Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3434 Yuling Pill!

As those living sacrifices were sucked alive in the sea water, the "God of the Blue Sea" floating on the altar became even more dazzling with the faint blue fluorescence around him.

The sea monsters of the Blue Sea Clan opened their hands and seemed to be enjoying the blue light.

Their eyes were shining with piety and fanaticism, and they were shouting some strange mantras, perhaps a "hymn" to praise the God of the Blue Sea.

Unlike these sea monsters, the human monks imprisoned in the iron cages were all horrified and their faces turned pale with fear.

Seeing the fate of those unlucky people before, those with slightly worse mental qualities even fainted on the spot.

Under the special sealing technique of the Youlan Sea Tribe, they had no room to struggle and resist.

As long as their bodies come into contact with sea water, there is only one way to die.

"My sons, present the second batch of sacrifices!"

The white-haired Siren old man's old face seemed to have regained some youthful vitality under the bath of blue light.

He raised his withered and thin arms, and then the four burly Siren warriors lifted the second iron cage high.

"Hang Chi Chi!"

Four strong men slammed the huge iron cage into the blue sea.

Then, with the blue light of the sea water surging, a terrible scene happened again.


"No! Don't! I don't want to die! I don't want to die!"

Screams and cries were heard endlessly. These human monks had their magic power sealed and their hands and feet bound. They could only watch as they were submerged by the sea water and eventually sucked dry.

One of the ruthless men jumped up and bit down on the railing of the iron cage with his teeth. He bit so hard that his face turned red, veins popped out, and his mouth was full of blood, but he still did not give up the hope of survival.

Unfortunately, the iron cage is also sinking.

In the end, eight more living sacrifices died tragically on the spot and became sacrifices to the "God of the Blue Sea".

"The situation is not good. Although we are at the bottom, it won't be long."

Zhou Yan became restless.

Mo Yurou and Xiao Xianling also shut their mouths and stopped arguing.

Perhaps they were frightened by the bloody scene in front of them, or perhaps they were tired of the noise, but there was a look of fear in their eyes.

Although as a Tianzhi disciple, he often performs various dangerous tasks.

However, they were still a little frightened to experience such a tragic death.

"If...if I had known earlier, I wouldn't have come."

Xiao Xianling's eyes were a little red, and she felt extremely regretful. She raised her eyebrows and looked at Ling Feng angrily, "It's all your fault. You said you have a lot of merit in this mission. It's okay now. We all have to die here." ”

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "My dear, this aunt is so noble and forgets things!"

Speaking of which, at the beginning, I wanted to find Yufeng Immortal Lord to come with me, but this aunt patted her chest and promised that with her strength, she could completely cover him.

However, facing this kind of battle, even Yufeng Immortal Lord may not be able to see enough.

After all, judging from Ling Feng's perception, the Lan family siblings of the Xuntian Ice Tribe are probably as strong as those at the Six Imperial Level.

It can only be said that no one expected that there would be so many powerful people among the Youlan Sea Clan.

There are a total of eighteen golden blood guards, coupled with their mysterious power of the blood sea. Before they know the opponent's ability at all, even if Yufeng Immortal Lord comes, he may only become a prisoner. Bar.

Ordinary immortals, facing the eighteen golden blood guards, can only drink in hatred.

After all, in the iron cages in front, there are not only monks at the Immortal Lord level, but also some powerful Immortal Lords at the earth-opening realm! (PS: The three realms of Immortal Sovereign are respectively the realm of opening the earth, the realm of opening the sky, and the realm of the stars.)

Although the Immortal Lords are also divided into strong and weak ones, as strong as the three Heavenly Lords, they can challenge ordinary Immortal Emperors, while the weak Immortal Lords cannot even compare to the Six Imperial Guards.

However, the Immortal Lord is the Immortal Lord, and crossing that threshold is already proof of strength.

These golden blood guards of the Youlan Sea Clan were able to capture the powerful Immortal Lord alive, which also proved how terrifying they were.

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Although he still had Po Meng's trump card in his hand, he was still particular about when to use it.

In principle, if you can't use it, don't use it.

This guy Cheng Tianyong must have something hidden.

And the Lan family siblings, as direct descendants of the Xantian Ice Clan, how can they not have a life-saving trump card?

Since Yan Jinghong was accepted as a direct disciple by Immortal Emperor Hao Cang, and it was Immortal Emperor Hao Cang who asked him to come and get the Xuanhan Lingzhu, he must have been prepared for it.

Even Mo Yurou and Xiao Xianling, these two girls are not simple in status. Despite their desperate looks, how many trump cards can they have without just sitting there waiting for death?

All in all, these guys are better at hiding and pretending than the last. How can a serious poor man like me be the first to show off his big move?

You must keep calm!

Soon, the third wave, the fourth wave...

One batch after another, the living sacrifices were swallowed up by the "God of the Blue Sea" and turned into undead under the deep sea.

And then it was Ling Feng's turn.

They are the last batch of living sacrifices, and also the hardest batch of living sacrifices to catch.

In order to capture Ling Feng and the others, the Youlanhai Clan really paid a heavy price.

Even the eighteen Golden Blood Guards were all dispatched together.

"Great God of the Blue Sea, please accept the last thoughts of your most devout people!"

The leader of the Youlanhai Clan stood on a huge rock.

After being baptized by the waves of faint blue fluorescence, the old patriarch seemed to be rejuvenated, turning from a dying old man into a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties.

It seems that this sacrificial ceremony, on the surface, is a sacrifice to the God of the Blue Sea. In fact, it is probably a ceremony to extend the life of the clan leader.

What kind of God of the Blue Sea, what kind of god has come.


It's all bullshit!

Ling Feng secretly sneered in his heart. To put it bluntly, it was not the old guy who wanted to transfer other people's vitality to himself, so as to break his lifespan limit and improve his talents and potential at the same time.

This old man is the real "God of the Blue Sea", and the woman on the altar is just the old man's puppet at best.

Just as Ling Feng was thinking, there was a violent shaking under his feet.

But it was the four Kraken warriors who had already lifted up the cage containing Ling Feng and his party.

"Hang Chi Chi!"

The four strong men walked quickly towards the sea.

Approaching step by step, stepping into the gate of hell.


At this moment, there was an explosion, and the ropes on Xiao Xianling and Mo Yurou exploded at the same time.

Then, two balls of light, one green and one white, burst out from the bodies of the two women respectively.

Although their magic power was sealed and their hands and feet were bound, the light ball seemed to be a fairy treasure specially used to protect them. Moreover, it seemed to come from the same lineage and was obviously made by the same person.

"Yulin Pill? How come you have it?"

Xiao Xianling was stunned for a moment, then realized, "Well, it turns out grandpa also gave you one!"

"Humph, what did Grandpa Xiao do to me? I promise it to you, but not to me!"

Mo Yurou glared at Xiao Xianling, and then, the white Yuling Pill turned into a light ball as tall as a person, wrapping Mo Yurou's body inside.

The cage made of fine iron, when exposed to the light of the Yuling Pill, melts directly into molten iron like ice and snow.

And Mo Yurou's body was floating under the Yuling Pill, so she didn't need to worry about being submerged by the sea water.

Then, Xiao Xianling's situation was similar. Although their magic power had not yet been unlocked, but with the protection of Yulingwan, those sea monsters might not be able to do anything to them.

No, one of the Siren Warriors punched the ball of light. As a result, the entire arm was directly disintegrated and turned into blood all over the sky.

"Damn, it turns out there is something hidden!"

Cheng Tianyong quickly shouted, "Aunts, don't look after yourself, help me!"

"That's right!"

Lan Xiaoyu also started cheering.


Xiao Xianling looked embarrassed, "This Yuling Pill is just for self-protection. I have no magic power now and can't control it!"

And the sudden change also caused the sea monsters of the Blue Sea Clan to be in chaos.

"Calm down!"

The Siren Clan Leader raised his hands and said coldly: "Don't worry about them for now, just throw the other living sacrifices into the sea!"

The Siren Clan Leader obviously also saw that although Xiao Xianling and the two girls broke out of the cage, the seal in their bodies was not lifted at all.

Since they can't break through their light ball barrier for a while, it's better to sacrifice the other best ones first to increase more vitality for themselves.

Under the orders of the leader of the Kraken clan, the other three Kraken warriors ignored Xiao Xianling and the two girls, carrying the broken cage and continuing towards the cold sea.

And just when the three warriors were about to step into the sea, there was another "bang" explosion.

Mutation reborn!

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