Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3308 The battle between giant beasts!

"Damn it, this is the first time in my life that I have seen such a terrifying monster!"

"This... this is too big!"

"Oh my God, what the hell is that? Why is it so big?"

In the Sao Feng Camp, monks from all races rushed to the open area one after another, looking up at the giant monster covering the sky above the sky, and they all shivered.

What's more, his legs trembled and he fell limp to the ground.

Even under the protection of the Immortal Formation, the suffocating sense of oppression still makes people feel despair and fear.

Fear from the depths of the soul!

"Everyone, don't panic!"

Ye Weiyang took a deep breath, looked up to the sky and roared, "Sword Dance, Tiangang Storm!"

In an instant, the golden God of War raised his sword high, and the golden light around him became more and more dazzling.

As for the disciples guarding the energy cores of the Immortal Formation, they went crazy and poured top-grade crystals into the cores, box after box, cart after cart. The speed at which the crystals burned was simply exaggerated.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

Under the control of Ye Weiyang, the huge golden war god transformed from the Tiangang Xuanxiao Immortal Formation struck the shield with his sword, releasing a roar that shook the heaven and earth.

The sound waves rumbled and shook the sky.

Billions of tons of sea water seemed to be boiling and surging, turning into shocking water dragons, rolling endlessly.

In an instant, millions of water dragons surged up and swept towards the huge beast that was crushing them from the sky.

"Hmph, this mountain-protecting formation is quite interesting!"

The two powerful demon clan men standing behind Beiming Demon Kun had a look of disdain on their faces at the same time.

Although the mountain-protecting formation of Camp Sao Feng looked really good, it was meaningless in the face of the overwhelming power.

Those water dragons that were originally thousands of feet long looked extremely small in front of Beiming Demon Kun.

Bang bang bang!

Thousands of water dragons collided with the huge body of Beiming Demon Kun. However, it was like a mantis using its arms as a chariot. Before they hit Beiming Demon Kun, they were all burned up by the dark flames surrounding Beiming Demon Kun. , turned into hot steam and disappeared.


Immediately afterwards, a roar that shook the world came from Beiming Mokun's mouth, bang bang bang!

The sea seemed to have been blown to pieces, and within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, the sea level seemed to have been forcibly lowered by thousands of feet.

After a while, there was a downpour of rain, and hundreds of billions of tons of sea water fell again almost instantly. The impact was so terrifying, one can imagine!


The entire Sao Feng Island Group began to shake violently. Even though they were protected by the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Guard Formation, everyone's hearts were still in their throats.

Can it be stopped?

Can this immortal formation really stop that giant monster?

That kind of power, that feeling of oppression, simply cannot be described in words.

Ye Weiyang's face was as dark as water. Although he had absolute trust in Ling Feng and believed in the defensive power of the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Guard Formation, he still felt a burst of despair after seeing the true appearance of the Beiming Demon Kun. .

These humans, in front of Beiming Demon Kun, are like a grain of sand in the desert or a drop of water in the ocean.

Even the God of War, Tiangang Xuanxiao, who enveloped the entire Sao Feng Island Group, seemed extremely small and insignificant.

That giant monster just opened its mouth and roared, and the power it unleashed was almost enough to destroy the world.

This is still protected by the fairy formation, otherwise, the monster still has the terrifying ability to suck souls.

I'm afraid that in just that moment, this island will turn into a lifeless death land.

Ye Weiyang clenched her fists tightly, feeling deep in her heart only with a deep sense of powerlessness.

"It seems that we can't rely solely on this immortal formation."

The figure of Ghost Ancestor Xuan Yi slowly floated into the air, with three Ghost Fang Blades behind him circling around him.

On the other side, the Holy Ancestor Dracula of the Yodel tribe actually spread out a pair of bat-like bloody wings behind him. His originally extremely fair complexion turned as pale as ice and snow.

"The younger generation is still young, so it's up to us old guys to take action!"

Holy Ancestor Dracula flapped his wings and soared into the sky, and Ghost Ancestor Xuan, one on the left and one on the right, one black and one red, rose into the sky like two rainbows.

"Senior, be careful, that monster has the power to steal souls! Brother Ling has told you that no matter what, you cannot leave the immortal formation for even half a step!"

Ye Weiyang shouted a reminder, but the two half-step virtual immortals would never take it to heart.

No matter how big you are, as long as you haven't broken through to the realm of immortality, you are still just a half-step virtual immortal.

They are both half-step virtual immortals, can they be defeated in seconds?

Its huge body seemed to them to be just a cumbersome burden.

In just an instant, two half-step Void Immortal experts directly broke through the protective range of the Immortal Formation and launched an attack on the giant monster above the sky.


Behind Beiming Mokun, the red-faced and ugly slaves had a sneer on their lips.

"Two idiots, do you think that using magic power to protect your body can completely immunize you from Beiming Demon Kun's soul-stirring power?"

Ran Hongyan narrowed her eyes and smiled, "It looks like these two old guys are going to give it away for free."

"Hehe, it's just for free."

The ugly slave also laughed strangely, and muttered something in his mouth, as if he was communicating with the Beiming Demon Kun under him.

The next moment, Beiming Mokun's originally closed eyes suddenly opened.


The void trembled, and a strange wave of spiritual soul burst out from Beiming Mokun's huge pupils.

This wave is invisible and has no quality, but it can directly and completely disperse the origin of the soul in the sea of ​​​​spirit in an instant.


As the soul wave spread, the two half-step virtual immortals, who were still fiercely attacking Beiming Demon Kun, suddenly stopped in mid-air.

Immediately afterwards, it began to fall straight towards the sea.

But it turned out that the moment their souls were dispersed, they were directly devoured by Beiming Demon Kun.

Fortunately, Sao Feng Camp was protected by the Immortal Formation, and the wave of souls was actually isolated. The monks in Sao Feng Camp were able to escape.

"This this……"

Within the Immortal Formation, everyone's faces became ashen as water when they saw that the two ancestors were defeated like this.

Ye Weiyang clenched her fists tightly.

These two seniors have strength, but their brains are not working well.

I had already warned him, but they were still so careless and underestimated the enemy.

"Two idiots!"

Shenshui Yinji snorted coldly. Originally, she actually had plans to take action, but since it was Ling Feng who said that he could not leave the immortal formation for even half a step, something went wrong, so she chose to believe Ling Feng.

Now that I think about it, I really saved a small life.

"There's only one idiot, and I'm not one!"

Not far away, a bloody light flashed, and then, a black-red arc of light surged, and a red-black magic ball gradually condensed, and finally transformed into the appearance of the Holy Ancestor Dracula.

This is actually somewhat similar to Ling Feng's ability of blood rebirth, but it is not as heaven-defying as blood rebirth.

This ancestor of the Yodel clan seems to have a remarkable bloodline.

"I am just testing my opponent, I have already prepared a backup plan."

Holy Ancestor Dracula pretended to be calm.

"It seems that I did not misjudge you."

Shenshui Yinji glanced at Holy Ancestor Dracula, "Although your skills are not very good, your life-saving skills are indeed first-rate."


Holy Ancestor Dracula snorted lightly, but recalling the scene just now, if he hadn't always liked to keep a back-up, he would have made a complete confession this time just like the Ghost Ancestor Xuan Yi.


Another extremely terrifying roar sounded, and the Beiming Demon Kun seemed to be launching a second round of offensive.

On the main console of the Immortal Formation, Ye Weiyang's brows were almost knitted together.

Brother Ling, Brother Ling, why don’t you come back?

He didn't understand this immortal formation at all, he was just improvising.

Now, the Beiming Demon Kun's offensive is becoming more and more fierce, and I am afraid that this immortal formation will collapse at any time.

"Let me control the immortal formation!"

At this moment, it was Yu Junyao who gritted her silver teeth and walked up, "Although my level is not enough, I must be the person who knows this immortal formation best besides Ling Feng!"

In the entire process of setting up the immortal array, Yu Junyao indeed played a very important role.

She is familiar with every detail of the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation, and also knows all the transformations of this formation.

Apart from Ling Feng, she must be the one who can exert the strongest ability of the Immortal Formation.


Ye Weiyang gave up half of the console without any hesitation.

"You tell me what to do, and I'll control it!"

His control, coupled with Yu Junyao's command, can simultaneously solve the two problems of Yu Junyao's lack of realm and his inexperience in commanding the immortal formation.


Yujunyao took a deep breath. For the first time, she was shouldering such an important responsibility.

She began to experience the feeling of being trusted and relied on by everyone.

And all along, the person who plays this role has been Ling Feng!

"Yao'er, come on!"

Mu Qianxue took a deep look at Yu Junyao and cast a look of great trust.

"Miss Jade, it's up to you!"

"give it to you!"

One after another, top geniuses from all races looked at Yujunyao with great trust. This feeling of recognition made Yujunyao a little excited.

She took a deep breath and walked quickly to Ye Weiyang's side. The next moment, her expression suddenly changed.

Become extremely serious, extremely serious!

"Xuanxiao heavy shield, triple gate!"

"Alternate sword and shield, Tiangang slash!"


In an instant, three thick gates of golden light rose from the sea level, spinning at high speed around the Sao Feng Islands.

Immediately afterwards, a blazing golden light connected to the Nine Netherworlds of Qingming and spread thousands of miles. The huge golden sword blade was like cutting the heaven and earth, stirring, and the dark sky actually poured into the golden glow.

Under the glow of the rays, inscriptions appeared on the triple golden gate, strengthening the already extremely strong golden gate more than ten times.

Under Yu Junyao's command, the true power of the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Guard Formation was finally fully revealed.

"Bang bang bang!"

Beiming Demon Kun's second round of offensive has roared with a roar that shook the world.



Two of the three gates were broken, but the third golden gate withstood the terrible attack!

For a moment, everyone became excited.

For the first time, they were full of confidence in this immortal formation!

At this moment, a terrifying roaring sound came from the depths of the sea.

Another huge figure surged out from under the deep sea.

It was Ling Feng who led the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King to kill him!

For millions of years, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King finally revealed his huge and majestic body to the world for the first time!

Next, there is a battle between giant beasts!

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