Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3277 I don’t want to!

The east is white, the light blue sky is inlaid with a few remaining stars, and the earth is hazy, like a silver-gray veil.

The long night will eventually be dispersed by the light of dawn.

clang! clang! clang! ! !

The melodious bell rang slowly, awakening the night and everyone in the Haotian Divine Domain.

Today is the day of ten stars, and it is also the wedding day of the God of Night.

Being married to ordinary people is different.

Marriages between warriors are also called immortal couples.

When the Immortal Couple Ceremony is over, it means that Holy Son Haotian and Holy Maiden Jiuli have become lifelong partners under the witness of everyone.

Early in the morning, the entire Haotian Divine Realm began to get busy.

The Immortal Couple Ceremony will be officially held at noon, and the banquet will continue until night. When the ten stars are aligned, the power of the seven generations is blended, and the soul-locking formation of the seven generations of marriage is successfully completed, everything will be over.

The catastrophe will be completely over.

Therefore, every monk is on alert to guard against all possible changes.

"Brother Ye, congratulations!"

"Congratulations to Ye Shen for being able to hold this beauty back in his arms!"

Across all the stars and realms, the young generation of geniuses went to the Night God's residence one after another to congratulate and ask for good luck.

Among them were the ten-blade experts from Xiaofeng camp, such as Duanmu Bai, Yin, Zong Yan, Yunfu and others.

They are all Ten Blades of the same generation as Yagami, and they have the deepest friendship with each other.

Of course, it was only for men. As for the other women, they all went to Mu Qianxue's residence.

In addition, Kurosaki Ikku, Kuchiki Kenpachi, Freder and other geniuses from various races in the star field, although they have not known Yagami for a long time, they learned from Yagami when they were in the arena of all races. From the bottom of my heart, I admire Yagami very much for his style.

Everyone congratulated Ye Shen one after another, and Ye Shen thanked them one by one, with joy on their faces.

Although she married Mu Qianxue, it was more because of her innate destiny, to complete the soul-locking formation of marriage for seven generations, and to completely eliminate the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

But, no matter what, a peerless beauty like Mu Qianxue is undoubtedly any man's dream.

Since he married Mu Qianxue, he would naturally fulfill the responsibilities of a husband, share weal and woe, and depend on each other for life and death.

"Haha, seeing Ye Shen smiling so happily makes me want to find a fairy couple as soon as possible."

The seventh of the Ten Blades, the big guy Cangshan Zongyan, touched his fists in front of his chest and laughed.

"Oh? What, you guy actually wants a woman too?"

Ruoshui Sword Master Yunfu, the fifth among the Ten Blades, narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Junior Sister Liuxu (the eighth among the Ten Blades, introduced before in the chapter Conquering Shenshui Yinji) and you are not very close?"

"Gungungun, a tigress is not my cup of tea!"

Zong Yan punched Yunfu angrily, then held his cheek and murmured, "If you are gentler to me, you can still consider it!"

"Hahaha, you guys really have a crush on Junior Sister Liuxu!"

Yun Fu's eyebrows were filled with excitement, and he extended his hand towards Zong Yan and said, "If you don't pay me the hush money quickly, I will expose you right now!"

"Whatever...whatever you say!"

Zong Yan blushed, "I'm not afraid of slanted shadows!"

"I think you are a tough talker! Haha!"

For a moment, everyone burst into laughter again.

Ye Shen also shook his head and smiled. The strong man with ten blades has always been sympathetic to his brothers and sisters. In addition, they often perform tasks together. It is not surprising that love grows over time.

He scanned the crowd, but even the Yodel clan sent a younger disciple to congratulate him, but he never saw Ling Feng.

It seems that although Ling Feng came to participate in his immortal couple ceremony, there is still a thorn in his heart.

Ye Weiyang sighed softly. Although a gentleman does not win the love of others, the matter has reached this point and there is no room for change.

Even if he doesn't marry Mu Qianxue, he won't be able to pass the test of becoming the patriarch of the Haotian and Jiuli clans.

What's more, there are also top experts from all races in the stars and realms gathered here.

This is no longer a simple ritual for an immortal couple, but is the key to the life and death of all the stars and realms.

Therefore, I can only feel sorry for Ling Feng.

"The Immortal Couple Ceremony is about to begin!"

The disciples' calls came from a distance. Yagami took a deep breath, straightened his clothes, and, surrounded by everyone, walked quickly to the venue that had been arranged for a long time.

the other side.

In Mu Qianxue's residence, Yujunyao, Mu Ruoxi, Yu Qiulin, Ye Linlang, Liuxu, Sheng and other Haotian Jiuli tribes as well as the female disciples from Xiaofeng Camp gathered around Mu Qianxue. Snow's side congratulated her.

I saw Mu Qianxue dressed in red and embroidered with nine golden phoenixes, which were grand and luxurious. On the phoenix crown were six dragons and three phoenix crowns. The dragons were made of gold silk, and the phoenixes were made of kingfisher feathers. There were many dragons hanging from their mouths. There are some emerald blue flowers and leaves among the pearls and gems, dragons and phoenixes.

The lower part of the phoenix crown has two rows of small circles with red and sapphire as the center and surrounded by pearls.

Behind the phoenix crown hangs six leaf-like decorations, which are covered with pearls and gems.

As the saying goes, if you wear my embroidered skirt, you will be able to do everything, your feet will be slippery with silk shoes, your head will be shiny, your waist will be smooth and silky, and your ears will be wearing bright moon earrings.

The fingers are like peeling onion roots, the mouth is like holding vermilion, and the steps are delicate and delicate, which is unparalleled in the world.

Mu Qianxue today is extremely beautiful.

Mu Ruoxi, who had been married for a long time, stood quietly behind Mu Qianxue with a crimson wooden comb in her hand, gently combing her long, beautiful black hair.

"When I comb my hair, I will have no doubt about my love for you.

The two combs cherish each other and are willing to raise the case to be in line with their eyebrows.

Three combs will bring children and grandchildren around the knees, four combs will keep the knot together forever, five combs will bring happiness to the whole family..."

While Mu Ruoxi was combing Mu Qianxue's hair, she was still smiling and mumbling something.

"Wow, cousin Ruoxi, where did you learn the songs? Every word is full of good words. You are so awesome!"

Yu Junyao watched Mu Qianxue become more and more radiant under Mu Ruoxi's makeup, and a small star suddenly lit up in front of her eyes.

"This is called the Ten Comb Song. Every girl must sing it when she gets married!"

Mu Ruoxi raised her jade finger and gently touched Yu Junyao's forehead, "You silly girl, you have to sing when you get married in the future."

Yu Junyao's pretty face was slightly red, Ling Feng's figure appeared in her mind, and she quickly blurted out: "I won't get married!"

"Haha, you silly girl..."

Mu Ruoxi narrowed her eyes and smiled, and continued singing, "Six combs of wind and moon knots, and long thoughts.

Seven combs stay with each other forever, eight combs are related to the wind and moon, the gongs and drums for welcoming the bride reach the sky, nine combs are suitable for the family, one fall of the hijab covers the eyebrows, ten combs are white-headed..."

As Mu Ruoxi sang, Mu Qianxue took a deep breath and her eyes turned slightly red.

She bit her delicate lips lightly, then suddenly reached out and grabbed Yujunyao's palm. She took a deep look at Yujunyao and said through her spiritual consciousness: "Yao'er, from now on, Brother Ling will... be entrusted to you."

Yu Junyao raised her eyes to look at Mu Qianxue and nodded heavily.

"Okay, the fairy couple ceremony is about to begin, and it's time for our bride to make her stunning debut!"

Mu Ruoxi helped Mu Qianxue stand up slowly, and rushed to the venue of the Immortal Couple Ceremony, surrounded by a group of female disciples.

clang! clang! clang! ! !

The bell rang again, and at the same time, the entire Haotian Divine Realm was shrouded in rays of light, filled with brilliance and joy.

The sound of the bell also means that the Immortal Couple Ceremony between Holy Son Haotian and Holy Maiden Jiuli is about to officially begin.

On the high platform, Ye Changtian, as the host, got busy early in the morning. While entertaining the guests, he also watched all directions and listened to all directions, assessing all the disturbances.

When the bell rang for the second round, Ye Changtian glanced across the stage and saluted everyone with fists in his hands.

"Welcome to you all to attend the Immortal Couple Ceremony of the juniors of my Haotian clan. I would like to thank you very much!"

Guests from all the stars and realms had already gathered together. Disciples and elders from various sects stood up one after another to express their respect for the Haotian Jiuli clan.


"Congratulations to Holy Son Haotian on your marriage!"

Waves of cheers and congratulations, like a roaring mountain and a tsunami, sounded in the huge square.

Throughout the square, red silk was fluttering, ribbons were flying, and a long red carpet was spread on the ground, dividing the entire venue into left and right halves.

"Come on, distribute the thousand-year-old wine that my family has treasured!"

Ye Changtian made a big move, and a young woman filed in, serving the best wine and delicacies in the Haotian Divine Clan. As soon as Holy Son Haotian and Saint Jiuli arrived at the venue, the ceremony of the Immortal Couple could be formalized. was held.

However, among the seats in the Saofeng Camp, the two generals, Yan and Wang, looked a little distracted.

"Reporting to the Commander-in-Chief, we still haven't found it!"

At this moment, a disciple from Saofeng Camp hurried over and whispered to the two generals.

"What? Haven't found it yet?"

Wang Shen frowned deeply, "Then what are you doing here stupidly? Look for it quickly and keep looking!"


The disciple was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he quickly retreated, cursing in his heart: Mr. Souji has always been calm, why did he suddenly disappear for some reason today?

But it turns out that the person Wang Shen ordered them to find was none other than Ling Feng, the commander-in-chief of Xiao Feng.

"The Immortal Couple Ceremony is about to begin, but Mr. Souji disappears at this moment. It's really..."

Wang Shenjiang lightly hammered the table. Chief Sao Feng held a very important position in the Yuanshen Temple.

It would be too rude if Ling Feng was not present.

If he didn't want to come, he shouldn't have showed up yesterday!

"It's better not to look for it."

Hua Xiaoshuang, the chief of the medical battalion who was sitting behind the two generals, sighed softly and said: "I also know a little about the affairs of the General Secretary and the Saint Jiuli from the mouth of that girl Xiao Yu'er. After all, It’s the wedding of your beloved to another man, so it’s understandable that Mr. Souji doesn’t want to attend.”


The expressions of Wang Shenjiang and Yan Shenjiang changed at the same time. No wonder Ling Feng delayed Ye Shen's wedding as long as he could, and reluctantly left on the last day. It turned out that there was such a complicated relationship in it.

"Hey, that's fine."

Wang Shenjiang sighed softly, "Then I can only give up this old face and stay with the leader of the Ye clan."

Not long after, the third round of bells sounded again.

Along with the sound of the bell, Haotian Saint Ye Weiyang and Jiuli Saint Mu Qianxue finally arrived.

The two met at the center of the red carpet, surrounded by the young talents of all ethnic groups.

"Qianxue, from today on, you are my fairy companion, Ye Weiyang."

Ye Shen smiled faintly at Mu Qianxue and gently took Mu Qianxue's hand.

Mu Qianxue bit her silver teeth, took a deep breath, and finally nodded slowly.

"Okay! Okay! Hahaha!"

Ye Changtian laughed loudly, and Mu Xuanxiao and Mu Xuanshuo also nodded. Especially Mu Xuanshuo, as Mu Qianxue's biological father, was moved to tears.

My daughter finally got married, and she married the best man in the world!

"Xianyuan Magpie Bridge, rise!"

Following the emcee's soft drink, a floating fairy bridge with twinkling lights slowly appeared in the center of the venue.

On the fairy bridge, there are lifelike patterns of flowers and birds, and there are also the sounds of fairy magpies chirping in unison, just like the magpie bridge in myths and legends.


Ye Weiyang took a deep look at Mu Qianxue, and Mu Qianxue nodded slightly to him, and then the two of them joined hands and walked step by step onto the Immortal Magpie Bridge.

The fairy spirit is fluttering, and the fairy clouds are lingering.

All the guests smiled and blessed Ye Shen and Mu Qianxue, witnessing the two walking side by side to the highest point of the pontoon.

Looking down, there is a sea of ​​people, all offering blessings.

"The Immortal Couple Ceremony has officially begun! A toast!"

Ye Changtian and Mu Xuanxiao looked at each other and shouted loudly at the same time.

Under the witness of everyone, the last pair of hosts of the power of marriage for seven generations will become a fairy couple.

A catastrophe will also be nipped in the bud.

Everyone raised their glasses in toast, and under the witness of everyone, Ye Weiyang held Mu Qianxue's hand and smiled tenderly.

"No matter what the reason is, since we have walked across the Magpie Bridge of Immortality together, you are my immortal companion, Ye Weiyang, for life. Holding my son's hand and growing old together with him is my promise. Qianxue, can you? willing?"


Mu Qianxue bit her silver teeth, took a deep look at Ye Weiyang, and then searched the crowd again.

However, Ling Feng was not seen.

Didn't he come after all?

Taking a deep breath, Mu Qianxue finally nodded slowly, "I - wish -"

However, at this moment, a cry was heard, like thunder from the sky, rising up from the sky, swinging through the clouds, shaking the sky and the earth.

"I do not want to!!!"

The roaring sound penetrated the clouds and split the sky, hitting the ground with a loud sound, and all the nine heavens and ten places were shaken.

All eyes turned to the sky.

A long rainbow is like a sword coming from the west.

The man with silver hair, blue clothes, sword-wielding eyes and angry eyes is clearly...

Ling Feng!

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