Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3417 No martial ethics!

The stars are beyond the sea, Yanlong Island.

This place is a very secret place in the outer sea, and it is also the home base of one of the star pirates.

Precisely because this place is shrouded in smog all year round and has poisonous reefs, plus there are many terrifying sea monsters and sea monsters sleeping on the seabed, this pirate force, although not the largest in this sea area, is very tenacious. , has experienced several sieges by the Tianming Alliance, but it still survives to this day.

The most critical reason is that no matter how furious the sea beasts sleeping in this sea area are, they will not attack this island.

Therefore, as long as you retreat to the island in advance, even if all the experts from the entire Tianming Alliance arrive, the island will be able to sit back and relax.

Ling Feng was also familiar with the leader of this pirate group. He was Baoshan who was conquered by Ling Feng three years ago.

But at this moment, Baoshan seemed worried, he couldn't sleep, and his food didn't taste good.

Sometimes, crises often start from within.

Things have to start from three years ago.

Since he was subdued by Ling Feng three years ago, Ling Feng has prohibited them from plundering passing ships and continuing to make enemies.

After all, Ling Feng planned to use Yanlong Island as his first stronghold and secretly develop and cultivate a force of his own.

If these pirates continue to do evil and make countless enemies, won't they have to let him wipe their ass?

Therefore, the first thing to do after conquering Explosive Mountain is to transform these pirates.

At the beginning, with the restraint of Bakuzan, everything was fine.

But the bad thing is that after Ling Feng returned to Tianzhi, he himself did not expect that refining the power of Xuanzhen Pill would actually take him three years.

In the past three years, no information has been delivered to Bangshan, nor has it brought any substantial benefits to this group of pirates.

Pirates are always pirates, and their thieving nature is hard to change. As time goes by, they begin to feel dissatisfied with their master.

But at this moment, the sinister face of the second boss began to be exposed.

Under his instigation, the pirate forces on Yanlong Island were directly divided into two.

Moreover, as many as 70% of the members were incited by the second boss!

During this period of time, several internal fights had broken out between the two groups of pirates, and the two sides were almost at war with each other.

As the saying goes, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain. The second master had ambitions for a long time, but now he has seized the opportunity and turned against him.

Yanlong Island is their base, and it is an absolutely safe and secret place in this sea area.

Therefore, the second master must not only usurp power, but also kill all Bakuzan and expel them from Yanlong Island.

And without the protection of Yanlong Island, Baoshan's death may not be far away.

In Dazhai, Baoshan drank one jar after another. He had drank eighteen jars of strong liquor in a row, but he was not drunk at all. The irritability and restlessness in his heart became more and more intense.

“Grandma’s ball!”

Baoshan threw a large jar of wine to the ground, "It's been three years! Is that brat named Ling kidding me?"

Of course he is also a complete pirate. He has not gone out to "hunt" for three years, so naturally his hands are very itchy.

But his life was still in someone else's hands, what could he do.

The most depressing thing is that the second-in-command, the rebellious guy, takes advantage of the opportunity to incite his subordinates to rebel against him!

Now, his status is already in jeopardy. If this continues, sooner or later he will be kicked out of Yanlong Island by that bastard.

"Big...big boss, it's not good!"

At this moment, a minion broke in from outside the account and said, "No, something bad is going to happen!"

Baoshan suddenly stood up and stared out of the account with his big copper eyes.

However, before the minion could be seen, there was a "bang" sound, and a figure was kicked in from the outside, and then with a "wow" sound, a mouthful of blood was spat out.

It looked like he wouldn't survive.

"Wei Bao!"

Baoshan stared straight ahead and saw a thin, middle-aged man dressed as a scholar slowly walking in from outside.

"You bastard who eats everything, if I hadn't saved your life back then, would you still be standing here today?"

Baoshan picked up a beheading sword from the weapons rack and pointed at the dozens of pirates who were surrounding him from outside the tent, "And you, Baoshan, in vain, treats you as brothers, and you actually turn against me?"

Among the pirates, there were many who lowered their heads. No matter what, they were all brothers who had gone through life and death together.

"Master, you misunderstood. I, Wei Bao, never meant to hurt you."

Wei Bao sneered sinisterly, "It's just that we are a group of pirates. As pirates, we don't rob merchant ships or mine ships. How do you want so many of us brothers to live? Do you want to drink the northwest wind?"

"Yes, Mr. Master, we are not going against you, but what have you done in the past few years? Although we have made a lot of wealth before, sooner or later we will have nothing!"

"Even if we don't have any objections, can the brothers below obey you?"

"As the head of the family, you have to consider your brothers!"

Wei Bao's words immediately made all the pirates feel confident again.

"Master, as long as you leave Yanlong Island obediently, I promise that I will never touch a hair on your head! As for those brothers who are willing to leave with you, Master, I will also prepare a big ship and send you away personally!"

Wei Bao narrowed his eyes and stared at Baoshan with a sneer.

This guy is obviously here to force me to come.

"You fart!"

Baoshan was so angry that his beard trembled, the flesh on his face jumped and jumped, and even the bone spurs on his back stretched out automatically.

He cursed loudly: "I found Yanlong Island, and this Tianwang Village was founded by me. If you want to set up your own business, you can take your people and get out of Yanlong Island! If you want to drive me away, there is no way!" "


Wei Bao smiled solemnly, "Master, you can't blame the brothers for ignoring their past friendship!"

"Then give it a try!"

The decapitating sword in Baoshan's hand swung horizontally, and an evil aura suddenly filled people's minds, making them afraid to come close.

"It's hard for the boss to defeat four people with just two fists. What's more, you are very powerful, but don't you think it's strange? Why have we been here for so long and none of your old subordinates have come in?"


Baoshan's eyelids twitched suddenly. The next moment, he felt a tearing pain in his mind. His vision blurred and he was a little unsteady on his feet. "You poisoned me!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

Wei Bao sneered, "Master, I always advise you to drink less and drink less. Why don't you listen?"


Wei Bao trampled a fragment of a wine jar on the ground and turned it into powder. Jie Jie laughed strangely, "After drinking so much wine with added ingredients, it tastes good when you are the boss, right?"

Bakuzan suddenly trembled all over, and the poison spread in his body, immediately invading his internal organs.

Black blood began to flow from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and the figure in front of him gradually became blurry.

"Don't worry, Master. I will carry forward Tianwang Village. You can go in peace."

Wei Bao raised his hand and gently patted Baoshan's cheek, but Baoshan spat blood all over his face.

"Wei Bao, even if it is, I will drag you to be buried with you!"

Baoshan roared and hissed, wildly waving the decapitating sword in his hand, and rushed over desperately.


Wei Bao's eyes turned cold and he kicked Baoshan accurately on the chest.

Even though his strength is not as good as that of Bakuzan, it is not far behind.

What's more, at this moment, Baoshan was poisoned, so he was no match for him.

He slowly wiped the blood from his face and stepped hard on Baoshan's chest. "I wanted you to die quickly, but now it seems that I was too merciful!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, so many people are fighting against one person, isn't it a little disrespectful to have martial ethics?"

At this moment, a misty voice came, from far to near, so familiar that it seemed to be close at hand.


Wei Bao was startled, and a strong sense of crisis came over him, as if it was dragging him into ice purgatory, making him feel chilled from the bottom of his heart.

The next moment, a silver-haired boy was seen standing in front of Bakuzan with his hands behind his hands, as if he appeared out of thin air.

He... how did he come out?

Wei Bao swallowed hard and subconsciously retreated behind the pirates.

Once there is an emergency, he will pull out these pirates to serve as backup.

This guy is indeed sinister, vicious and cunning to the extreme.

The person coming is none other than Ling Feng!

And his silver hair obviously left a deep impression on many pirates.

"It''s him!"

"It's the boy from three years ago!"

Baoshan fell to the ground, his eyes almost invisible, but he could sense Ling Feng's aura.

he came!

He's finally here!

"Bakuzan, I'm sorry, I'm late."

Ling Feng squatted down, tapped Baoshan's chest a few times, and immediately took out a few silver needles to seal his heart veins to prevent the poisonous gas from attacking his heart.

"Still...why are you still standing there?"

When Wei Bao saw Ling Feng treating Baoshan like no one else was around, he immediately yelled, "Kill him! Kill him quickly!"

The pirates looked at each other. The pirates who were usually the most ferocious and surly immediately picked up their weapons and slashed at Ling Feng.

Since this guy has to be distracted to heal the big boss, if we don't kill him now, how long will it take?

However, before they could get within seven feet of Ling, they heard two explosions. The bodies of the two pirates exploded and turned into a cloud of blood mist.

The rest of the pirates felt a chill in their hearts as they dared to act rashly again.

too strong!


This is simply not like a dimensional power!

Three years ago, this silver-haired boy was far from as scary as he is now, right?

A large bead of sweat suddenly fell on Wei Bao's forehead.

What kind of monster is this guy?


He thought of retreating, and with a sharp look, he pushed the two pirates in front of him hard towards Ling Feng.

At the same time, the figure flashed and prepared to retreat.

"Second Master, you..."

The two pirates who were pushed to Lingfeng's eyes widened, thinking of the tragic situation of their previous companions, they were scared to death.

However, they were not blown away directly, but were blown away by two counterattack forces.

But Wei Bao, who originally wanted to take advantage of the chaos to escape, suddenly felt a strong hand pressing firmly on his shoulder.

He looked back and saw a cynical face.

"You're leaving now? The second boss, the show hasn't ended yet, how can you leave?"

Cheng Tianyong narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Brother Ling, do you think so?"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and pulled out the last golden needle. All the toxins in Baoshan's body had been removed.

With his medical skills, poisons of this level are naturally not a problem for him.

Baoshan slowly climbed up, took a deep look at Ling Feng, gritted his teeth and knelt down to him, "Thank you, Master, for saving my life!"

"Since you call me master, then naturally I won't let your death be in vain."

Ling Feng smiled faintly and said, "Speaking of which, it's because of me that you are in this situation."

Bakuzan took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "Can I ask Master for something?"

"Say it."

"I'm going to kill him with my own hands!"

Baoshan pointed at Wei Bao and gritted his teeth.

"a piece of cake."

Ling Feng nodded slightly. If Wei Bao, a treacherous villain, took action, he would be destroyed in all directions.

It's better to let Bakuzan handle it on his own.

Half an hour later.

In an open space in the center of Tianwang Village, accompanied by a heart-rending scream, Wei Bao finally died tragically in the hands of Baoshan.

As for the pirates who were instigated by him, they all knelt down and begged for mercy, begging for Baoshan's forgiveness.

Baoshan missed his old friendship and actually asked Ling Feng for mercy.

Ling Feng didn't care. Anyway, now is the time to employ people.

After all, manpower is needed to mine the Beichen Crystal vein.

After dealing with the civil strife in Tianwang Village, it was time to arrange for Baoshan and the others to get down to business.

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