Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3056 Five places (Part 2)! (3 updates)

"Okay, then I'll choose."

Ling Feng scanned the crowd, pondered for a moment, and finally said: "Then choose according to strength, Ten Thousand Clans Sky Hunter, after all, you still have to have enough strength to get to the end!"

According to strength, and the age must be less than 100 years old.

The most suitable candidates are naturally those among the Ten Blades.

"Duanmu Bai."

Ling Feng looked at Duanmu Bai, who was second among the Ten Blades. His strength had already been revealed when he besieged the Evil Lord Killing Heaven that day.

Ling Feng was deeply impressed. His Thousand Layers Burial Flower Sword Formation was still fresh in his memory.

Duanmubai nodded, "Thank you, Director-General!"

"Also, Silver, you are suitable too."

Ling Feng looked at Yin, the third of the Ten Blades, and also the holder of the God King Blade. His strength was comparable to Duanmu Bai.

"Thank you, Director-General."

Yin spoke very little, and his eyes were squinted, making it difficult to see clearly, but he exuded a strong fighting spirit.

"As for the remaining quota..."

Ling Feng hesitated for a moment. In fact, the one who is most qualified to participate in the battlefield of all races must be selected from among the ten blades, but Ling Feng also has some selfish motives of his own.

The veteran Ten Blades are indeed strong, but most of their room for improvement is already relatively limited.

Moreover, Ling Feng is the leader of the new generation of Ten Blades. To truly start a new era, a new generation of Ten Blades needs to be cultivated.

"The remaining two places..."

Ling Feng's eyes fell on Lu Chong, "Lu Chong, you are one of them."


Lu Chong's eyelids twitched, obviously something was beyond his expectation.

Although he can be regarded as a new member of the Ten Blades, among the Ten Blades, there are still many people who are stronger than him.

"Well, you count as one. What, you don't have confidence in yourself?"

Ling Feng nodded, Lu Chong also belonged to the new generation of Ten Blades.

"Since Mr. Souji can be trusted, I will do my best!"

Lu Chong nodded heavily, as if it were true that if it weren't for Ling Feng's advice, he would still be giving up on himself.

Now, Lian Yan Qiutong has returned to him with Ling Feng's help. He is full of gratitude to Ling Feng. As long as Ling Feng says a word, he will not even frown even if he goes up the knife mountain or the frying pan.


Ling Feng nodded and finally looked at Yan Jinghong.

He could see that Yan Jinghong's cultivation had reached the threshold of the ancestral realm.

Going one step further, with his talent and the power of Xuntian Ice Soul, he will definitely not be worse than any high-level gods, or even far surpass them.

He is definitely qualified to become the holder of the God King Blade and create a new era with himself.

"The last spot is Yan Jinghong."

When Ling Feng said this name, everyone was obviously stunned.

Lu Chong is just that, he is one of the Ten Blades after all, but Yan Jinghong?

Who is he?

In fact, to be fair, Yan Jinghong had only joined Xiao Feng Camp for a short time, and his cultivation had progressed very quickly, and his performance was even better than that of Jin Rulie, Fu Chaochen, and others, the three top divine geniuses in the same period.

Normally, he might be the focus of everyone's attention, but unfortunately, under Ling Feng's shining light, the geniuses at the same time as him are destined to look dim.

"People may not understand it, but I believe he has the ability and qualifications."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "Everyone just said that I will make the decision. Now, you won't deny it, right?"

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