Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3373 The Nine Palaces of Pagoda! Phantom God Qianjue!

"This time, I must not let that Ling Feng steal my limelight!"

Let's say that Zhou Yan took the lead. After rushing into the fog, he gathered his strength and sprinted forward.

Isn't it just a pontoon bridge? The so-called martial arts in the world are all about speed. As long as you are fast enough and rush over those mechanism formations before they are fully activated, then it will be fine.

This is also the reason why he chose to rush into the fog first.

Although his move seemed impulsive, in fact, being able to become the most outstanding evil genius in the Infinite Ancient Territory, and even being recognized by Tian Zhiyin, he would naturally not be a loser.

And those who can appear here are all the top monsters from each major domain, and no one is a waste who lacks wisdom and perseverance.

Otherwise, how can it stand out among all major fields?

Zhou Yan was very fast, and his plan did not fail.

Before receiving the Immortal Master to fully open the Immortal Formation of the Pagoda Bridge, he rushed through almost a dozen floating steps and reached the second stage of the Pagoda Bridge.

"This kid..."

Jieyinxianzun watched everything silently. Although Zhou Yan's behavior was somewhat foul, Jieyinxianzun just shook his head, smiled, and murmured to himself: "This kid does have some cleverness, but he can't do it with his cleverness alone." Passed.”

Among the nine palaces of the pagoda, the first palace is just the simplest screening. In fact, as long as your cultivation reaches the realm of immortality, you can definitely pass even if you don't use tricks.

Starting from the second house is the real test.

Zhou Yan didn't get any big bargains. It can only be said that he had some advantages.

"Let me see how many people can successfully pass this time in the lower realm."

The Immortal Master Jie Yin stroked his long beard. According to past practice, every three hundred years, he would send a group of disciples from the Jie Yin line to go to the lower realm to pick up the geniuses who had obtained the Tianzhi Seal.

However, although there are countless creatures in the lower world, there are billions of galaxies and countless planes.

However, only a dozen or so people can be brought back each time. And most of them were brought back from the ten ancient regions.

In an ordinary star field like the Xuanling Continent where Ling Feng is located, not to mention three hundred years, even three thousand or thirty thousand years, there may not be a single person who can be recognized by the Tianzhi Seal.

But speaking of it, the number of geniuses brought back this time can be considered to be relatively large among all previous ones.

"I hope that there will be more than three geniuses from the lower realm who can successfully pass this time."

Jie Yinxian Zun narrowed his eyes, intentionally or unintentionally, but his eyes fell on Ling Feng.

Xiao Xianling rode the Nine Flame Phoenix Emperor in a high-profile way and brought Ling Feng here. It was difficult not to notice Ling Feng when she was welcoming the Immortal Lord.

"Not long after we broke through, we are already close to the seventh level of mana realm. Such a foundation is terrifying."

Jie Yinxian Zun now finally believed that what Xiao Xianling said was true.

If it weren't for the supreme divine body, how could it be so defiant?

Moreover, Jie Yinxian Zun clearly noticed that unlike others, Ling Feng actually mastered the Tianzhi Divine Curse!

Generally speaking, even if you obtain the Tianzhi Seal, it is impossible to master the Tianzhi Divine Curse and invoke the power of the Tianzhi Divine Mark before becoming a Tianzhi Divine Seal.

As for Ling Feng, he was not only able to call upon the Divine Pattern of Heavenly Execution, he could even fuse this power with his own.

Based on this alone, Ling Feng already has the qualifications to become the Six Imperial Masters.

"If this child can grow up smoothly, his future achievements will be truly limitless!"

Jie Yinxian Zun sighed with emotion that his granddaughter, who had not been very reliable since she was a child, had gained face for him this time.

Besides Ling Feng, there was another person who also aroused some interest in Jie Yinxian Zun.

"He must be the number one person in the ancient wilderness, the Illusion God Qianjue."

A glimmer of light flashed in Jieyinxian Zun's eyes, and he murmured in a low voice: "If it weren't for the appearance of Ling Feng, this phantom god Qianjue should be the top one in this selection, even if you look at it from a wide perspective Among the disciples of Tianzhi's major clans, he is by no means inferior."

Jieyin Xianzun nodded slightly and looked outside the mist, at a man wearing a light yellow robe and dressed as a Confucian scholar.

The phantom god Qianjue was brought back from the ancient wilderness by this man.

"This kid Wen Liang has always been reassuring, but it's a pity..."

Suddenly, Jieyin Xianzun shook his head and sighed softly. The Wenliang in his mouth, whose full name was Han Wenliang, was so talented that he was one of the best among the younger generation of the Tianzhi organization.

However, his situation is similar to that of Po Meng. He is also a descendant of the ancient demon.

Throughout his life, I am afraid he will only be able to become a disciple of Tianzhi's outer sect, and will not even be qualified to compete for the Jiuyao Liuyu.

In the fairyland, the increasingly solidified views of bloodline clans may only give birth to tragedies like Po Meng's one after another.

But it is a pity that this rule was promoted by the joint efforts of the five Immortal Emperors, and no one can break it.

Even if it is the Heavenly Execution Organization, it will not work either.

Otherwise, it will be regarded as an enemy of the Five Directions Immortal Emperor.

At the same time, the proud men from various regions have all entered the fog-shrouded area.

It is the so-called "nine palaces of pagoda" in the mouth of Jieyinxian Zun.

In the first house, the rules are very simple. You only need to rely on your own strength to break through a barrier and you can directly enter the second house.

Except for the cunning Zhou Yan, everyone else gathered in the first palace.

This is a very narrow road, and the floating steps under your feet are shaky and unstable. If you fall into the weak water for a while, it means that you will lose the qualification to continue to participate in the trial.

Therefore, everyone was in an orderly manner, one after another, and did not rush in rashly.

Walking at the front was an unattractive man, with a medium build, a medium height, and a medium appearance. Everything was very average. If placed in the crowd, he would be the kind of existence that has no characteristics.

However, being able to stand here has proven his extraordinary ability.

This should be the kind of guy who is very good at pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger.

"That uncle looks so ordinary. He must be good at pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger."

Behind Ling Feng, a voice as clear as a silver bell came. It sounded milky, as if he was still underage.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly.

Has he already broken through to the immortal realm before he was even a minor?

Isn’t this too outrageous?

Or is he a weirdo who likes to play nice?

"Unlike me, I was born with the appearance of a king. I am the most dazzling presence wherever I go. Even if I want to keep a low profile, it is difficult, hey..."

Such hateful remarks made Ling Feng couldn't help but look back.

However, when he saw the appearance of the guy who just spoke, he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

The milky and cute voice just now actually came from a big guy who was two meters tall, with muscles all over his body and even sixteen-pack abs.

The corners of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly.

As expected, the world is so vast and full of wonders.

And obviously, many geniuses from other fields also had their mouths twitching.

Such a strong contrast is really unbearable for a while.

"What are you doing? Isn't what others said wrong?"

The big man made a childish voice again, but soon, everyone discovered something unusual.

That is, although there were sounds coming from the big man, he did not have any unnecessary expressions from beginning to end, and his mouth did not move.

But in the cloak draped on his shoulders, there was clearly a "thumping" shaking.

Immediately afterwards, a little head was seen poking out from the cloak.

It was a very childish face, with thick eyebrows and big bright eyes, which looked very cute.

Was it this little guy who just spoke?

But soon, everyone discovered that it was not the child hiding in the big man's cloak, but...

The head with the childish face was clearly connected to the big man.

Isn't that just one person with two heads?

"I remembered, he is Huan Shen Qian Jue, the number one genius of the Huan Shen clan in the ancient wilderness. Legend has it that the Huan Shen clan is a lineage of the ancient Samsara clan. All clan members are twins of infants and spirits, and they have completely different personalities since birth. The two personalities are independent of the main and auxiliary, and they complement each other, and the cultivation efficiency is doubled. "

Hearing that someone could actually tell his origin, a look of great pride appeared on the childish face, while the burly man still had a serious look on his face. He just raised his hand to lift the cloak and put on the childish face again. His face was covered.

Sure enough, as the genius just said, infants and spirits are twins, but their two personalities are completely different.

That childish-faced personality is obviously a chatterbox and very arrogant.

But the big guy was silent and looked very low-key.

"Illusion God Qianjue, is he a member of the Samsara Ancient Clan?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. There were more and more interesting people.

And he had noticed before that the cultivation level of this illusory god Qianjue had reached the astonishing fifth level of mana realm.

It seems that this is the unnatural thing about "Infant Spirit Twins".


At this moment, there was an explosion. It turned out to be a genius walking at the front, punching open the barrier in front of him.

This punch proved that he had the strength of a powerful immortal. As the barrier shattered, he successfully entered the second palace.

With the experience of the people in front, the people behind will also learn from the same example. As long as the barrier is broken, they can pass smoothly.

Soon, everyone successfully passed the first house, and no one was eliminated.

After breaking through the barrier, there was a burst of light and darkness in front of him, and then he entered a space surrounded by flames.

This is the second palace of the Nine Palaces of Pagoda, Burning God Palace.

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