Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3253 Ling Feng, are you engaged?

Cang Qiong Mountain.

After many years, the eldest lady Yue Yunlan returned to the mountain gate, and everyone in the Cangqiong Sect was in a lively and festive mood.

In the Cangqiong Palace, Madam Honglian held Yue Yunlan's hand and had a long conversation, wishing she could make up for all the words she had said to Yue Yunlan over the past few years.

The deep affection between mother and daughter is evident.

Yu Junyao and Tuo Bayan couldn't help but feel sad when they saw the scene like Yue Yunlan's mother and daughter.

Needless to say, Tuo Bayan lost his mother when he was young, and later all his clan members also died.

Although Yu Junyao was a little princess of the Jiuli Divine Clan and had an honorable status, her mother died unexpectedly when she was very young.

Seeing the joy of Yue Yunlan's reunion with her mother, the two daughters felt envious and sentimental at the same time.

Mrs. Honglian was so kind-hearted. She guessed the emotions of the two girls when she saw them. She patted Yue Yunlan's little hand gently, wiped away the excited tears from the corner of her eyes, and looked at Yu Junyao and Yu Junyao with a smile.

"Lan'er, haven't you introduced these two girls yet?"

"Look at me, when I get excited about seeing my mother, I forget everything!"

Yue Yunlan quickly introduced: "This is Miss Yujun Yaoyu, and this is Miss Tuoba Yan Tuoba."

Mrs. Honglian moved lightly, walked up to the two girls, gently took their palms, and said softly: "Miss Yu, Miss Tuoba, the names are well chosen, and the appearance is even more beautiful and fragrant. They are both beautiful and beautiful." The beauty of the city."

A trace of embarrassment appeared on the faces of Yujunyao and Tuobayan, "Auntie, you are so grateful."

"You guys can accompany Lan'er back, you must be her very good friends. Thank you for taking care of Lan'er these days."

"take care of?"

Yu Junyao waved her hand quickly, "Sister Yue should be the one taking care of us."


Mrs. Honglian pursed her lips and smiled, and then praised the two girls of Yujunyao a few words. In just a few words, she completely "captured" the two girls.

Mrs. Honglian is noble and dignified, and her thoughts are delicate. She sees that the two daughters have lacked maternal love since childhood, and she can't help but sympathize with her. Her words are full of concern.

After some conversation, Yujunyao and Tuobayan actually recognized Mrs. Honglian as their adopted mother.

In this way, Madam Honglian has picked up two adopted daughters whose cultivation realm is close to the ancestral realm. There is probably no mother in the Eastern Spiritual Realm who is more beautiful than her.

Not long after, several figures walked out of the main hall. They were the three sons of the Yue family, Yue Chengjie, Yue Tengfeng, and Yue Tianqun, as well as several pavilion elders from the Cangqiong Sect, Wen Tingguang, Liu Hongzhang and others.

"Met mother (Mrs.)."

Everyone first saluted Mrs. Honglian, and the second eldest Yue Tengfeng immediately stepped forward to say hello to Yue Yunlan, "Little sister, you are finally back!"

"Second brother!"

Yue Yunlan excitedly threw herself into Yue Tengfeng's arms, tears filling her eyes. Among the three brothers, Yue Tengfeng had the best relationship with her. As for the other two brothers, since they were half-mothers, their relationship was relatively average.

Lao Sanyue Tianqun forced out a smile and said hypocritically: "Fourth sister is back. She has been gone for so many years. Even if she doesn't miss us brothers, she should still think about father and mother."

Yue Yunlan's face darkened slightly, and she had no intention of paying any attention to Yue Tianqun.

Yue Tianqun shrugged and didn't take it seriously. He gently rubbed his shoulder against his eldest brother Yue Chengjie, lowered his voice and whispered: "Brother, look at those two girls, they are so beautiful, just like fairies. "

Yue Chengjie nodded. Although his temperament was relatively introverted, he still couldn't help but look at Yu Junyao and the two girls.

Such beauties are really rare in the world, and two beauties who are not inferior to Yue Yunlan suddenly appeared, just like spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums, each has its own merits.

As he looked at it, his eyes became a little fiery, and most likely he wasn't thinking of anything good.

Yu Junyao and Tuoba Yandai frowned slightly, but for the sake of their adoptive mothers, they didn't have an attack.

Ignoring these two useless brothers, Yue Yunlan saw another scar on his second brother Yue Tengfeng's face, and said with some distress: "Second brother, even if you have to fight, there is no need to fight so hard. Look at the scar on your face. It’s getting more and more. What if I can’t marry a second sister-in-law in the future?”


Yue Tengfeng laughed heartily, "Why should a man worry about not having a wife? What's more, a good man should use his body of seven feet to achieve immortal achievements. Not to mention a few scars, even if he gives up his life, it doesn't matter. ?”

"Bah, bah, bah!"

Yue Yunlan quickly spat, "Second brother, you are not allowed to say such unlucky words."

"Okay, okay!"

Yue Tengfeng fondly touched the back of Yue Yunlan's head and felt the rich aura emanating from Yue Yunlan's body. He couldn't help but be a little surprised, "You girl, I haven't seen you for several years, how come your cultivation has become so profound?"

"Yes, the aura is like a sinking abyss, bottomless, terrifying, quite terrifying!"

Wen Tingguang also nodded repeatedly and said with deep understanding: "Fourth Miss, what level has your cultivation level reached?"

"That is...the realm of the Holy Lord."

Yue Yunlan gritted her silver teeth, hesitated for a moment, and then told the truth.

"Okay, okay, it turns out to be the Holy Lord!"

Wen Tingguang stroked his long beard, narrowed his eyes and smiled, "You have reached the level of sainthood at a young age...wait a minute..."

Suddenly, Wen Tingguang almost jumped three feet high on the spot, "Holy Lord? Are you talking about Holy Lord?"

"Otherwise?" Yue Yunlan blinked her beautiful eyes.

Wen Tingguang counted on his fingers, "After the king level is the human emperor, after the human emperor is the great emperor, after the great emperor is the holy realm, the holy master... isn't that the pinnacle of the holy realm?"


For a moment, the expressions of everyone in the hall changed.

Only Yu Junyao curled her lips and said indifferently: "Are you so shocked? Holy Lord, I am too!"

As he said that, he pointed at the Tuoba cigarette and wrote lightly: "There is her, too."


There was a moment of silence in the hall. Brother Yue Chengjie, who had peeked at the two girls before, immediately shrank his neck, not daring to peek at them again.

Good guy, the saintly and powerful man can crush them to death with a little finger. If he has wild thoughts about them, isn't that looking for death?

"Whether it is a saint or any other realm, I am still my mother's daughter."

Yue Yunlan smiled and walked to Mrs. Honglian's side, and hugged Mrs. Honglian's arm very affectionately.

"Yes, yes!"

Madam Honglian gently pinched Yue Yunlan's nose. At this moment, three more figures flew in from outside the palace.

But it was Yue Zhonglian, the leader of the Cang Qiong Sect, as well as Ling Feng and Lei Wensheng who rushed back from the palace.

"I heard that Lan'er is back?"

Before entering the main hall, Yue Zhonglian immediately said loudly: "Lan'er, you girl, you really miss your father!"


Hearing his father's voice, Yue Yunlan also flew out of the hall, threw herself into his father's arms, and choked up.

"It'll be good to come back, it'll be good to come back!"

Yue Zhonglian patted Yue Yunlan's back gently, with a smile on his face, "Okay, okay, you are already a big girl, and you are still crying. What does it look like?"

After saying that, he deliberately looked at Ling Feng and said with a smile: "Ling Feng's nephew, I made you laugh."

"Haha, Sect Leader Yue's father-daughter love is so deep and enviable, how can they laugh at each other?"

Ling Feng smiled faintly and heard Wen Tingguang's voice, "Brother Ling, you are back too, hahaha!"

"Brother Wen!"

Ling Feng looked around, with a smile on his face.

"Good boy!"

Wen Tingguang rushed to Ling Feng in three steps and two steps at a time, raised his hand and slapped Ling Feng hard on the shoulder several times. He then approached Ling Feng again and lowered his voice and said, "Brother, be safe!"


Ling Feng blinked, a little confused.

Hearing Wen Tingguang chuckle, he continued: "Brother, it's just a matter of silence. He became a blockbuster. A few years ago, he was an ignorant young man, but now he has learned to enjoy the blessings of everyone! If nothing else, he has good vision. ”

As he said that, he gave Ling Feng a thumbs up.


Ling Feng coughed a few times and said at a loss of whether to laugh or cry: "Brother Wen, I misunderstood."

"They're all men, I understand!"

Wen Tingguang's eyebrows were filled with excitement, and he made a zipper gesture on his mouth, "Hey, don't say anything, don't say anything!"

You know a thing!

Ling Feng couldn't help but curse secretly in his heart, this old boy is still as old and disrespectful as ever!

He looks like a fairy, but in fact he is full of bad ideas, and he is simply a slut!

When I first started, I was really deceived by his serious appearance on the surface!

In order to celebrate the reunion after a long separation, and to give Ling Feng and his party a welcome break, that night, the Cang Qiong Sect held a grand banquet to entertain Ling Feng and his party.

Needless to say, changing cups and cups during the dinner.

Yue Zhonglian even looked at Ling Feng faintly from time to time, as if waiting for something.

At first, Ling Feng thought it was an illusion, but when he saw the look in Yue Zhonglian's eyes, he felt that he seemed to be expecting something.

Ling Feng was so stared at by this old father that his heart went crazy. After thinking for a while, he took out some secret books and said with a smile: "Sect Master Yue, these are some secret books that I found during my training. They are nothing to me anymore." It works, if the sect master doesn’t dislike it, I hope he can accept it.”

"Don't dislike it, don't dislike it!"

Yue Zhonglian suddenly burst into ecstasy, it's coming, it's coming!

These secrets are probably not betrothal gifts!

Next, it’s time to propose marriage!

Who would have known that after Ling Feng handed the secret book to Yue Zhonglian with a smile, he stopped talking and sat back down.

"That's it. Do you want to say something else?"

Yue Zhonglian was stunned for a moment and looked at Ling Feng with a puzzled look on his face.


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, then quickly stood up again, "This junior was negligent."

Ling Feng chuckled and said: "When I was just starting out, I was taken care of by my senior and Miss Yue. It's just a few secret books. How can I express my gratitude in my heart."

As he said that, he took out a box of top-quality Yuan Jing and some exotic flowers and herbs, "These are the wishes of this junior, I hope Sect Master Yue will accept them."

"Okay! Hahaha!"

Yue Zhonglian smiled from ear to ear. This betrothal gift was too high-profile.

"Since it is my nephew's wish, there is no reason why I should not accept it."

Yue Zhonglian nodded with satisfaction. He was relieved to leave his daughter to such a man.

Next, it’s time to propose marriage, right?

Unexpectedly, Ling Feng actually sat back again.

Yue Zhonglian became anxious again, what happened to this son-in-law?

Is it possible that at this juncture, you are still shy?

The betrothal gift was paid, but what should be said was not said!

This young man must be put under some pressure!

"My dear nephew, do you have anything else you want to say? Say it boldly, but you don't say anything. How do you know I don't agree? Don't worry, I will definitely agree with you!"

Yue Zhonglian's eyes became resentful again, staring at Ling Feng without blinking.

Ling Feng was even more confused. What did this sect leader mean?

Don't you think the gift is enough?

But he didn't seem to be a greedy person before.


Yue Yunlan seemed to smell something wrong, and gave Yue Zhonglian a fierce look with a red face, "Dad, please stop talking nonsense."

"I know, I know!"

Yue Zhonglian narrowed his eyes and smiled, patting Yue Yunlan's little hand gently, "Of course a father will make the decision for his daughter. Don't worry, dad understands what you mean!"

This silly daughter, can’t wait?

As a father, I will click on that kid again.


Yue Zhonglian took a deep breath and said, "Xiao Feng, you are a manly man. You don't have to be coy. Just say what you want to say. As a father-in-law, I promise you what's going on with you and Lan'er!"


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched suddenly, he took a sip of wine into his mouth and spurted it out. His mind suddenly seemed to have thousands of mythical beasts roaring past. What's this all about?


Yu Junyao and Tuo smoked cigarettes and sprayed wine at the same time, and there was a brief blank in their minds.

Ling Feng, are you engaged?


Yue Zhonglian smiled and agreed: "What a good son-in-law, what a good son-in-law!"

"Dad! I..."

At this moment, Yue Yunlan wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it. It was obvious that her father had completely misunderstood.

Did he think that Ling Feng came here specifically to propose marriage?

I think so, but...

Yue Zhonglian's eyes began to turn red as he spoke, "My daughter has grown up and is finally going to get married! The father is reluctant to let go!"

As he said that, he hugged Yue Yunlan and started crying.

"My dear daughter, congratulations, you finally got what you wanted!"

Mrs. Honglian also hugged Yue Yunlan, her eyes turned red, feeling moved but also reluctant to let go.

"Hahaha, my little sister is getting married, brother-in-law, come here, my second brother wants to toast you!"

Yue Tengfeng smiled and toasted to Ling Feng.

Ling Feng froze on the spot, and the class didn't know what to say.

If it were made clear at this time, Yue Yunlan would definitely be ashamed of himself. It would be a large-scale social death scene.

Sure enough, Yue Yunlan cast a look for help, and at the same time, his spiritual consciousness said: "Brother Ling, what should I do now? If it really doesn't work, I...I will make it clear to my father and the others."


Ling Feng sighed softly, "Forget it, let them misunderstand for the time being..."

Anyway, Ling Feng decided to leave early tomorrow morning and let them misunderstand for the time being.

If he clarifies in front of everyone on such an occasion, he doesn't care, but how will Yue Yunlan see anyone in the future?


With a sigh, Ling Feng could only temporarily acquiesce to this result, and toasted to each other with his "father-in-law, mother-in-law" and "second uncle".

After three rounds of drinking.

"My dear son-in-law, when are you going to get married? Your mother-in-law and I are still waiting to have grandchildren?"

The soul torture is still here.

Ling Feng could only explain that for the time being, cultivation is the most important thing. After going through rounds of persuasion, Ling Feng could only say with a wry smile: "Three years, I will come back in three years to be with... and Yun Lan." marry……"

"Okay, three years, three years! Hahaha!"

Only then did Yue Zhonglian laugh with satisfaction, rolled his eyes, and said: "Okay, okay, let's stop here today. My good son-in-law, you are tired from the long journey, so go down and rest first. Lan'er, I'm sorry for you." Will your future husband go down to rest?”

After saying that, he also made an ambiguous look towards Yue Yunlan.

Yue Yunlan's pretty face suddenly turned red to her ears.

Take your future husband down to rest?

Dad, dad, where is your moral integrity?

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