Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3039 Is the oriole behind? (1 update)

Since the secret book composed of the five "Shenhuang Pictures" cannot be read for the time being, Ling Feng had no choice but to put the secret book back into the brocade box and carefully store it in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

Calculating the time, I have already spent half a day tracking the Sky-Slaying Evil Lord. Add in the time spent searching for this secret book, and the outside world is afraid that a day and a night have passed.

The disciples in the Sao Feng Camp should also be anxious.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng quickly exited the secret room, took back the Shenhuang Treasure Box, and then bowed in the direction of the altar.

In any case, a senior master like Emperor Shenhuang can also afford his worship.

Jianlu and Zifeng followed Ling Feng, wanting to leave this ghost place for a long time.

Although the statue of Emperor Shenhuang had been shattered, the remaining aura still made them feel very depressed.

A strong person at the level of Immortal Master is naturally no small matter.

We walked all the way out of the backyard, passed through the Main Hall, and returned to the playground in front of the Huangdian Hall.

At this moment, Ling Feng only felt that he was enveloped by a cold murderous intention. After looking closely, he found a figure standing not far ahead.

I saw the Sky-Slaying Evil Lord standing guard in front of the door with his spare time, staring at Ling Feng with a sneer on his lips.

But it turned out that Evil Lord Killing the Sky had already noticed that someone was following him and entered here.

However, he originally suffered some injuries, which would have capsized the boat in the gutter, and the Evil Lord Killing the Sky did not show up immediately.

However, it was precisely because of this that he discovered a bigger secret.

He had found this underground ancient city several years ago, and after searching for several years, he could not find anything of much value.

As for the secret room that Ling Feng found, the Evil Lord Killing Heaven had naturally discovered it a long time ago.

It's a pity that he doesn't have the "key" to open the secret room, the Shenhuang Treasure Box, so he can only watch helplessly, but he can't get the treasure inside.

But he never expected that Ling Feng could actually open the stone door.

Moreover, he must have gotten the benefits from it!

At this moment, it is the mantis hunting the cicada, with the oriole behind.

So what if Ling Feng gets the treasure?

He is the ultimate winner!

Thinking of this, the smile on the face of Evil Lord Killing the Sky became even brighter, he narrowed his eyes and stared at Ling Feng, and sneered: "Boy, teach you what you got inside, I can still consider keeping you." A whole corpse!"

Ling Feng shrugged. This Sky-Slaying Evil Lord was indeed cunning. For a veteran ancestral realm expert like him, he actually had to wait until his injuries were healed before showing up.

It can be seen that this person also knows the principle of lion fighting rabbit.

It might not be easy to plot against him.

As for Jianlu and Zifeng, although they have improved very quickly, at the moment, they are unable to help when facing powerful men like Killing the Sky Evil Lord.

At most, it can provide some extra energy and blood, so that one can be resurrected several times with the help of blood rebirth.

"Why, you don't naively think that with just the injuries I suffered before, I won't be able to deal with a young boy like you, right?"

Evil Lord Killing the Sky laughed ferociously, "This time, there are no three major gods and others who have poured all their cultivation into your body. Do you still think you have the power to rival Shenshui Yinji?"

"Whether you have it or not, you won't know until you fight it."

Ling Feng summoned everyone from all directions to be destroyed. This battle is probably inevitable.

Moreover, he must kill the Evil Lord Killing the Sky, otherwise, even if he escapes, if he tells the secret of his inheritance of "Shenhuang Emperor", I am afraid that he will suddenly become the target of public criticism.

As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves thinking about you.

Although he is now the commander-in-chief of Sao Feng Camp, I am afraid he will be disturbed in the future.

"Hahahaha!" Evil Lord Killed the Sky suddenly laughed wildly. After a long time, he stopped laughing and said coldly: "Okay, boy, no wonder they asked you to be the Commander-in-Chief of Sao Feng. You do have some courage. . However, you may become the shortest-lived Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng in history!”

"Hmph, you say it as if you are sure to win."

Ling Feng smiled coldly, already having a countermeasure in mind.

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