Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3041 A great success! (3 updates)


Seeing Ling Feng return, all the elders of Saofeng Camp breathed a sigh of relief.

If something unexpected happened to Ling Feng, I'm afraid he would really be the shortest-lived Chief Sao Feng in the history of Sao Feng Camp.

General Yan Shen and General Wang Shen even flew up to meet him. They were relieved to see that Ling Feng was intact from top to bottom.

"Brother Ling...ahem, no, Chief Secretary."

Zong Yan also strode up to Ling Feng. Seeing Ling Feng's unscathed appearance, he couldn't help but said angrily: "It seems that the chief executive has not been able to catch up with that old guy, Evil Lord Killing the Sky."

"If you haven't caught up, you haven't caught up. Anyway, the lair of the Evil Lord Killing the Sky has been destroyed, and the entire Fallen God Clan can no longer make any waves."

Wang Shenjiang said in a slightly comforting tone: "The most important thing is, Chief Secretary, just be fine."

If Ling Feng really catches up with the Evil Lord Killing the Sky and is killed by the Evil Lord Killing the Sky instead, that would be the worst outcome.

Then, Yun Fu, Liu Xu, Lu Chong and other companions who had a good relationship with Ling Feng also opened their mouths to comfort Ling Feng.

"Director-General, you have achieved such a great victory for the first time you commanded an operation. It is already a great success!"

"That's right. That old guy, Killing Heaven Evil Lord, is so good at escaping. Last time, he ran away under the noses of the three major clan leaders. It's normal that you didn't catch up."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and said, dumbfounded: "Did I say I didn't catch up?"

However, Ling Feng was somewhat touched by the comfort given by these people.

No matter what, I finally gained such sincere companions in Sao Feng Camp.


After hearing Ling Feng's words, everyone was even more confused.

If Ling Feng catches up with the Evil Lord Killing the Sky, there will definitely be a fierce battle.

How could he be like now, unscathed?

"Well, from now on, there will no longer be a person like the Evil Lord Killing the Sky in the world." Ling Feng said with a faint smile: "Because, he is already dead!"

Ling Feng said as he took out the Killing City Lord's Token that was on the body of Evil Lord Killing the Sky, which was enough to prove his identity. "Evil Lord Killing the Sky has been killed by me. His soul and soul have been destroyed. He is completely dead."


Everyone stared at Ling Feng with their eyes widened.

The Evil Lord Killing the Sky is actually dead?

That is the evil king who kills the sky!

He and General Secretary Xiao Feng, the leaders of the three high-ranking divine clans, are equally famous masters, masters, masters!

Such a strong man actually died in Ling Feng's hands.

You must know that although Evil Lord Killing the Sky was jointly attacked by the two generals and powerful men such as Yin and Duanmu Bai and suffered some injuries, he was still the top powerhouse standing at the pinnacle of the Zhongyuan Domain.

This means that the Evil Lord Killing the Sky cherishes his life and does not want to fight to the death. Otherwise, if he really gives it a go, he is afraid that even if so many people here join forces to besiege the Evil Lord Killing the Sky, they will have to pay a very heavy price.

However, Ling Feng actually killed the Evil Lord Killing Heaven without any damage!

This is really unbelievable.

"General Secretary, you..."

General Yan Shen's eyes widened. Although Ling Feng was extremely talented, he had already shown his evil side in just one month after practicing the Hongmeng God Transformation Technique.

However, monsters are monsters, and there are still several realms between him and the Evil Lord Killing the Sky. Even if Ling Feng looks more miserable, it is easier for people to accept.

However, the reality is that Ling Feng was not even injured at all.

"Haha, that Sky-Slaying Evil Lord is indeed powerful. If we really have to fight with strength, I am no match. It's just that he was careless and was plotted by me, so he died."

Ling Feng didn't explain much. He just said that Evil Lord Killing the Sky was plotted by him, but it was difficult to elaborate on how the plot was done.

However, it doesn't matter how the process is, but the result is naturally happy to everyone.

Once the Evil Lord Killing the Sky died, the Fallen God Clan was completely leaderless.

Even if there are still some scattered forces scattered around, they can basically not make any waves.

"This is really good news!"

After the shock, everyone was overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, this operation would be so successful. In just a few days, the fallen gods that had not been eliminated for thousands of years were completely wiped out.

Although this was also the inevitable consequence of the previous battle in Shenshui Palace, without Ling Feng's decisive decision, it would have been a protracted tug-of-war.

Of course, for Ling Feng, the benefits he received are self-evident.

In the long run, the inheritance of Shenhuang Emperor is equivalent to pointing out a direction for him in the realm of immortality.

Surrounded by a group of members of the Sao Feng Camp, Ling Feng directly entered the palace of the city lord of Killed Sky City. Wang Shen presented all the lists of various treasures that had been seized from various cities to Ling Feng. These treasures , will be directly charged into the treasure house of Camp Sao Feng.

Of course, as Chief Sao Feng, Ling Feng enjoys the priority to use and select these treasures.

Ling Feng couldn't help but sigh in his heart, no wonder everyone in the world is chasing power. Indeed, it is easy to get lost in this feeling of sitting on the throne of a leader and having a lot of resources.

At least at this moment, Ling Feng felt the huge benefits that being the Commander-in-Chief of Sao Feng brought to him.

Shaking his head and smiling, Ling Feng put aside this feeling of satisfaction. With his state of mind, he would not have any fluctuations due to this.


At this moment, General Yan Shen stepped forward, bowed to Ling Feng, and said in a deep voice: "In addition to the talents from each city in the sea of ​​​​Qujing, there are also some civilians in the city, as well as some How to deal with the old, weak, women and children still needs instructions from the Chief Secretary.”

Ling Feng glanced at General Yan Shen and said slowly: "General Yan Shen, what do you mean?"

“If you cut the weeds without removing the roots, they will grow again when the spring breeze blows.”

Yan Shenjiang took a deep breath and said slowly: "Perhaps the General Secretary will think that I am too harsh and decisive in doing this, but there is really no need to be merciful to the fallen gods."

"What do the others mean?"

Ling Feng looked at everyone in the hall. Although most people felt that General Yan's approach was a bit harsh, what he said was indeed the best way to solve the problem once and for all.

Ling Feng shook his head, took a deep breath, and said calmly: "The road to martial arts is originally a road full of killing and blood. To this point, I have killed many people, many, many people. Therefore, I also He is not a soft-hearted person. Killing them is as simple as picking up the knife and dropping it. "

"But, in a sense, most of them are just victims of being enslaved by the fallen gods. If we use the butcher knife on them, what difference will it make from the fallen gods. Before I set foot in martial arts, I was As a doctor, I believe that every life deserves to be respected."

Ling Feng looked at Yan Qiutong beside Lu Chong. She had been an undercover agent in the Sea of ​​Qujing for many years, and she knew the situation here best.

"Miss Yan, I leave it to you to deal with the prisoners. I believe you have your own judgment whether to release or kill them. Before that, let them go first, don't lock them up. This sea of ​​​​Qingjing, originally It is a place of exile, trapping them here is already a prison.”

Yan Qiutong was stunned for a moment, then understood and nodded quickly, feeling grateful in his heart.

In a sense, she was already a fallen protoss. Ling Feng's ability to let her deal with these prisoners proved Ling Feng's magnanimity.

"Hey, that's all."

Yan Shenjiang shook his head. Perhaps as Ling Feng said, every life deserves to be respected. If the boss was here, he would probably have made the same decision as Ling Feng.

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