Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3395 Money is more important than life!

"Father! Hahaha... it's father who is here!"

Golden light shrouded the night, and everyone present was frightened by the fierce aura and took a few steps back.

Even the Phantom God Qianjue and the others who were hiding on the roof felt a violent wave of air sweeping over them, almost knocking them away.

"What a strong momentum!"

Zhou Yan took a deep breath, "I just said that this kid Ling Feng was too self-motivated. Now he's better. He's hit the iron plate!"

Nangong Ziling also frowned slightly. Originally, they came to Tianyong City to perform a mission and collect the Beichen Crystal.

The result was good. On the first day, something unexpected happened and the city lord's palace of Tianyong City was provoked.

If this leads to the failure of the mission and the final inability to advance to Tianzhi, then wouldn't all the previous efforts be wasted?

Only the Illusion God Qianjue had a golden glow in his eyes, and a hint of fighting intent flashed through his eyes.

"See you, sir!"

When more than a dozen Cheng family guards saw the middle-aged man arriving, they all bowed and saluted. Even the onlookers of Tianyong City's subjects knelt on the ground and worshiped.

The person who came was none other than Cheng Yugong, the eldest son of the lord of Tianyong City (the old man of the Cheng family).

He is also the first heir to the next generation of Tianyong City Lord.

And his cultivation level has also reached the level of Nine Fruit Immortal Lord. He has condensed the Nine Fruits of the Great Path and is only one step away from being among the Immortal Lords.

Regardless of strength or status, this Cheng Yugong is second to none in Tianyong City.

"If you hit the younger one, will the older one come out?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. Although the pressure brought by Cheng Yugong was strong, it was far inferior to that of Jie Yinxian Zun and Meng Po.

Not to mention Meng Po, when he saw Meng Po's true form in Amanohara, the feeling of oppression was simply suffocating.

Even Jie Yinxian Zun, although he has always been approachable and kind, but the aura he exudes inadvertently makes people feel that they are unmatched and not at the same level at all.

As for the eldest man of the City Lord's Mansion, although he seemed aggressive, he was not desperate and had no chance of winning.

This is probably the difference between the Immortal Lord and the Immortal Lord.

"Father, you must help me take revenge!"

Cheng Tianqi huddled in a ball, looked at his father's back, and burst into tears, "It's that kid who beat the child like this! And that bastard Cheng Tianyong, he was also involved!"

Cheng Tianqi blurted out and directly called Cheng Tianqi a bastard.

Cheng Yugong frowned and his face turned livid.

Son of a bitch?

No matter what, Cheng Tianyong is also his son. Cheng Tianyong is a bastard. What has become of him?

"Shut up! Isn't this shameful enough?"

With just one crisp slap, Cheng Yugong slapped his useless son to death.

Cheng Tianqi covered his cheek, completely unbelievable that his father would help an "outsider" beat him.

Ling Feng, on the other hand, looked at the scene in front of him with interest.

Cheng Tianqi is also his son, and Cheng Tianyong is also his son. How will Mr. Cheng handle today's affairs?

"Cheng Tianyong, is this your return gift to our Cheng family for meeting us after three years of absence?"

Cheng Yugong stared at Cheng Tianyong coldly, pointed at his nose, and scolded him sharply, "Do you still have me as your father in your eyes?"

"Haha, father?"

Cheng Tianyong clenched his fist tightly. Since his limbs were broken and thrown out of the city lord's mansion three years ago, this was the first time he saw Cheng Yugong in three years.

All this time, because he was just the son of a brothel girl, he had never received any paternal love from his father.

The reason why he was able to stay in the Cheng family was because the city lord (the old man) cared that he was also a member of the Cheng family.

And that night three years ago, the man who convicted him without any explanation and even personally broke his limbs was the father in front of him!

"Cheng Yugong, from the beginning to the end, have you ever considered me your son?"

There was a chill in Cheng Tianyong's eyes, "Cheng Tianqi is right, I am a bastard! I, Cheng Tianyong, have never had a father. I would rather be a bastard than follow you Cheng Yugong and be your son!"

"Disobedient son!"

Cheng Yugong was so angry that he was trembling with anger at Cheng Tianyong's words, "You did something that corrupted society and moral integrity, and you still feel that you have been wronged?"

"You stubborn old fool! I have nothing to say to you!"

Cheng Tianyong's whole body was filled with an icy chill. He looked at Ling Feng and said solemnly: "Brother Ling, thank you very much for everything you have done for me today. However, today's matter has nothing to do with you. You should go first!"

As he spoke, he transmitted a message to Ling Feng's spiritual consciousness: Brother Ling, please leave quickly, I don't want to drag you into the water!

Cheng Yugong didn't say much, he just looked on with cold eyes.

Obviously, as a senior expert, he did not want to fight with a young boy like Ling Feng, lest he be stigmatized as a bully.

"How come it has nothing to do with me?"

Ling Feng smiled casually, "The dignified young man of the Cheng family still owes me one million fairy stones? Here is the debt. I say, Mr. Cheng, the son must pay the debt to the father. If your son can't pay it, you are the one who owes me one million immortal stones." As a senior, you shouldn’t default on your debt, right?”


Cheng Yugong sneered, "Young kid with a yellow mouth, I don't want to be acquainted with a junior like you, but you still dare to mention this matter, well, well, well! If you can accept my three palms and one million fairy stones as a gift, tonight Let’s cancel it all!”

"Three palms?"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, "Okay, it's a deal!"

"Brother Ling, no!"

Cheng Tianyong quickly stepped forward to hold Ling Feng and shook his head at him, "That old guy is the Nine Fruit Immortal Lord. You can't show off your bravery for a moment and lose your life in vain."

"Nine-Fruit Immortal Lord?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, but he didn't expect that this old guy's cultivation level was much higher than he thought.

The Nine-Fruit Immortal Lord is basically half a foot across the threshold of the Immortal Lord.

He is indeed a ruthless character.

However, since I have already said my words, I cannot regret it.

"Hmph, kid, it's still too late to regret now. I don't want to bully the younger."

Cheng Yugong stood with his hands behind his hands, obviously not paying attention to Ling Feng at all.

"Hahaha? Regret?"

Ling Feng looked up to the sky and laughed, "I, Ling Feng, have never regretted what I said!"

As he spoke, he slapped his chest and said coldly: "Come on, three palms! Hurry up and I can collect the money after you hit him!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, this kid is really crazy, he wants money rather than his life!"

"My dear, where did this kid come from? Does he know what a strong man in the Dao Fruit Realm is?"

"A strong Taoist has already become a saint. With the power of the Tao, he condenses the fruit of law. The world collapses and the galaxy collapses. How can he, a junior in the magic realm, resist it?"

"Don't say three palms, just one palm. I'm afraid that kid will die without a burial place."


For a moment, the crowd was excited.

A junior like Ling Feng, who doesn't know the heights of the world, really dares to speak. Is he going to take one million immortal stones into the coffin?


Cheng Yugong shook his head, "Originally, I thought you might become a disciple of Tianzhi because you have the Seal of Heaven, but I also want to give you a chance. Since you are so reckless, you can't blame me!"

"Brother Ling!"

Cheng Tianyong was also a little anxious and held Ling Feng's arm tightly, "No, absolutely not!"

Ling Feng grinned and said, "It's okay. I, Ling Feng, don't have any other abilities. It's just this life that's very tough!"

"Is it?"

Cheng Yugong smiled coldly, "The reason why you think you can withstand my three palms is probably because you think you have mastered the law of immortality and can be reborn through blood rebirth, right?"


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. How could this old guy see through this?

After all, he is the Nine Fruit Immortal Lord, and he really has two brushes.

"It's a good idea, but it's a pity that I met me! It's just like others. The Immortal Law is really difficult to deal with. Unfortunately, among the nine fruits of the law, one of them condenses the power of the Immortal Law. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Cheng Yugong raised his hand and waved it casually.


On the other side, Ling Feng was already spitting blood and flying backwards. Every pore in his body burst out with blood almost at the same time. His purple clothes were also dyed red.

It even caused bleeding from all seven holes and all the internal organs were torn apart!

And his immortal golden body was completely unable to function!

The immortal golden body was actually broken!

"Cough cough cough..."

Ling Feng coughed violently. Sure enough, the Nine Fruit Immortal Lord should not be underestimated.

"You can still stand even after being slapped by me. Boy, I think you are a talented person, so stand down!"

Cheng Yugong glanced at Ling Feng coldly, and then his eyes fell on Cheng Tianyong, "Young man, kneel down!"

Cheng Tianyong clenched his fists tightly, feeling as if there were hundreds of ancient sacred mountains pressing down on his back at the same time. His whole body trembled, and he was actually a little unsteady on his feet.

At this moment, Ling Feng actually took a step forward again.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth fiercely and sneered, "I said three palms, it's three palms. Why, old guy, there are still two palms left. I don't have the strength to fight?"

"Seek death!"

Cheng Yugong finally lost his last patience. Even if Ling Feng had a relationship with Tianzhi, there was only a possibility that he would become a disciple of Tianzhi, but he had not yet become a disciple of Tianzhi.

Since he is seeking death, there is no need for him to tolerate it again and again!

In an instant, the sky was filled with clouds and strong winds were blowing.

The night sky was illuminated by the golden light that burst out from his body, as if it were daytime.

This time, Cheng Yugong finally showed his sincerity.

He exerted 100% of his strength and slapped a hard palm in Ling Feng's direction.

This ignorant junior should pay a heavy price for his ignorance and repeated provocations!

"Bahuang crushes and kills!"

A huge palm print fell from the sky, and a terrifying wave of air crashed across the land. The land for dozens of miles around seemed to be dented by forceful suppression.

Obviously, Cheng Yugong was also really angry.


The heaven and earth were shaken, and the Nine Fruit Immortal Lord was angry, and the consequences were not trivial.

The huge palm print fell little by little, seemingly slowly, but in just a few blinks of the eye, it continued to compress, compress, and compress again.

When it landed on Ling Feng's head, it had become comparable to a normal palm print, but this was a terrifying magical power that condensed all the power into one point.

In this way, the destructive power of this palm can completely destroy Ling Feng and turn him into ashes!

Not to mention Ling Feng, even the Nine Fruit Immortal Lord has no life at all.

However, at this critical moment, an extremely huge shadow actually floated behind Ling Feng.

Immediately afterwards, Cheng Yugong, who had just made a move, looked up to the sky and spit out a mouthful of blood, and was shocked back!

The person injured by this palm was actually Cheng Yugong!

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