did not change.

She is still the same person!

If marrying Ye Weiyang is her own choice, then at least she should hear it from her own mouth.

Otherwise, how can I completely give up and let go?

Ling Feng took a deep breath. No matter what, he needed an answer!

(PS: I want to talk about updates here. I update almost every day around 11 o'clock. Because some people use different APPs to read books, the updates may not be completely synchronized. This has nothing to do with me and I don't memorize it. Damn it, this is beyond my control. Some people scolded me for this, but I said I was really innocent. If you want to read it as soon as possible, you can subscribe to QQ Reading for support, thank you~)

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