Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3345 The crisis reappears! Soul-stealing nightmare curse!

A quarter of an hour ago, the Forbidden Demon Dungeon.

After getting Ling Feng's consent, Mu Qianxue hurried towards the direction of the Forbidden Demon Dungeon.

Although Mu Xuanshuo was bewitched by the Evil Bone Demon Lord, he worshiped the Evil Bone Demon Lord like a god and even betrayed the Yuanshen Temple.

But no matter what, he is always Mu Qianxue's father.

Now that the Evil Bone Demon Lord is dead, I believe that as long as he has enough patience, he will be able to wake up his father.

Thinking of this, Mu Qianxue quickened her pace again.

As a child, who would bear to watch a loved one suffer in a dungeon?

"Miss Mu, why are you here?"

At this time, in addition to some regular guards guarding the Forbidden Demon Dungeon, Yan Jinghong is also here.

On the one hand, it is to prevent emergencies in the dungeon, and on the other hand, it is also to prevent radical elements from breaking into the dungeon, which would be detrimental to Mu Xuanshuo.

With Yan Jinghong's current half-step virtual immortal level strength, he is naturally the most suitable candidate.

Yan Jinghong frowned slightly, "You should know that no one is allowed to come near this place without Ling Feng's consent."

"I know." Mu Qianxue nodded and took out the token Ling Feng gave her from her sleeve, "Brother Ling asked me to come."

With that said, he handed over the token.

"Did he agree?"

Yan Jinghong glanced at the token. Since Ling Feng agreed, there was no need to say anything more.

He raised his hand to signal the guard behind him to open the dungeon door, and then personally led Mu Qianxue into the dungeon.

"The conversation with Mu Xuanshuo must be ten feet away from the cell door, and I will be watching from the side. Is there no problem?"

Yan Jinghong said in a deep voice while leading the way.


Mu Qianxue nodded repeatedly. In fact, as long as she could look at her father a few times and see that he was safe and sound, it was enough.

After all, he didn't want to cause trouble to Ling Feng.

Soon, the two came to a cell at the bottom of the Forbidden Demon Dungeon. The entire cell was made of meteorite iron, coupled with the Forbidden Demon Chain. Although Mu Xuanshuo had the strength of a half-step virtual immortal, But there is no possibility of jailbreak at all.

At this moment, Mu Xuanshuo was sitting facing the wall with a pious expression, and on that wall, there was actually a portrait of the Evil Bone Demon Lord drawn with blood.

The portrait looked extremely evil and had an ominous aura.


Mu Qianxue saw her father and called out to Mu Xuanshuo's back from a distance.

However, Mu Xuanshuo seemed not to hear it at all and just stared at the portrait of the Evil Bone Demon Lord in front of him. His hair was disheveled, his eyes were cloudy, and he seemed to be possessed. Sometimes he laughed wildly, and sometimes he knelt down.


Mu Qianxue's eyes suddenly turned red when she saw her father's appearance. She wanted to get closer, but was stopped ten feet away by Yan Jinghong.

She gritted her silver teeth and her voice was slightly choked, "Dad, I am Qianxue."

It's a pity that no matter what Mu Qianxue said, Mu Xuanshuo didn't respond at all. Occasionally, he would look back, with resentment and cold murderous intent in his eyes.

"You will all die! You will all die! Hahaha! The ancestor will kill you all!"

Mu Xuanshuo stared at Mu Qianxue and Yan Jinghong, and kept laughing ferociously, "Jie Jie Jie..."

"Dad, how could you become like this..."

Mu Qianxue clenched her fists and burst into tears.

"He already became like this a few days ago."

Yan Jinghong looked indifferent and said calmly: "Okay, Miss Mu, it's almost time, let's go."

Tears fell from Mu Qianxue's eyes. She took a deep look at her father, took a deep breath, and gritted her teeth and said, "Dad, please wake up. The Evil Bone Demon Lord is dead. Don't be stubborn anymore!"


Upon hearing the news of the Evil Bone Demon Lord's death, Mu Xuanshuo's expression suddenly changed.

Then, his eyes became hollow.


Mu Xuanshuo suddenly collapsed on the ground, his eyes suddenly lost their luster. Then, he saw thick black smoke emitting from his body, and his whole aura suddenly changed drastically.


Yan Jinghong's expression changed, and he quickly grabbed Mu Qianxue, pulled her behind him, and immediately condensed the ice into a sword. The power of Xuntian Ice Soul circulated, and he carefully stared at Mu Xuanshuo in the prison. .

The situation seems to be getting a little wrong.


It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

The cage was instantly exploded by a violent energy, and a terrifying shock wave almost destroyed the entire dungeon.

Black beams of light rose into the sky, and the eighteen-level demon-forbidden dungeon was instantly reduced to ruins.

All the guards and prisoners above were crushed into powder in an instant.



The ice crystals shattered, but it turned out that at the critical moment, Yan Jinghong used the power of the sky-watching ice soul to form an ice barrier, protecting himself and Mu Qianxue in the middle, and finally managed to save a small life.


Yan Jinghong exhaled a breath of cold air, stared in the direction of the original cage, and his expression became extremely solemn.

"You... are not Mu Xuanshuo!"

The aura of this "Mu Xuanshuo" has completely changed.

In fact, a name that he didn't want to think of flashed through Yan Jinghong's mind.

Evil Bone Demon Lord!


It’s the Evil Bone Demon Lord!

This demonic aura, as well as the terrifying ominous aura, clearly seemed to indicate that the devil was back again!


The Evil Bone Demon Lord laughed ferociously, "I, of course, am not Mu Xuanshuo."

The smoke and dust dispersed, and "Mu Xuanshuo" was standing in the dungeon with his hands behind his hands. Although his appearance was still that of Mu Xuanshuo, his aura and expression were completely different.

"You...who are you? Where is my father? What did you do to my father!"

Mu Qianxue stared at the "Mu Xuanshuo" in front of her, her fury almost uncontrollable.

"Hmph, I am destined to die in Ling Feng's hands. This is fate and it cannot be changed."

The Evil Bone Demon Lord didn't seem to pay any attention to Yan Jinghong and Mu Qianxue, and just talked to himself.

"Since fate cannot be changed, I will comply with the destiny and let that kid kill me once. What's the problem?"

He looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, as if he was telling his most satisfying masterpiece, "I have a back-up plan a long time ago. Once the news of my death reaches the ears of the puppet Mu Xuanshuo, I will have set the soul-stealing nightmare curse long ago. It will activate on its own. Even if the deity has been wiped out, the only ray of spiritual thought can still take over this body and return!"

But it turned out that the Evil Bone Demon Lord had regarded Mu Xuanshuo as his puppet for rebirth from the very beginning.

That's why he spent so much thought on Mu Xuanshuo, even helping him improve his cultivation.

This puppet has the same bloodline as him, so that he can exert his full strength.

"Go notify the others!"

Yan Jinghong's face was as dark as water, and he gave an instruction to Mu Qianxue in a deep voice, "Here, leave it to me!"


"No but, you will only be in the way!"

Yan Jinghong didn't have Ling Feng's gentleness and patience. He knocked Mu Qianxue away with one palm, and immediately condensed the frost spear. Behind him, there were sky-scrutinizing ice spears, ready to go.

"Breaking through a thousand frosts in one blow! Breaking through eighteen times in a row!"

Whoosh whoosh!

Eighteen ice crystal spears were all shot at the evil bone. Unfortunately, those ice spears were all disintegrated and destroyed by the law of annihilation before they could get within three feet of the evil bone demon king.

Then, the Evil Bone Demon Lord grabbed it with his big hand, and Yan Jinghong's body was sucked in uncontrollably.

The next moment, his head was already held in the palm of the Evil Bone Demon Lord.


Even though he was protected by the power of Xuntian Ice Soul, Yan Jinghong's head was still crushed by the Evil Bone Demon Lord's claws.


The brain bursts and ice shards fly.

Yan Jinghong was killed instantly with one blow!


Mu Qianxue's eyes widened and she cried out as she watched Yan Jinghong die tragically in front of her eyes.

"Hmph, ants are ants! Everyone under the immortal path is ants!"

The Evil Bone Demon Lord casually threw Yan Jinghong's body aside, and was about to take action again when he heard a sneer, "You look down on others too much!"

In an instant, three waves of cold air hit, attacking the Evil Bone Demon Lord's three vital points from three tricky angles.

But it turned out that what the Evil Bone Demon Lord had just crushed was just the head of a black ice incarnation.


The Evil Bone Demon Lord sneered and stood directly on the spot without dodging or dodging.

The big hand suddenly clapped, bang!

There was an explosion, and another Xuanbing incarnation shattered.

And that Xuanbing incarnation shattered another incarnation. The next moment, the Evil Bone Demon Lord turned his five fingers into claws, grabbed in front of him, and directly pinched Yan Jinghong's throat, and pulled his body. Raise it high above your head.

Blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and Yan Jinghong's complexion turned purple.

This time, what the Evil Bone Demon Lord captured was not the incarnation of Xuan Bing, but his true body.

"What now?"

The Evil Bone Demon Lord laughed ferociously, "Now that my doom is over, I don't have to look down on that kid Ling Feng anymore! You? Hum, go to hell!"

"Let him go!"

At this moment, Mu Xuanshuo's body was surrounded by domineering and blazing Demonic Dragon Purifying Fire, soaring into the sky.


The terrifying flames directly triggered the magma deep in the sea, causing the entire Sao Feng Island Group to begin to tremble violently.

This was the strong earthquake that Ling Feng and the others had sensed before.

For a moment, everyone in the Saofeng Camp was awakened by this terrible earthquake.

Whoosh whoosh!

One after another, masters from various races flew towards this side. Even Shenshui Yinji, who was about to leave, sensed the movement here and couldn't help but turn back.

And the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, who was already living in the deep sea, rushed out of the bottom of the sea in anger, roaring and asking: "Don't let people sleep anymore! Who is so unethical!"

The roar was deafening, but the next moment, when he sensed the terrifying ominous aura coming from the Evil Bone Demon Lord, he suddenly became speechless.

Isn't that devil already dead?

How could this ominous atmosphere appear here again!

"what's the situation?"

Ling Feng felt a strong uneasiness in his heart. He struggled to get up, but almost fell off the bed.


Xiao Xianling frowned and gave Ling Feng an annoyed look, "If you're hurt like this, stop showing off!"

"Miss Xiao, take me there!"

Ling Feng reached out and grabbed Xiao Xianling's sleeve, with a hint of pleading in his eyes.

"Forget it, forget it, I'm afraid of you!"

Xiao Xianling sighed softly, stretched out her hand and put Ling Feng's arm on her shoulder, "I really owed you in my previous life, but this young lady will actually help you, an ant from the lower world!"

However, although Xiao Xianling complained, she still held Ling Feng firmly, and in a flash, she flew away in the direction of the Forbidden Demon Dungeon.

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