Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3419 The Immortal Emperor’s personal disciple!

"Hongmeng Dragon Crystal?"

A gleam of light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes. Needless to say, Ling Feng could probably guess in his heart how rare and rare this Hongmeng Dragon Crystal was.

Everything related to the Ancestral Dragon has unparalleled benefits for the immortals, monsters or demons in future generations.

The Hongmeng Dragon Qi he absorbed in the Hongmeng Dragon Mansion was only the descendant of the ancestral dragon, and it may only be the kind of dragon descendant with very thin bloodline after ten or eight generations.

Just like this, it was enough for Ling Feng to condense the Ancestral Dragon Pattern.

In this cave, there is not only the Hongmeng Ancestral Dragon Qi, but also the Hongmeng Dragon Crystal.

Maybe, given time, I can really practice to the highest level of Hongmeng Divine Transformation Technique - Divine Dragon Transformation!

Hongmeng's Divine Transformation Technique is divided into five levels: the first level, transforming into dragon patterns, transforming one's own divine patterns into dragon clan emblems, breaking away from the rules of heaven and earth in Xuanling Continent. In this process, one's own strength may not improve. Retreat.

The second level, transforming into dragon scales, transforms dragon energy into thousands of dragon scales, greatly improving one's own defense.

The third level is to transform into a dragon roar and acquire the magical power of dragon roar.

The fourth level is to transform into dragon bones. Even one's own bones and tendons are tempered by the Hongmeng Dragon Qi and become no different from a divine dragon.

The fifth level, Dragon Transformation, as the name suggests, transforms into a dragon and controls the supreme dragon power.

However, this is only the fifth level in theory. After all, even the founder of Xiaofeng Camp who originally created this magical power has not been able to complete the last level of "Dragon Transformation".

Even Ling Feng, after refining several drops of ancestral dragon essence and blood, could only barely reach the level of transforming into a dragon roar and mastered a few ancient dragon roar magical powers.

But even if it is just like this, these dragon roar magical powers still perform quite well even after arriving in the fairyland.

This is still restricted by the physical limits of the human race.

If one can go one step further and reach the realm of dragon bone transformation, and practice the dragon bone, the power of the dragon's roar will definitely reach a higher level.

After arriving in the Immortal Realm, he came to realize more and more that the Immortal Golden Body, which was originally very useful in the lower realm and even a bit shabby, was actually easily suppressed by the power of law.

After all, the Immortal Golden Body is only a mortal's magical power, and it is still a bit reluctant to use it to deal with the powerful immortals.

Therefore, whether it is the Dragon Elephant Overlord Body Technique or the Immortal Golden Body, they are somewhat insufficient.

But "Hongmeng Divine Transformation Technique" does not have such congenital flaws.

In fact, Ling Feng could see the infinite potential of this magical power. After all, if calculated according to the extreme situation, he constantly relied on the power of various ancestral dragons and the blood of ancestral dragons to complete his evolution.

Maybe, one day, when I reach the divine dragon transformation, I can directly transform into a certain ancestral dragon?

Of course, this may sound fanciful, but it is not necessarily impossible.

"You bitch, how about you, can you sense the location of the Hongmeng Dragon Crystal?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and looked at Jidian with some excitement.

"This mythical beast suspects that this island is probably formed by the power of the Hongmeng Dragon Crystal. Therefore, if we take out the Hongmeng Dragon Crystal, this island will no longer exist. Of course, with our little ability , I’m afraid I won’t be able to get it out.”

Ling Feng nodded slightly, but he did not doubt Jie Dong's judgment.

Since the Hongmeng Dragon Crystal can shock the sea monsters and sea beasts around this sea area, how can it be easily obtained by myself?

However, even if he is unable to dig out the Hongmeng Dragon Crystal for the time being, as long as he practices here and absorbs the Hongmeng Ancestral Dragon Qi, it will be enough to quickly improve his "Hongmeng Divine Transformation Technique" in a short period of time.

As for Yanlong Island, it is really an unexpected surprise.

The place where dragon energy is entrenched is perfect for being your base camp.

But it's a pity that he still has to carry out Tianzhi's mission and accumulate enough contribution points in order to be promoted to the inner sect.

Naturally, it is impossible to stay here for a long time to practice.

After thinking about it, Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, and then he sat up cross-legged and meditated directly.

He does not intend to practice directly in seclusion here, but to absorb as much Hongmeng Ancestral Dragon Qi as possible.

Although it is impossible to refine this Hongmeng Ancestral Dragon Qi in a short time, it is more than enough to store it in his own Chaos Dantian.

His dantian space is countless times wider than that of monks of the same level. If he could fully absorb the chaos dantian in one breath, it would be enough for at least ten or eight years.

However, in that case, Ling Feng might not survive.

After all, the Dantian Qi Sea is the place where mana is stored. The Hongmeng Ancestral Dragon Qi is extremely overbearing. If too much is absorbed, it will directly reject the mana in the Dantian.

At that time, the two forces will collide with each other in the Dantian, which may cause damage to the Dantian at the least, or loss of life in the worst case.

Ling Feng naturally understood this truth, so he only absorbed about 30% of the Dantian space and stopped.

However, this process took almost a whole day and night.


Ling Feng slowly exhaled a breath, but when he opened his eyes, the scene in front of him really shocked Ling Feng.


The entire cave was actually completely empty, not even a single piece of gravel was left.

No need to ask, it must be the work of a cheap ass!

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. He already knew that the bitch was greedy, but he didn't expect that he would be so greedy.

And this guy is actually dating someone who has nothing to do...

Oh no, he was just like a donkey, with his hooves raised and lazily leaning against the stone wall nearby. He also had more than one weed root in his mouth, looking intoxicated and at ease.

"Bitch ass!——"

Ling Feng's forehead darkened, and he walked over with murderous intent.


The bitch's eyelids twitched, "Everyone who sees it has a share, you can take it as you wish!"

"When did I say that?"

"If you didn't stop this beast from taking it, that's your acquiescence!"

The bitch actually looked righteous and confident, "What's more, you absorbed Hongmeng's ancestral dragon energy, and this beast only took a few stones. This beast has suffered a huge loss!"

"How many stones?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "How many rocks do you call a whole cave of ore?"

"I just got a little bit more than 100 million!"

"Stop it!"

Ling Feng's forehead turned dark. If the bitch had stayed a little longer, Ling Feng would not have fallen out with him.

No matter how I say that I am the general manager of the new Xiaofeng Camp, I have to think about the long-term development.

This batch of ore is the first "start-up capital" for the development and growth of Xiaofeng Camp!

Recruiting troops and buying horses for free?

Does it cost no money to train disciples?

"You bitch, spit out at least 70% of it, and you can keep the remaining 30%."

Ling Feng stared at Bitch with a serious face. Thirty percent was the biggest concession he could make.

Of course, not all of this 30% belongs to the cheap donkey. In the hands of the cheap donkey, when he needs it, it is not his own.

After all, the cheap donkey is his spiritual pet.

Ling Feng will still settle this account.

"Spit up 70%!"

The bitch almost jumped up. He had always been a tough cock, and the wealth he had eaten actually made him spit it out!

However, seeing Ling Feng's cold eyes, he had no choice but to give in, "Okay, okay, just vomit!"

After saying that, he could only move the ore out of his space magic weapon bit by bit with a look of reluctance.

"Okay, bitch, these ores are used to make magical weapons. The most valuable ones are left to Kuangshan guy to make weapons and armor. Don't forget, we also need a Beichen Road. The mineral veins of Jing have not been mined yet.”

"Ore vein!"

Only then did the eDonkey come back to his senses.

Yes, compared to the Beichen Crystal, what are these ores?

"Okay, let's go out, it's time to get down to business!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and already had his own plan in mind.

The next step, naturally, is to arrange for Baoshan and the others to send people to mine the Beichen Crystal.

As Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng, of course he couldn't do this kind of physical work himself.

Now that the mining matter has been settled, it is naturally time for them to carry out their first mission in the Sea of ​​Stars.

In addition to the incomparable abundance of various ores on the Sea of ​​Stars, there is also a kind of treasure that is unique in the entire Shenzhi Heavenly Domain.

That is the legendary Xuanhan Lingzhu.

In the sea area outside the Stars, there is an island called Xuanyuan Cold Island. There is a kind of cold clam on the island, which is born by absorbing the cold air of the Stars Sea.

And every ten thousand years, this kind of cold clam can condense into a mysterious cold spirit bead.

Therefore, this kind of cold spirit bead is a rare treasure in the world, and each one can be said to be valuable.

Whether it is used for elixir refining or as the core of an immortal weapon, it is the best choice.

However, because it takes tens of thousands of years to condense the Xuanhan Lingzhu, and the output is extremely low, even the Tianzhi organization's inventory is almost at its bottom.

Just as the Zhitian Palace thought it was necessary to use three Xuanhan Lingzhu to refine an immortal treasure in order to enshrine the elders, it issued a Grade A mission to purchase the Xuanhan Lingzhu, which was worth thirty-five thousand contribution points!

So many contribution points were divided among Ling Feng and the others, and each of them could also get 5,000 contribution points.

And this is the only mission that the seven of them have taken on together.

Considering that this task is extremely difficult, it requires the cooperation of at least two inner disciples to accept it.

Otherwise, Ling Feng might not be willing to let the woman Mo Yurou join the team.

After all, speaking of which, this little girl had tricked me once before.

Although her eldest brother Yufeng Xianjun apologized to her, she also promised not to argue with Mo Yurou anymore.

Because of this incident, Ling Feng always had a thorn in his heart, and naturally he had no good impression of Mo Yurou.

While thinking about it, Ling Feng quickly walked out of the cave.

At this moment, Baoshan was already yawning nonstop because he had been guarding the entrance of the cave for a day, and he was taking a nap while leaning on a rock. Fortunately, he was still very alert, and he woke up immediately when he heard the footsteps.

"Lord Souji, you're out!"

Baoshan stepped forward respectfully and saluted, and did not complain because Ling Feng stayed in the cave for too long. He did not even dare to ask any more questions.


Ling Feng nodded. Even though Baoshan looked tall and thick, he was also thick and thin.

At least, he will be a very good subordinate.

Not long after, Ling Feng and his two men returned to the tent of Tianwang Village and saw those pirates...

No, the disciples of what should be called the Saofeng Camp are now enthusiastically tearing down the door signs of Tianwang Village.

The Zhongyi Hall, the Heavenly King Hall, all the plaques need to be replaced.

A large group of reckless men were all very motivated and worked hard to please Ling Feng, the new master.

Pirates are always pirates. If you have time to do these superficial things, you might as well spend more time practicing and improving.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, but he did not dampen the enthusiasm of these guys.

He knew exactly what these guys were made of.

A general knows people well and uses them well.

Most of these pirates are just there to create atmosphere.

In other words, the Exploding Mountain is useful. As for his subordinates, they can just treat it as free gifts.

Soon, Ling Feng arranged everything and asked Kuang Shan to take Bao Shan and lead a group of subordinates to mine the mineral veins of Beichen Crystal.

As for Ling Feng and his team, they can set off to Xuanyuan Han Island to look for the Xuanyuan Cold Spirit Pearl.

One day later, two large ships set off from Yanlong Island and divided their troops into two groups.

If everything goes well, we will be able to reunite on Yanlong Island in about half a month.

Patrol the Sky Ice Tribe, the Sky Ice Sanctuary.

While Ling Feng successfully worshiped Tianzhi, on the other side, Yan Jinghong's fate seemed to be even more exaggerated than Ling Feng's.

Three years ago, Yan Jinghong was summoned by Immortal Emperor Haocang. After he entered the temple that all the Xuntian Ice Clan disciples were fascinated by, there was no news for three days and three nights.

No one knows what happened inside.

But suddenly one day, news came from the top of the clan that the mortal named Yan Jinghong had become the ninth disciple of Immortal Emperor Hao Cang!

Yes, a direct disciple of the Immortal Emperor!

I wonder which junior of the Sky Patrol Ice Clan would not dream of such an honor.

The eight disciples above Yan Jinghong are all the same, they are all powerful men at the level of Immortal Lord!

It is simply "outrageous" that someone like Yan Jinghong, who has just been promoted to the immortal realm and is a mere mortal in the lower realm of magic power, can be favored by the immortal emperor.

But since the news came from the Presbyterian Church, it is definitely not false.

However, what surprised people was that since Yan Jinghong entered the temple, he never came out again.

Three years!

For three whole years, he completely disappeared.

So much so that the juniors of the Xantian Ice Clan had the illusion that a person as big as Yan Jinghong had never existed.

But, just today, another big news came out of the Presbyterian Church.

Yan Jinghong was still promoted to the Talisman Realm.

In just three years, he was promoted from a virtual immortal who had just broken through to the immortal realm to a virtual immortal in the Talisman and Seal Realm.




The juniors of the Xantian Ice Clan have never seen such terrifying speed.

Even before that, Shui Changdong, who had always had a high prestige among the younger generation, had spent ten years!

Immediately afterwards, the Council of Elders announced that today is the day when the youngest disciple of the Immortal Emperor comes out of seclusion.

For a moment, the Xuntian Ice Tribe exploded from top to bottom.

No matter what the reason was, whether it was jealousy or envy, in short, all the younger generation disciples of the Xantian Ice Clan gathered in the square outside the temple.

Prepare to "greet" the Immortal Emperor's personal disciple.

"Hmph, what's so great about making a breakthrough in three years? If I had the help of the Immortal Emperor and taught it myself, one year would be enough!"

Among the crowd, Shui Changdong clenched his fists and stared at the temple door.

He wanted to see how far Yan Jinghong had grown in three years.

"Some people just show off with their mouths."

Not far away, Lan Xiaoyu, who had always been at odds with Shui Changdong, laughed sarcastically, "Is it so difficult to admit the excellence of others? If Yan Jinghong's talent is not high enough, the Immortal Emperor will accept him Become a direct disciple? Or do you think that the Immortal Emperor is blind and misguided?"


Shui Changdong was choked by Lan Xiaoyu's words.

Even if he had three hundred courages, he would not dare to say that Immortal Emperor Hao Cang was ignorant.

"Come out, come out!"

At this moment, there was a commotion among the crowd, and the door of the temple slowly opened.

An ice-blue figure slowly walked out of the temple.

Surprisingly, it was Yan Jinghong!

(PS: I may not be able to update due to something happening tomorrow, so today’s chapter is a two-in-one chapter, with the word count equivalent to two chapters, which means it was updated in advance~)

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