Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3362 All in one go! Attack the Immortal Way!

Three days later.

Following Meng Po's guidance, Ling Feng finally entered the so-called "wild ancient road".

Recalling the experience of entering this place, Ling Feng was still scared at this moment.

That terrifying void tide can almost tear apart the stars and annihilate the universe.

Fortunately, Po Meng gave him the Split Tissot as a gift. Otherwise, if he had to resist with his own body, he would probably be dead.

Not to mention myself, even Xiao Xianling's divine beast, the Nine Flame Phoenix Emperor, would not dare to cross the twisted and chaotic void simply by relying on his physical body.

However, it is precisely because of this that the wild ancient road is an inaccessible place in the unique space of Santu River.

Almost no one would come here, but for Ling Feng, it was an excellent place to hide from the enemy.

At this moment, Ling Feng was standing on the top of a bare mountain, looking at the sky in the distance.

The entire space of the ancient wild road is almost like a purgatory.

As soon as you see it, you can see a bare dark red rock. Everywhere you can see, there are swamps and lava exuding a strong miasma.

In the crimson sky, bolts of lightning as thick as a bucket would strike down from time to time. If you were unlucky, you might suffer disaster at any time.

There was no aura or even a trace of demonic energy in the air.

Instead, it is filled with a barbaric atmosphere from ancient times.

However, for Ling Feng's chaotic body, no matter what kind of breath it is, as long as it contains energy, it can be absorbed and transformed.

And this kind of barbaric spirit, although full of ferocious and domineering atmosphere, is still not completely impossible to absorb.

"What a hellish place!"

The bitch couldn't help but secretly complained, stared at Ling Feng with a pair of donkey eyes, and complained: "I said, Ling Feng boy, why do you have to bring this beast with you? There is no treasure!"

"Of course, when it comes to overcoming the tribulation, I'll let you bear the burden for a while."

Ling Feng shrugged and said calmly.

"Are you...are you kidding me?"

The bitch almost jumped up in fright. Ling Feng's thunder was not something he could resist just because he wanted to.

If one person makes trouble, it will be fatal.

"Aren't you just joking!"

The bitch was so frightened that he clamped his tail, "Little...boy, you're not serious about this, are you?"

"If you complain again, it's going to be bad."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes at the bitch, and the guy immediately shut his mouth tightly, not daring to fart any more.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. It was fun to play and make trouble. At the critical moment, Ling Feng would not throw the bitch out as cannon fodder.

Soon, one person and one donkey found a cave in this bare rocky mountain and began to practice in seclusion on the spot.

The wild energy that fills this place can be used as the energy for a breakthrough. As long as we continue to absorb the wild energy, I believe that we will soon be able to trigger a catastrophe of immortals and demons.

As for the cheap donkey, Ling Feng placed him at the entrance of the cave to protect him.

After all preparations were completed, Ling Feng sat down cross-legged in the center of the cave.

After gathering his mind, the first thing Ling Feng did was to directly communicate with the ray of spiritual thought left in Keweili's body, telling her that he was about to make a breakthrough on the ancient road in the wilderness.

Although this wild and ancient road is rarely visited, it should not be taken lightly.

If it is really noticed by the angel patrol, then Kavli must be present to avoid future troubles.

"Is there going to be a breakthrough so soon?"

Keweili was a little surprised by that ray of spiritual thought. After all, Ling Feng stepped into the half-step virtual immortal realm, which is what happened in the past year. After ordinary monks advance to the half-step virtual immortal realm, the training unit , all calculated over one hundred and one hundred years.

Even Zhou Yan, the genius from the Infinite Ancient Territory, spent six years.

As for Ling Feng, no matter how hard he calculated, he could not exceed one year.

This talent is already incredible.

Of course, part of the reason is that Wangchuanyi's Tianzi Room has a magic circle that slows down the passage of time, but even if the time is tripled, it is only two years and four months.

"Well, Santu River is indeed a good place."

Ling Feng nodded, "In short, Your Majesty the Queen, I will be able to break through within three days. By then, I am afraid that the nearby angel patrols will be alerted, so..."

"Don't worry, since I said I would protect you, I will keep my word."

Keveli frowned, "It's a bit far, but three days should be about the same."


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, but he felt that he was a little careless.

At the speed of Jiuyan Phoenix Emperor, it took almost three months to arrive at Wangchuan Station from Xuanling Continent.

Keveli was in the Demonic Realm, and if she wanted to come over, the distance would probably not be close. She really should have informed her in advance.

However, now that the matter has come to this, we can only believe in Kavli.

After all, she is the queen of the demon clan, comparable to the Broken Immortal Emperor. Even if she is separated by hundreds of millions of stars and endless universes, as long as she is given a place, she will definitely come.

After informing Keweili, Ling Feng had no other distractions and began to absorb the extremely abundant wild spiritual energy around him according to the "Seizing the Sky" chapter in "Original Creation".

These wild auras are unruly, wild and untamable. Although their energy levels are extremely high, they are almost impossible to refine.

If ordinary monks forcefully absorb the wild spiritual energy, they will explode and die soon.

But Ling Feng is not the case. Not only is he a body of chaos, but he has also practiced the "Original Creation", a supernatural and secret technique that surpasses the heavens. Even the wild spiritual energy is destined to be tamed, absorbed and refined by him.

Time passed bit by bit.

An hour...

Two hours...

Three hours...

Perhaps Ling Feng absorbed too much wild spiritual energy, so that in this space, the wild spiritual energy that was originally in a relatively stable state actually "rioted".

The scene of the riot of barbaric spirit is extremely spectacular.

In the distance, the barbaric energy actually condensed into an extremely huge skull, carrying thousands of barbaric spirits, madly gathering towards the cave where Ling Feng was.

"I'll wipe it!"

The little donkey was still napping at the entrance of the cave. Suddenly, a terrible sense of oppression came over him, which scared him so much that he almost jumped three feet high.

"What...what's going on?"

The huge skull in the sky almost covered the entire sky. The donkey's eyes widened and he rushed into the cave as if he was running away.

"Boy Ling Feng, I'm going to die! Something big has happened!"

The stupid donkey rolled and rolled into the cave. It was in a miserable state, but it didn't care about the "posture" of the divine beast at all. It said in a trembling voice: "The barbaric... barbaric spiritual energy has completely rioted!"

"Is it?"

Ling Feng sat cross-legged and slowly opened his eyes, but there was a faint arc at the corner of his mouth.

"Just in time!"

A bright light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes. He thought that the surrounding wild spiritual energy had been absorbed by him, but now, an "army" of wild spiritual energy arrived. This was a tough meal!

"You bitch, thank you for your hard work. You go back to the Five Elements Heavenly Palace first."

With a flash of dim light, Ling Feng took the donkey back to the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. In the next moment, he heard a "bang" and the entire cave exploded. The gravel flew and the dust flew. A peak of ten thousand feet stood in the terrifying wilderness. Under the terrifying power of the spirit, it was instantly razed to the ground.

Basically, all that is left of this mountain peak is the stone slab resting under Ling Feng's butt.

"It's really menacing!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. No wonder the bitch was scared to death.

One more step later, and I'm afraid the stupid donkey will follow in the footsteps of the entire mountain.


The wild spirit made an extremely terrifying roar, and the extremely huge skull seemed to have green will-o'-wisps floating in its pupils, exuding a soul-stirring and terrifying aura.

This is a power that has surpassed the limits of humanity. It is a power at the level of immortality!

Not to mention a mortal cultivator, even Xiao Xianling in her peak state would probably be shaken here.

However, to Ling Feng, no matter how huge it is, it is just a ball of energy in the terrifying energy body.

"Seize the Sky!"

The sixth chapter of the volume of Origin of Creation and Awakening of Spirits, the art of seizing the heavens, seizing the creation of the heavens, and seizing by force.

As long as it’s spiritual power, it’s mine to absorb!

Of course, the premise is that you can't be pushed to death, nor can you be killed.

Ling Feng has exactly these two conditions.

His Chaos Dantian surpasses that of monks of the same level by more than a million times.

And his physique is even more incredible, and he has the ability to be reborn with blood.

Even if I am killed once, I will be resurrected once.

Once more, I was sucked again.

If you inhale a few more times, those wild spirits will almost be unable to stop you.

It's a very shameless way of playing, but it works.


There was an explosion, and Ling Feng was killed to pieces.

However, Ling Feng activated the Heaven Seizing Technique at the same time and sucked in a big mouthful of wild spirit.

After three breaths, Ling Feng was reborn with a drop of blood, and faced another devastating instant kill.

But in the same way, the art of seizing the sky was activated again, and he took another big sip.

Repeatedly, Ling Feng became stronger as he died, and the wild spirit became weaker and weaker as he absorbed it.

And with this terrifying wild aura, it won't take long before Ling Feng can go all out and directly attack the supreme fairyland!

(PS: I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Although there is no update, everyone is on holiday, so I continue to update. I can’t help but shed tears for my diligence~)

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