Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3050 Your woman! (3 updates)

"Your name is Ling Feng, right? When the Ten Thousand Clans are hunting, you will die!"

Fredro smiled coldly, then turned around, walked towards Fred, and said in a deep voice: "I'm willing to admit defeat, let's leave!"

Fred frowned. He could have stayed in the Demon-Sealing Holy Mountain, lording it over, eating and drinking freely, but now it was better, he could only get out in despair.

However, in front of everyone, since Freder had made a bet with Ling Feng, although Fred was not a person who valued promises, he had to save face for Freder.

Fred pulled Fresa up, sighed softly, and turned around to leave.

After a while, the foreign warriors of the Frey clan all left the Demon-Sealing Holy Mountain. The Demon-Sealing Clan leader and the elders of the Demon-Sealing God Clan all showed a hint of excitement.

"These plague gods should get out of here!"

An elder of the Demon Sealing God Clan couldn't help but cursed.

Elder Chen Wubo and Chen, who once wanted to frame Ling Feng as a fallen god, clenched his fists, strode in front of Ling Feng, and knelt down with a "pop".

"Director Ling, it was my fault in the beginning. I should not have framed you for my personal revenge. Now that the Demon Sealed God Clan is in trouble, how can you ignore the past and come back to help me? I...I..."

Chen Wubo lowered his head, put aside his old face, and actually kowtowed to Ling Feng.

"Okay, let him go by the past."

Ling Feng supported Chen Wubo. Chen Wubo was Chen Shidao's grandfather, so it was normal to protect his shortcomings. Anyway, he had nothing to lose, and he didn't bother to worry about the past.

He can apologize to himself in this way. If he still cares about it, wouldn't it seem too narrow-minded?

"I have always been a member of the Demon-Sealing God Clan, and I will never forget the kindness of the Demon-Sealing God Clan in taking me in."

Ling Feng helped Chen Wubo up, and his words moved the elders of the Demon Sealing God Clan.

Drinking water remembers the source and never forgets old feelings is easy to say, but how many people can do it.

Now that Ling Feng is in a high position, it is even more valuable.

Compared to the happy faces of those from the Demon Sealing God Clan, General Wang Shen's face looked a little solemn.

Because of what Freder said before leaving.

Anyone with eyesight can see that it's not a joke.

But he might really kill Ling Feng.

"Director-General, you must be careful about that Fradol."

General Wang Shen said in a deep voice: "If it really doesn't work, you'd better not join the Heavenly Hunting of Ten Thousand Clans. As long as you don't enter the battlefield of Ten Thousand Tribes, no matter how arrogant Fredro is, he will never dare to kill Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng." ”

"Don't worry, General Wang Shen. It's not that easy to kill me."

Ling Feng smiled faintly. He could feel that Fredrale did not use all his strength, but how had he ever shown his true strength?

If Freder wanted to kill him, the end result would be death in his own hands.

The more powerful the opponent, the more powerful he can be.

It can be said that this Fredra is exactly the opponent he longs for.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "I'll go see Master first."

Although the time spent with Li Chunyang was not long, strictly speaking, Li Chunyang did not teach him much.

However, at least when he was framed as a fallen god, Li Chunyang stood by his side from beginning to end.

Based on this alone, Ling Feng has identified him as his master.

"Okay, Elder Li is guarding the Demon Sealing Tower. I'll take you there."

The leader of the Demon-Sealing Clan said respectfully, although Ling Feng did not deliberately show off, his identity was there after all.

Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng has such a lofty status. In front of him, the leader of the Demon Sealing Clan is nothing.

"No need, I'm quite familiar with it."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "I can just go by myself."

After saying that, Ling Feng spread out his body skills and galloped out in the direction of the Demon-Sealing Tower.

"Wait for me, I want to go too!"

Yu Junyao gritted her silver teeth and flew up to follow. Everyone showed an "I see" expression. It seemed that the candidate for the "Mrs. General Secretary" had probably been decided.

Feeling everyone's gaze, Yu Junyao blushed even more, tried her best to keep up with Ling Feng, and glared at Ling Feng angrily.


Ling Feng turned around and saw Yu Junyao, and was immediately confused, "Miss Yu, why are you following me?"

Recalling the last time he was impulsive, Ling Feng was somewhat embarrassed.


Yu Junyao glared at Ling Feng angrily, "Just now, why didn't you speak clearly? It's fine now. Everyone thought I was..."


Ling Feng blinked and saw Yu Junyao looking like he was hesitating to speak, and he was confused, "What's wrong with you?"


Yu Junyao was even more furious and said with a blushing face: "Now everyone regards me as you...your woman!"

"Is that so?"

Ling Feng scratched the back of his head and said with a wry smile: "I just think there is no need to talk so much to those aliens. If you mind, I can go and make it clear to everyone."


Yu Junyao raised her leg and kicked Ling Feng's calf. Unfortunately, Ling Feng's skin was rough and thick. It was a joke. Not only did she not feel anything, but it even shook Yu Junyao's toes to death. pain.

Yu Junyao gasped and stared at Ling Feng with red eyes, tears welling up in her eyes, "You! You brat, you know how to bully me!"

"Then do you want me to explain or not?"

Ling Feng looked at Yu Junyao helplessly.

"it's up to you!"

Yu Junyao glared at Ling Feng angrily, Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, stretched out his hand to grab Yu Junyao's wrist, and said lightly: "Then let's not talk about it. The one who is clean will be clean by himself. Go and see me first. Master."


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