Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3415 Four wonders, the sun, moon and stars!

"I do have something to report to your Majesty."

Jie Yinxian Zun bowed to the white-clothed Zun, and said solemnly: "This matter is related to the person in Yuanyang Huhu's heart..."


From the perspective of Jie Yinxian Zun, it was obvious that the pupils of Gujing Wubo, who had always been calm and calm, shrank slightly.


The white-clothed master's eyes narrowed, and his aura suddenly increased. Immediately, Jieyinxianzun was covered in cold sweat, as if there were hundreds of millions of ancient sacred mountains pressing down on him, making him unable to breathe.

"The thing is like this..."

Jieyin Xianzun took a deep breath, organized the words in his mind, and then said: "Among the new disciples of this year, there is a disciple who accidentally broke into the maze of Yuanyang Lake."

"That's it?"

The noble man in white shook his head and smiled, "Since he got into it by mistake, there is no need to make a fuss, just let him be."


Jie Yinxian Zun pondered for a moment and said in a deep voice: "But the bad thing is that that disciple was able to see through the fog of Yuanyang Lake, and he also saw that person's existence."

"See through that fog? How is it possible?"

As soon as these words came out, the expression of the Lord in White obviously changed slightly. The mist was arranged by him personally, not to mention just a new disciple. Apart from him, there were three seniors and four strange ones, and even those with the most senior qualifications. It is impossible for high-ranking Presbyterians to see through that layer of fog.

"That's the truth. Not only could he describe that person's figure, he even saw the Tomb of Heaven."

After hearing the words of the Immortal Master Jie Yin, the expression on the white-clothed Master's face became more and more gloomy.

The Immortal Master Jie Yin was so frightened that he didn't even dare to take a breath. He saw the Master in white clothes, his face was as heavy as water, and his breath was like a thunder pool formed by the condensed thunder. If there was any slight deviation, it would probably swallow everything.

"What's that disciple's name?"

"His name is Ling Feng. Old Man has warned him, and I believe that no one else knows about this except Old Man and him."

Jie Yinxianzun gritted his teeth and said: "That junior is a rare and good young man, and he has the same supreme divine body as you, Your Majesty. Talents are rare. If..."

"Did I say I was going to kill him?"

The Lord in white clothes interrupted the words of the Immortal Jieyin. There was a slight sweat on the forehead of the Immortal Jieyin. "I made a mistake, I hope you will forgive me!"

"That's all, that's all..."

The white-clothed Lord turned his back and walked slowly to the throne. He was silent for a moment, then waved his sleeves slightly towards the Immortal Lord Jieyin and said, "Jieyin, please go down."


Jie Yin Xian Zun dares to say more. He has already said what he can say. As for the final decision, it depends on what he wants.

Boy Ling Feng, I hope you can survive this disaster.

Jie Yinxianzun slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, and soon his figure gradually became illusory, and in the blink of an eye, he had disappeared on this huge platform.

The Lord in white clothes closed his eyes slightly, for a long time, and for a long time...

His eyes looked at the huge magic ball in front of him. The evolution of the sky and the changes of the stars were all in the magic ball.

With just one thought from him, the mountains, rivers, sun, moon, and stars all turned into nothingness.

And even a being like him has his own destiny that he cannot escape.

"Somebody come!"

With an order, four figures flew from the sky. In an instant, they saw four graceful women with their faces covered with a layer of white gauze, kneeling in front of the white-clothed master.

"What are your orders, Master?"

The four women bowed their heads and worshiped. They were four in one body and directly obeyed the Lord, just like his right and left arms.

And the aura of each of them, even compared to the three powerful men like Jieyin Xianzun, is actually no worse, or even worse.

"The sun, the moon, the stars, and the celestial body."

The gentleman in white clothes stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes sweeping over the four women one by one.

These four women, named Si Ri, Si Yue, Si Xing and Si Chen respectively, are nominally just the maids close to your Majesty.

But in fact, they are one of the Four Wonders.

Yes, the four of them together are just one of the Four Wonders, or a group among them.

Among the Heavenly Executives, apart from the Supreme Being, there are three Supreme Beings and Four Wonders at the head, commanding all the palaces and ministries inside and outside.

As for the identities of the three deities, basically anyone who is a Tianzhi sect member will know them.

But Si Qi is not like that.

Siqi is more like a shadow of Tianzhi, a knife in the dark.

Ordinary disciples are controlled by the Law Enforcement Hall, but the elders and worshipers also need to be monitored.

What Si Qi supervises are the senior officials within these Tianzhi.

Therefore, even the three deities are not completely aware of Si Qi's identity.

Just like the four girls of the sun, moon and stars, who would have thought that they would actually be the famous Four Wonders.

"Yes, please give me your orders, Master!"

The four women said in unison that they were absolutely loyal to the Lord in White.

The Lord in white hesitated again and again, and finally his eyes fell on Si Chen.

"Si Chen."


Si Chen raised his head, with a pair of star-like eyes, staring closely at the man in front of him, with awe, respect, and even a hint of heartfelt admiration.

"Among the four of you sisters, you are the smartest and know how to adapt to changes."

"Master, thank you!"

A hint of joy appeared on Si Chen's face. She had been with His Majesty for so long that she could hardly remember it.

However, it was rare to hear His Majesty praise them, let alone praise her alone.

"I want you to lurk next to a new disciple and observe him secretly."

"New disciple?"

Si Chen blinked his eyes, feeling a little strange. He was just a new disciple. What was there to observe?

"You do whatever the master tells you to do. Where do you get so many problems?"

Si Ri, the leader of the four girls, frowned and reprimanded. Si Chen quickly kowtowed and admitted his mistake: "It's my slave who talks too much!"

"It doesn't matter."

The noble man in white waved his hand, looked at the four girls, and then said calmly: "Everyone, please get up, there is no need to kneel!"

Only then did the four girls dare to stand up. Normally, this lord would never let them kneel for so long before asking them to stand up.

Obviously, Your Majesty must have something on his mind that is troubling him.

Perhaps, it has something to do with the new disciple.

"That disciple's name is Ling Feng, Si Chen. You have to get close to him, but you can't let him notice your presence. Just observe him carefully and report news to me regularly."

"Is it just observation? If he goes out to perform a mission, then..."

"Follow him, no matter where you go, follow him every step of the way!"

The Lord in white looked deeply at Si Chen, and a strong sense of oppression came over him, making Si Chen almost unable to breathe.

"If he encounters a crisis, try to take action without exposing him."


Si Chen was stunned for a moment, then nodded quickly, "Yes, Master!"

She couldn't help but feel curious. If she did this, wouldn't she become that disciple's personal bodyguard?

Is this observation or protection?

Is it really necessary for her, a master of the Four Wonders level, to protect an outer disciple who has just started?

Could it be...

Is that disciple the illegitimate son of Your Majesty or something?

But soon, she put the whole dangerous idea behind her.

No matter what, since it is an order from your Majesty, you can just obey and carry it out.

"Okay, let's all get down!"

The noble man in white gently flicked his sleeves and signaled the four girls to leave. After thinking for a while, he warned again, "Si Chen, your mission starts from this moment!"

"Yes, Master!"

Si Chen blinked his big bright eyes and looked at each other with the other sisters. The next moment, their figures disappeared from the platform at the same time.

There was only one person left on the huge golden platform.

He waved his sleeves, and a thin figure suddenly appeared in the huge magic ball in front of him.

However, that figure was just a lifeless shadow. That shadow also held a guqin in its arms, which was exactly what the Immortal Master Jie Yin said, "The Qin of Heaven's Sorrow".

"How long? It seems like it's been a long, long time..."

Jie Yinxianzun took out a wine gourd from his sleeve, took a full sip, and then murmured to himself: "Why are you drifting away... Haha, why are you... drifting away..."

"I really don't understand why the master wants me to protect a newly promoted outer disciple!"

Leaving the space where the Lord was, I saw four white lights flashing, but the four girls of the sun, moon and stars had returned to the cave where they usually lived.

"Since Your Majesty has assigned you this task, you just have to do it obediently."

Si Ri, the oldest, raised his jade finger and lightly tapped Si Chen's forehead, "You, you always speak out. Although the master usually treats us very gently, the master is always the master, and we can't live without him." Not too small!”

"I know, I know!"

Si Chen frowned and couldn't help but muttered in a low voice, "She's really more verbose than my mother-in-law!"

Si Ri's hearing was so keen. When he heard Si Chen's complaint, he frowned and pretended to teach him a lesson. Si Chen quickly stepped aside and said, "Eldest sister, second sister and third sister, I have to rush to carry out the master's mission. I want to teach you a lesson." Me, next time!”

As soon as the words fell, they turned into a ray of light and disappeared into the cave sky.

The other three girls shook their heads and smiled bitterly, all of them unable to do anything against this little girl.

There are always rumors among Tianzhi that the Four Wonders are like four sharp and cold knives.

But everyone knows that among the four wonders, they also have very different personalities. Even the four sisters have their own temperaments and are completely different.

As for the other three wonders, in fact, even they don't know the true identities of the other three wonders.

(PS: Guys, there are no updates today~)

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