Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3048 Golden Frey! (1 update)

Soon, Ling Feng realized what this golden battle body meant.

The golden light all over Freder's body was like a protective barrier, cutting off Ling Feng's Yuan Power and the pressure of Ling Feng's will.

And in the fighting state, Freder's strength was beyond Ling Feng's expectation.

That's not something that can be compared to Fresa's level at all.

Fortunately, with the help of the Great Star Robbery, Ling Feng possesses millions of dragon powers, and is barely able to compete with the terrifying power of Fredrale.


Excitement flashed in Freder's eyes, "Your strength is getting more and more beyond my expectations! Three moves!"

He raised three fingers and said, "If I can't defeat you within three moves, I will lose!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and nodded, "Three moves, three moves!"

Fresa on the side heard Freder's words, and his heart lifted again.

If Ling Feng catches Fredraul's three moves, wouldn't he have to kneel down to this "waste" who is only in the early stages of the Ancestral Realm?

Wouldn't that be a disgrace?

However, when he thought of Freder's strength, his heart swallowed back in his stomach.

If Freder was not sure, he would never say such words as three moves.

The warriors around them, whether they were from the Sao Feng Camp, the Demon Sealing God Clan or the Frey Clan, were all watching Ling Feng and Frey Drol closely.

This battle between the two was also the first confrontation between the top geniuses between all the races in the Star Realm and the Yuanshen Alliance.

The result of this battle is destined to spread throughout the Central Yuan Realm and the Star Realms!

"I'm coming! Be careful!"

Freder reminded him, and his figure turned into a ball of golden light.

"First style, Golden Spear!"

The golden light around Fredro condensed into a ball, turned into a battle spear that was condensed to the extreme, and was projected towards Ling Feng.

The golden spear shattered the space and opened cracks around it.

The violent aura spread out, and everyone within a few hundred feet could not help but take a few steps back.

This violent aura actually made some veteran Ancestral Realm powerhouses tremble with fear.

At this moment, at Ling Feng's feet, colorful rays of light rotated, and the Zhoutian Chaos Formation quietly opened.

The next moment, a Zhoutian Chaos Sword flew into the sky and hovered with Ling Feng as the center.

Then, whoosh whoosh!

One after another, the Zhoutian Chaos Swords flew into the sky, forming a Zhoutian Chaos Sword Formation!

During Ling Feng's retreat, Ling Feng had actually cultivated the Zhou Tian Chaos Sword and Zhou Tian Chaos Sword into a single sword formation.

Under the unity of the sword formation, thousands of Zhou Tian's swords are constantly circling and flying. The power of Zhou Tian is flowing and turning into a barrier to block Fredra's golden spear from me.


With a loud noise, the entire Demon-Sealing Holy Mountain seemed to shake.

The elders of the Ancestral Realm of the Demon-Sealing God Clan were so frightened that they quickly joined forces to set up a barrier to prevent the entire Demon-Sealing Holy Mountain from being destroyed by Ling Feng and Freder.

Ling Feng's expression changed, and he directly controlled the Zhoutian Chaos Sword Formation to fly into the sky.

"Come up and fight!"

Ling Feng didn't want to destroy the entire Demon Sealing God Clan.

Freder sneered, circulated the golden battle energy, and said coldly: "The next step is the second move!"

Freder's aura became more violent and terrifying.

His eyes even had a hint of dim blood red, as if he was about to lose control and go berserk at any moment.

This feeling was somewhat familiar to Ling Feng.

He took a deep breath, knowing that the next move would be even more difficult to resist!

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