Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3311 Xiaoqiongqi shows off his power, Eye of Shura!

"Within three breaths, the immortal formation will be broken!"

Erling's voice was cold and hoarse, dry and unpleasant, like sandpaper being rubbed against the wall, making one's scalp tingle.

However, at this moment, in the ears of Ran Hongyan and Chou Nu, it became the most beautiful and beautiful sound in the world.

As long as the obstructive immortal formation is broken, the monks in Xiaofeng Camp will instantly become the source of energy for Beiming Demon Kun.

By then, even the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King will have no choice but to die.

Three breaths of time are enough to turn things around!

"Whale King! Thousands of people killed!"

Accompanied by a terrifying roar that shook the world, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King's killing move was ready.

Thousands of fire dragons!

Thousands of sea dragons!

Terrible lava flows and tsunami storms are intertwined.

The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King’s fighting spirit is high and his emotions are high!

It had been countless years since he had gone all out like this. With the blessing of Ling Feng's Heavenly Holding Divine Curse, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King felt the power beyond his peak.

And in this battle, it will once again vindicate itself.

He, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, is the real overlord in this sea area!

The only overlord!

Boom boom boom!

The sound of breaking wind roared, the heaven and earth collapsed, and the tsunami roared into the sky.

A figure of red and blue is like a giant spear in the sky, with a sharp edge, as if it has the power to slay gods and demons.

Breaking open the heaven and earth, smashing the sky into pieces, it roared in in an instant!


In the Sao Feng Camp, a man wearing a golden robe had a cold arc on his lips.

"it's over!"

In front of the man was one of the eighty-one formation eyes of the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation.

Moreover, it is also the most critical and important point of formation.

As long as this formation eye is destroyed, the entire mountain-protecting formation will collapse and cease to exist.

He raised his palm slightly, and golden light surged. As long as this punch was struck, the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation would completely collapse.

"Yeah, it's over!"

At this moment, a lazy voice came slowly from behind.


The man in gold robe suddenly turned around, only to see an upright black donkey approaching him little by little.

It's said to be a black donkey, but that's not entirely true.

Because on the back of its head, there was a pair of protrusions similar to dragon horns.

Moreover, the whole body is covered with a layer of fine black scales.

Judging from the texture, it turns out to be dragon scales!

There is probably only one black donkey in the world that can look like this.

Naturally, it was the extremely mean donkey beside Ling Feng.

"It's you!"

The golden-robed man's pupils shrank slightly, and then he showed a faint smile, "It turns out he is the spiritual pet next to General Secretary Ling. What's wrong? Is anything okay?"

"Pretend? Keep pretending?"

The bitch's eyes shrank, and there was a playful arc on the corner of his mouth, "You have deceived this divine beast once, do you want to deceive this divine beast a second time?"

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the figure of the cheap donkey flying out like an arrow from the string.

"Seventy-two postures of the divine donkey!"

With a loud shout, the stupid donkey kicked the golden-robed man's body over with a sliding shovel, and then kicked his legs upwards, sending the other man's body into the air.

Then, there was a mass killing!

Once you are hit by the Seventy-two Divine Donkey Styles, there is almost no possibility of escaping.

"what happened?"

The commotion here immediately attracted many people to watch.

"Isn't that Qin Yu, the young master of the Tai'a clan?"

"How come Commander Ling's spiritual pet actually got into a fight with Young Master Qin Yu?"

But it turned out that the man in golden robe was Qin Yu from the Tai'a clan!

In other words, after Erling was discovered by the ugly donkey that day, although he escaped from the ugly sheep's body, he did not leave the Haotian Divine Realm, but remained hidden in Qin Yu's body.

This is no wonder why the Evil Bone Demon Lord has always been fully aware of all the arrangements of the Yuanshen Temple.

Qin Yu, without even realizing it, had become the "eyesight" of the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

"Lotus flowers are floating!"

"Lion's Paw!"

"The giant ax chops down the tree!"

Bang bang bang bang!

The fierce attack like a violent storm beat Qin Yu until he screamed, and all the bones in his body made a cracking sound.

"Corvus Wyvern!"


The figure of the cheap donkey flashed again and appeared directly above Qin Yu. He stomped hard on the ground, causing Qin Yu to face directly to the ground and fall heavily to the ground.


This fall, I don’t know how many bones were broken.

At this moment, a line of black smoke floated out from Qin Yu's body, which was Er Ling's body.

Time was running out, so he didn't care about anything and rushed towards the center of the magic circle.

If this formation is not destroyed, Beiming Mokun's action this time will probably fall short.

"Hmph, you want to do it again? This beast will not let you escape a second time!"

The bitch chuckled and whistled, and two more figures suddenly appeared, blocking all Erling's escape routes.

On the left is Zifeng, on the right is Xiao Qiongqi!

That's right, after many years, after completing the mission of the Shenhuang Treasure Box, this little guy finally had the opportunity to leave the Five Elements Heavenly Palace and go out for a walk.


Erling frowned and took a look at the two strange beasts that intercepted him.

One of them is a unicorn of light and darkness. It has a strong aura and is not easy to mess with.

As for the other end, he was only at the level of Demon King.

"How dare you stop me, just a demon emperor?"

Persimmons must be pinched softly!

Erling naturally chose to break out from Xiaoqiongqi without hesitation.


There was a sneer at the corner of the bitch's mouth.

Is Xiaoqiongqi easy to mess with?

Even though it is only at the Demon King level, it is an existence with Shura Eyes!

Sure enough, I saw the Erling rushing towards me at extremely terrifying speed.


Hearing a blood-curdling roar, Xiao Qiongqi, who was originally about the size of a foal, suddenly began to emit a burst of blood-colored demonic fire like red flames.

Then, that frail body swelled in the storm, and instantly turned into a giant beast over ten feet tall!

Moreover, on the forehead of the giant beast, there was a third bloody vertical pupil open!

Eye of Shura!

Xiao Qiongqi, who was born out of his shell by merging a drop of the emperor's blood from Lingfeng, seemed to have just awakened the power of Shura in Lingfeng's Tiandao clan.

However, because of this, when Xiao Qiongqi opens the Eye of Shura, he can almost reach a whole level of terrifying improvement.

This is not the most important thing.

Just raising the power to a big realm is just a mere demon emperor level.

But the Shura Killing Realm brought about by the Shura Eye can almost be called a magical skill.

The sealing technique that ignores the realm, unless the body that opens the Shura Killing Realm is killed, otherwise, no matter how fast the speed is, it is impossible to escape.

The moment Erling approached Xiaoqiongqi, reinforcements from Jianlu and Zifeng had already arrived.



A double attack from the left and right directly made Erling realize what double happiness means!

"Hey, if you choose Xiaoqiongqi, do you still want to run away?"

The bitch grinned, raised his proud head, and said proudly, "Do you know who taught this little guy? He was trained by this divine beast!"

Erling groaned, rolled his eyes, and passed out in severe pain.

His plan was completely put to rest.

"Hey, you are so smart, you still want to hide it from this beast?"

The bitch narrowed his eyes and smiled, and then sent a message to Ling Feng through the spiritual pet contract: "Boy Ling Feng, let's work together, we have found the traitor!"

It turned out that Ling Feng had long suspected that there was a traitor in Camp Sao Feng.

When the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation was being set up before, "Ugly Sheep" glanced around and secretly noted the positions of each formation eye.

Ling Feng didn't take it seriously at first, but when he learned from the bitch that the "ugly sheep" at that time was actually an evil spirit possessing him, he knew that this guy was probably fighting a mountain-protecting formation. idea.

Therefore, Ling Feng also kept an eye on things.

If Naerling wanted to use the mountain-protecting formation as a breakthrough, then at the critical moment, his vest would definitely be revealed.

So, this is the opportunity.

Jianlu, Zifeng and Xiaoqiongqi were actually the last moves arranged by Ling Feng.

Na Erling thought he had everything figured out, but little did he know that when he took action, he had already fallen into Ling Feng's trap.

"Okay, all worries have been completely resolved!"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Demon Whale King, use all your strength to completely defeat that Demon Kun!"

"I will do the same without you telling me!"

The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King roared again without any reservation.

The momentum around him climbed again, reaching an unprecedented peak.

Boom boom boom!

In the terrifying collision, the red and blue figure, like a spear, penetrated directly from the abdomen of Beiming Demon Kun.


Blood rain poured down, and Beiming Demon Kun let out an extremely tragic scream.

"Damn it!"

Ran Hongyan and Chou Nu originally thought that they could rely on Erling to make a comeback.

Who would have known that that guy had been so steadfast in his vows just now, but at the critical moment, he actually lost contact!

"That idiot is still unreliable!"

Seeing that Beiming Demon Kun was severely injured, the wound on his abdomen was attached to the Demonic Dragon's Purifying Fire and spread crazily, burning out a huge hole with bones visible deep inside!

Hundreds of feet, thousands of feet, ten thousand feet!

Even with Beiming Mokun's huge body, such a wound is still very obvious.

Moreover, it breaks your muscles and bones!


The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King was breathing heavily. It had been a long time since he had fought so heartily and fought with all his strength!

The blow just now had consumed almost 60% of its power.

And the vitality of Beiming Demon Kun was actually greater than he imagined.

After being hit so hard, he still didn't die.

Seeing that Beiming Mokun had withstood the blow, Ran Hongyan and Chou Nu looked at each other and were obviously relieved.

However, it looks like it’s time to retreat!

The ugly slave muttered words for a while, and issued a retreat order to Beiming Demon Kun.

Beiming Demon Kun stared at the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King with resentment, and then, his huge body actually began to retreat.

Since we can't get any advantage, we can only retreat!


Ran Hongyan and Chou Nu quickly flew behind Beiming Mokun and evacuated together.

"Want to run?"

Ling Feng frowned and quickly urged: "Demon Whale King, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and chase!"

"Chasing... I can't catch you anymore!"

The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King gasped for air, "I am already starting to feel a little tired. What's more, if I leave the Endless Sea, my strength will be greatly reduced. On land, I will never be that guy's opponent!"


Ling Feng frowned. Indeed, although the Tianzhi Divine Curse can activate the host's potential in a short period of time.

However, after that small amount of strength fades, the feeling of exhaustion may be particularly strong.

Obviously, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King has reached his limit.

It seemed that all he could do was watch the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King evacuate.

Fortunately, not everything was gained this time.

At least, capturing an evil spirit under the Evil Bone Demon Lord was an unexpected gain.

A lot of valuable information can definitely be obtained from Erling.

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