Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3027 Takeover Ceremony! (1 update)

"Congratulations to the General Secretary on his departure!"

Generals Wang Shen and Yan Shen, one on the left and one on the right, guarded outside the Hongmeng Dragon Mansion to welcome Ling Feng out of seclusion.

Within a month, Ling Feng's whole aura had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The Hongmeng Divine Transformation Technique is indeed a miraculous skill created by many gods. It integrates the dragon patterns of the four ancestral dragons, and makes Ling Feng's every move, invisibly, naturally carry a faint dragon power.

"Two seniors."

Ling Feng bowed his hands to the two of them, his attitude remained humble, and there was no change in his mentality because he became the chief commander or his strength increased greatly.

In fact, Ling Feng's state of mind had already reached the point of being indifferent.

"Unexpectedly, in just one month, the General Secretary has successfully mastered the first level of the Hongmeng Divine Transformation Technique."

Wang Shenjiang sighed with emotion, such a speed of cultivation was extremely rare among the previous commander-in-chiefs of Xiaofeng Camp.

Not to mention, Ling Feng was able to condense the ancestral dragon pattern in just one month, which can be regarded as a miracle.

"It's also thanks to the training experience left by the previous marshals, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to make such progress."

Ling Feng smiled modestly. Of course, it was mostly thanks to his Emperor's Eye.

The ability of the Eye of the Emperor increased his understanding a hundred times, and he was able to penetrate this mysterious art that had been created for many days so quickly.

Of course, what's more important is that Ling Feng has practiced for hundreds of millions of star tribulations before, and his physical strength has long exceeded that of ordinary ancestral realm experts.

The Hongmeng Dragon Qi was certainly overbearing, but to Ling Feng, it was insignificant compared to the destructive power of billions of star tribulations.

"Now that the General Secretary has successfully cultivated the Hongmeng Divine Transformation Technique, it is time to hold the succession ceremony."

General Wang Shen smiled and said: "Tomorrow at noon, the robe of the Chief Justice will be handed down and the Seal of the Chief Justice will be awarded to you. From now on, you will be the 33rd Chief Justice of Saofeng Camp!"

Ling Feng nodded. Sao Feng Camp was in a special position, so the ceremony of taking over as the commander-in-chief was naturally indispensable, and more or less, there still had to be some cards.

The next day, Ling Feng took over the position of the general manager of Xiaofeng Camp under the eyes of everyone.

The two generals, as well as other ten-blade warriors, the commanders, captains, and vice-captains of each battalion were also present to observe the ceremony.

Even Ye Weiyang did not return to the Haotian Divine Clan in advance to prepare for her wedding, but attended Ling Feng's succession ceremony in person.

After the succession ceremony, he will leave Saofeng Camp to arrange the wedding.

"I really didn't expect that our companions who joined Sao Feng Camp with us would turn into Mr. Souji in the blink of an eye!"

Among the crowd, Hua Yangming, Jin Rulie, Fu Chaochen and other recruits who had a good relationship with Ling Feng couldn't help but show a hint of envy when they looked at Ling Feng on the high platform.

However, envy was envy, but for Ling Feng, their hearts were still full of admiration and shame.

Even Yan Jinghong felt slightly bitter when he saw Ling Feng today.

This opponent really gives people a feeling of despair. Let alone surpassing him, even keeping up with him is extremely difficult.

However, he will not be discouraged by this. He still remembers that Ling Feng once said that they are fellow travelers!

"Ha ha!"

As for the captains and vice-captains of the third battalion and second team, they all had smiles on their faces.

"Did you see it? Did you see it?"

Henry Zhang touched his bare forehead and boasted to everyone, "Our new chief executive, you know, I brought him out! Haha!"

There is nothing wrong with what he said. Ling Feng did stay under his hands for a few days, but in fact, Ling Feng's growth had nothing to do with him.

However, this guy has been "shameless" for more than a day or two, and others just thought he had farted.

Ji Ruye, on the other hand, held her forehead, with black lines running straight across her forehead, looking like "I don't know this guy."

Lu Chong, on the other hand, looked a little absent-minded. In his heart, he still cared about Yan Qiutong. Although he was also happy that Ling Feng took over the position of Chief Sao Feng, but as long as he remembered that Yan Qiutong was still in the sea of ​​​​Qujing, he might die at any time. In the face of danger, he couldn't laugh at all.

As for the commander-in-chief of the third battalion, that fat man Pang Shiliang had already rushed to the medical camp and hung out in front of Hua Xiaoshuang all day long, making it clear that he wanted to stalk and beat Hua Xiaoshuang. .

As the saying goes, a good girl is afraid of being stalked by a man. Spring is probably not far away for this fat man.

At least, Hua Xiaoshuang was not repulsed by Pang Shiliang's attentiveness.

"Hey, Xiaoshuang, you see, the newcomers who came out of our third battalion went to your medical camp for further studies, and they immediately transformed into Mr. General Secretary."

Pang Shiliang laughed, his fat face flushed from suppressing it.

Hua Xiaoshuang rolled her eyes at him angrily, "So, what do you want to say?"

"I was just thinking that our children must not be as good as the new DG in the future, hehehe..." Pang Shiliang blushed and laughed, rubbing his hands while laughing, looking extremely coquettish.

"Get lost!" Hua Xiaoshuang rolled her eyes, "Who wants to give you a baby!"

She snorted softly and raised her leg to give the fat man a kick, but she saw that Pang Shiliang had already said "Ouch", deliberately stepped back a few steps, and said with a serious face: "Xiaoshuang, I have thick skin and thick flesh." , don’t do it yourself, I’m afraid it will hurt you, I will feel bad!”


The female disciples from the nearby medical camps felt retching in their stomachs. This guy was too disgusting!

Jiang Mengli and Hong Yu both raised their hands to hold their foreheads, not daring to look!

Hua Xiaoshuang's face turned red and she glared at Pang Shiliang angrily. She couldn't help but mutter in her heart, this fat man usually seemed honest and honest, but now he was full of dirty talk!

Who was this shameless person who taught me this?

"A sneeze! A sneeze!"

Not far away, Henry Zhang’s bald head sneezed several times in a row. He raised his hand and rubbed his nose, and couldn’t help but mutter, “Who scolded me?”

Soon, the succession ceremony ended. To put it bluntly, it meant passing the Chief Justice's robe and Chief Justice's seal to Ling Feng.

This chief judicial robe is a top-quality defensive treasure with extremely strong defensive power. However, it is generally not worn. It is only used in very serious formal occasions. It is passed down from generation to generation, and even more so. a symbolic meaning.

The General Judicial Seal is the key to unlocking some of the organs, secret realms, and treasure houses of Sao Feng Camp. It is also a treasure in itself and can even be used as an offensive weapon.

Of course, it is generally not easy to take out and use.

The entire succession ceremony lasted for almost three hours. Ling Feng kept smiling at all times and thanked the seniors in the camp one by one. He felt even more exhausted than a battle.

However, I finally got over it.

After the takeover ceremony was over, the disciples from each battalion dispersed. Ling Feng also returned to the wooden house of the boss. It was still very simple. He just collected some things belonging to the boss and made some new tables and chairs. s things.

From this moment on, Ling Feng shouldered the burden of the entire Sao Feng Camp, but he knew that Sao Feng Camp was not his end.

What he wants to do is to break through the virtual immortal realm as soon as possible, break through the door to the plane, and advance to the immortal realm!

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