Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3037 The Divine Treasure Box! (2 updates)

Not long after, maybe Ling Feng was really destined for this ancient city.

He actually found another secret door.

It's a pity that he can't open this door at all.

No matter how Ling Feng tried his best and bombarded him crazily, the stone gate did not move at all.

However, just when Ling Feng was about to give up, the Shenhuang Treasure Box in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace actually flew out on its own.

There is a groove on the stone door, which is just right for the Shenhuang Treasure Box to be embedded in it.

After a while, the stone door rose, revealing a dim light inside.

A strong aura immediately attracted Ling Feng's attention.

There is a statue of a god in front, and behind the statue, there are four big characters.

The second word is the same as "Huang" written on the door outside.

Although he couldn't identify them all, Ling Feng believed that this was Emperor Shenhuang!

The strong pressure left Ling Feng breathless.

But then, boom!

Along with a muffled sound, one after another, the Shenhuang Picture Book flew out from the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, and then hovered around Ling Feng, hovering.

The four-sided divine desolate catalog was like a four-dimensional wall, protecting Ling Feng's front, back, left and right. Suddenly, the strong sense of oppression disappeared in an instant.


With a loud noise, the Four-faced Divine Desolation Picture Record fell to the ground, and the entire underground secret room trembled.

Ling Feng felt relaxed all over. He raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead. He looked up at the statue in front of him in confusion, not understanding what happened at all.

He blinked, hesitated, and then walked towards the statue.

He has a strong intuition that all the secrets are there!

At this moment, the surface of the statue began to break, leaving a piece of debris all over the place.

And among the rubble, a stone wall was left.

That was actually the last piece of the Shenhuang Picture Book!

Soon, what happened in front of him made Ling Feng even more dizzy.

Whoosh whoosh!

One after another, the Shenhuang Picture Book floated into the air and gathered together in front of Ling Feng's eyes. .

In the end, the five pieces of the Shenhuang Picture Book turned into five golden pages, perfectly blended together.

After a long time, the golden light gradually dissipated, and Ling Feng's eyes widened as he looked at the book in his hand.

Is this the secret of "Pictures of the Wilderness"?

Ling Feng stood dumbfounded for a long time.

The five golden pages in his hand have turned into a book. Without the heaviness of the Shenhuang Picture Book, it seems to be just a simple book.

He took a deep breath. He had experienced even more incredible things. This kind of thing was nothing to him.

"If this divine beast guessed correctly, the statue just now should be the remaining magic power of Emperor Shenhuang."

At this moment, the voice of Jie Donkey came to his ears, and there was an extremely solemn look on Jie Donkey's face.

Ever since Ling Feng met Bitch, this was the first time he saw this guy showing such a serious expression.

"Do you still need to say it..."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. To open this secret room, you need to use the Shenhuang Treasure Box, and the Shenhuang Picture Book turned into those golden pages.

To say that this place has nothing to do with Emperor Shenhuang, even if I beat Ling Feng to death, I wouldn't believe it.

But, what kind of strong man is the Emperor Shenhuang?

And what kind of strong man can he leave such a generous legacy?

Ling Feng was extremely curious.

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