Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3024 Becoming brother and sister! (1 update)

The sea breeze blows, bringing a fishy and sweet smell.

Mu Qianxue stood on the beach, facing the wind, and her white skirt was swaying under the blow of the sea breeze.

"There she is."

Yu Junyao gritted her silver teeth and glanced at Ling Feng, "You...go there by yourself."

Ling Feng looked at Mu Qianxue's back, tightened his fists, and walked forward quickly. Finally, he stood still not far behind Mu Qianxue.


As soon as Ling Feng opened his mouth, he heard Mu Qianxue say softly: "Brother Ling, you are here."

She seemed to have expected Ling Feng to come back. She turned around and smiled softly at Ling Feng.

Ling Feng looked at this face that could captivate a country and wanted to say something, but in the end he was slightly stunned and just nodded.

Mu Qianxue sat down on the beach, looking at the blue sea in front of her with her beautiful eyes, she stretched beautifully.

Ling Feng walked to Mu Qianxue like a ghost, and sat down next to her, looking at the sea in front of her like her.

This moment was quiet and beautiful. No one wanted to say anything, just enjoying the tranquility and warmth of this moment.

Finally, it was Mu Qianxue who took the lead in speaking. She gritted her teeth, her tone somewhat helpless and bitter.

"Brother Ling, I'm leaving tomorrow."

"I understand." Ling Feng clenched his fists, "You and Ye Shen..."

Ling Feng's voice paused, and he could clearly detect that Mu Qianxue's body stiffened slightly when Ye Weiyang was mentioned.

He took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "Qianxue, is this what you mean?"

Mu Qianxue's expression dimmed slightly, but she finally nodded, "Yes, this is's my own intention."

"You're lying to me, aren't you?"

Ling Feng couldn't control himself and grabbed Mu Qianxue's shoulders. "I can feel it. You haven't changed. You are the same as when you were at Tianwei Academy. You..."

Mu Qianxue shook her head and smiled sadly, "Brother Ling, please stop talking, I must marry Ye Shen..."

"Is it because of the so-called fate?"

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly.


Damn fate!

Your own destiny? The fate of the Tiandao clan? Mu Qianxue's fate?

Why does everyone have a damn destiny?

He punched the ground, and a huge wave over a hundred feet high exploded directly on the sea level in front of him. With a bang, a heavy rain fell on the coast.

Ling Feng opened the Yuan Qi Gang shield to isolate the rain. His eyes were slightly red, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Then, can you tell me what kind of fate is it that neither you nor Ye Weiyang can escape?"

In his impression, although his friendship with Ye Weiyang was not very deep, he did not seem like the kind of person who would accept his fate.

"This is the fate that every generation of Holy Lady Jiuli and Holy Son Haotian must face. Our power of seven generations is passed down from generation to generation for this destiny."

Mu Qianxue smiled sadly, "Brother Ling, let's... let's all forget what happened in the past."

With tears in her eyes, she smiled softly and said, "Yao'er, she likes you, and she is more worthy of your love than me, so don't let her down."

After saying that, Mu Qianxue stood up, turned around and left.

Ling Feng subconsciously grabbed her hand, and there was a strange echo between them.

The Jiuli Divine Fire in their bodies merged together involuntarily.

"Did you forget?"

Ling Feng smiled mockingly, "Qianxue, from the time you instilled the divine blood into my body, you have left your mark on my body. How do you want me to forget it?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and gritted his teeth and said, "I don't believe in fate, and I won't give in to fate! No matter what you are going to face, let us face it together, okay?"

Mu Qianxue's eyes were red. She looked back at Ling Feng, and she even couldn't help but want to nod in agreement.

Even though she had convinced herself countless times that it was impossible for her and Ling Feng after all, she shouldn't think too much about futile things.


At this moment, a dry cough sounded, but it was Mu Qianxue's father, and Mu Xuanshuo walked over quickly.

Mu Qianxue subconsciously opened her hands, took a deep breath, and walked behind Mu Xuanshuo.

Mu Xuanshuo glanced at his daughter reproachfully. As Ye Shen's fiancée, it was really embarrassing to be flirting with other men.

Mu Qianxue lowered her head. Facing her biological father, she couldn't resist.

"General Director Lingfeng, although you are now the General Director of Saofeng Camp, you still have to pay attention to the impact."

Mu Xuanshuo glanced at Ling Feng, frowned and said: "Xue'er, you are Wei Yang's nephew's fiancée. You and Wei Yang's nephew should be friends, and you should know that a friend's wife should not be bullied. I don't care about you in the past. What’s going on between you and Xue’er? But from this moment on, I hope Director Ling won’t forget his identity.”

Ling Feng gritted his teeth. A friend's wife should not be bullied...

Asking himself, Ye Weiyang really had nothing to say to him, even the position of chief executive, but he willingly gave it to him.

Perhaps, he and Mu Qianxue were destined to be destined to each other.

He took a deep breath, looked at Mu Qianxue deeply, and finally nodded, bowing to Mu Xuanshuo, "Senior taught me that it was the boy who was rude."

“It’s not too late if you can correct your mistakes if you know them.”

Mu Xuanshuo nodded with satisfaction, "Speaking of which, when Xue'er passed on part of her original divine blood to you, you and Xue'er are considered to be connected by blood. If Chief Ling doesn't dislike it, I will I really hope that my daughter will try to catch up with Chief Ling, how about you two becoming sworn brother and sister?"

Ling Feng's expression froze. This Mu Xuanshuo was going to completely cut off her and Mu Qianxue's last hope.

Seeing that Ling Feng was still hesitant, Mu Xuanshuo frowned slightly and said, "Why, does Mr. Ling look down on my little girl, or does he have other thoughts that he shouldn't have?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, looked at Mu Qianxue, smiled bitterly and said, "What do you mean? Qianxue?"

Mu Qianxue's eyes turned red and she shook her head slightly, but before she could say anything, Mu Xuanshuo laughed loudly and said, "Xue'er can have any objections. She can become brother and sister with Director Ling, but she is so high up!"

"Hahaha! We martial arts practitioners keep everything simple, so from now on, Commander Ling, Xue'er will be your adopted sister!"

Mu Xuanshuo said with a smile: "When Xue'er gets married in three months, I hope that Director Ling will be there in person to attend Xue'er's wedding!"

After saying that, Mu Xuanshuo took Mu Qianxue and left, leaving Ling Feng alone. Looking at Mu Qianxue's retreating back, he felt only bitterness in his heart.

Is this the result you get?

Ling Feng smiled mockingly to himself, is fate really inevitable?

He had the urge to look up to the sky and roar, but he suppressed it.

Perhaps, this is a joke played by fate on myself.

Ling Feng sat down and looked at the blue sea in front of him, feeling a little empty in his heart.

Mu Qianxue has become his adopted sister?

How ironic...

(PS: May all lovers in the world eventually become brothers and sisters!)

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