Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3367: Receiving the Immortal! The capital of the Immortal Emperor!

"Green bamboo hats, green coir raincoats, the slanting wind and drizzle don't have to return..."

On the River of Three Ways, the Forgotten River, a solitary boat was traveling slowly on the lake.

The creatures living in the River of Three Ways all know that the River of Forgetfulness is formed by the gathering of weak water.

There is an old saying that goes, "Three thousand feet of water is too deep for a goose feather to float."

In this Wangchuan Station, except for Meng Po’s Divine Firefly Lantern, a golden road can be paved on the Wangchuan River, which is the only way to enter and exit Wangchuan Station.

In addition, only the spirit boat that picks up the Immortal Lord can also cross the River of Forgetfulness.

At this moment, on the solitary boat, a white-haired old man, wearing a raincoat and a bamboo hat, holding a long wooden oar, swayed gently on the Wangchuan River.

The lone boat seemed to be moving very slowly on the lake, but every time it blinked, it had clearly crossed thousands of green mountains.

The song just now came from the old man's mouth.

At this time, on the lone boat, apart from the old man rowing, there were clearly two young women. One of them had long silver hair, which was particularly eye-catching.

These two young women were clearly Xiao Xianling and Mo Yurou.

Although the two girls were crossing in the same boat, they were sitting on both sides of the boat. Neither of them looked at the other. Occasionally, when their eyes met, they only let out a cold snort. They both looked like they had a hatred as deep as the sea.

The old man rowing the boat shook his head and smiled, and couldn't help but said: "You two little kids, you were very close to each other when you were young, and you couldn't get enough of being together every day. How come you have become so incompatible when you grow up?"

"Humph, I was ignorant when I was a kid. Grandpa, if you mention it again, I will never pay attention to you again!"

Xiao Xianling frowned and gave the old rowing man a sharp look.

But it turned out that the old man rowing the boat was actually the Immortal Jieyin, one of the three deities in the Tianzhi organization!

The three dignified figures were actually dressed up like a boatman, which was quite strange.

But yes, the person who can control the spirit boat and cross the Wangchuan River is not the Immortal Master, so who can he be?

"Grandpa Xiao, you don't know something."

The silver-haired girl Mo Yurou showed great respect for the Master Jieyinxian, and said warmly: "Some people are born with small bellies and bad tempers. Who can tolerate her!"

"If you say bad things about people behind their backs, how can that be any good?"

Xiao Xianling frowned and stared at Mo Yurou with gritted teeth.

"Tsk, tsk, I'm just aboveboard, I said it in front of you, what's wrong?"

Mo Yurou puffed up her chest and looked at Xiao Xianling, tit for tat, not giving in at all.

The two people's eyes met, and sparks almost flew out. If the place was not small and they couldn't use it, they might have started fighting.

The Immortal Lord Jieyin was sweating secretly, and deliberately controlled the spirit boat to shake a few times. He shook his head and warned: "This is the Wangchuan River. If you fall into the river, even I can't save you."


Xiao Xianling glared at Mo Yurou fiercely, then turned her head and looked away.


Mo Yurou also snorted coldly and stopped talking to Xiao Xianling.


Jie Yinxian Zun sighed softly. It would be better for him to take less care of the conflicts between women.

Especially his granddaughter, who was spoiled when she was a child and is now so willful that even he can't do anything to her.

The spirit boat moved very fast, and soon the shadow of Wangchuanyi appeared in the field of vision.

I saw streaks of golden light hanging down, and from within the golden light, a rickety old man slowly descended.

It was Po Meng.

Behind her, there was also the bloated golden toad.

In the entire Wangchuan Station, Jin Chan is also the only direct subordinate of Meng Po, and has the status of an external member of the Tianzhi organization.

Even though this guy looks harmless, in fact, in Wangchuanyi, apart from Po Meng, this golden toad is the most powerful.

"My subordinate, Po Meng, please come and welcome the Immortal Lord!"

"See you, Lord Immortal, croak!"

The spirit boat that brought the Immortal Master had not yet docked, but Po Meng and Jin Chan were already waiting on the stone steps outside Wangchuan Posthouse, leaning down to greet it.

The next moment, the spirit boat soared into the sky and turned into a golden light in the sky.

As the golden light dissipated, Jie Yinxian Zun, Xiao Xianling, and Mo Yurou landed firmly on the stone steps.

"Meng Po, when we meet old friends, why should we be polite?"

The Immortal Master Jie Yin actually helped Po Meng up in person. He did not pretend to be the three powerful men, but he seemed to respect Po Meng quite a lot.

As Xiao Xianling and Ling Feng said, if it weren't for the fact that as a descendant of the ancient demon, Meng Po could not hold an important position in Tianzhi, I am afraid that there must be a place for Meng Po among the three deities.

"Etiquette must not be broken! I am just a member of the Tianzhi Foreign Sect, but you are one of the three superiors."

However, Po Meng didn't seem to appreciate it, and she still bowed deeply to Jieyin Immortal Lord, and then led several people into Wangchuan Station.


Jie Yinxian Zun shook his head and sighed softly, thinking about what happened back then, Po Meng would still be brooding about it.

Also, with her talent, if she could be promoted to a core member of Tianzhi, she would already be a powerful person at the level of the Immortal Emperor.

But now, she can only waste her time in this Wangchuan Station and let her years grow old.

Who would have thought that this rickety old woman was once the most beautiful woman among the younger generation in Tianzhi.

The past is like the wind, fresh in my mind.

Jie Yinxian Zun sighed, said nothing more, and just followed Po Meng.

Under the management of Po Meng, this Wangchuan Station has become a world of difference from the beginning.

Nowadays, it has become a paradise for many descendants of ancient demons who are unwilling to be enslaved.

"Grandpa, if you see Ling Feng this time, you will definitely be surprised!"

Xiao Xianling walked and said with a smile: "He will definitely not let you down!"


Jie Yinxianzun caressed Xiao Xianling's head lovingly, "Girl, you rarely praise others."

"of course!"

Xiao Xianling looked proud and glanced at Mo Yurou provocatively, "The person I brought back was a so-called 'genius' who brought back a certain white-haired monster on the first day. He beat him up easily." Here it is!”


Mo Yurou was so angry that her teeth itched, but she had no way to refute.


Seeing Mo Yurou's deflated look, Xiao Xianling was even more proud and said with joy, "Grandpa, I forgot to tell you, that Ling Feng has a natural divine body, the same as your lord!"

"What? Is there still this matter?"

This time, Master Lian Yinxian was slightly surprised. Po Meng, who was leading the way, had a look of surprise in her eyes.

A natural god?

These four words, even if we look at the entire Immortal Realm, are destined to cause an uproar.

Po Meng's breathing became slightly faster.

The Tiandao clan is truly extraordinary!

Perhaps, this young man can really change the pattern of the entire fairyland, but it is not yet known.

"Yes, yes!"

Xiao Xianling nodded repeatedly and said: "Grandpa, when I was in the lower realm, I saw with my own eyes that Ling Feng could actually absorb the power of faith from mortals!"

"That can't be wrong."

Jieyin Xianzun nodded slightly.

If he does not possess a supreme divine weapon, he is born with a supreme divine body. In the lower world, it is almost impossible to have such a thing as the Supreme Divine Artifact. So, the only possibility is that the person brought back by my granddaughter is the Supreme Divine Body!

Hearing that Xiao Xianling revealed such a shocking secret, Mo Yurou became even more jealous.

I can only hate that Ling Feng was unwilling to accept his solicitation!

Otherwise, she would be the one who is proud and proud today.

"When you say this, I want to meet that young man more and more."

Jie Yinxian Zun stroked his long beard, narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Suddenly, the Immortal Master Jie Ying focused his eyes, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and said slowly: "Is there someone in Wangchuan Station who is trying to overcome the tribulation?"

He turned to look at Po Meng, who nodded slightly, "Yes, that young man has been going through the tribulation for several days, and I believe it should be almost completed."

"This level of thunder..."

Jie Yinxian Zun took a deep breath and then slowly said: "He is quite qualified as an Immortal Emperor!"

"The capital of the Immortal Emperor!"

Xiao Xianling's beautiful eyes flickered, "Is it Ling Feng who is overcoming the tribulation? This brat, he really did it!"

Before, Ling Feng said that he would definitely be able to overcome the tribulation before the deadline for Tianzhi Organization to select disciples, but she still doubted it.

But now, the big stone in her heart has finally fallen.

"Where are you? Senior Po Meng, can you take us to see you quickly?"

Xiao Xianling said hurriedly, just missing grabbing Po Meng's arm.

" good..."

Mrs. Meng nodded, "Then I will take you there."

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