Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3445 The Immortal Body! Civilized purgatory!


Soon, everyone arrived at the negative third floor area. As the elevator door opened, Huang Shaotian took the lead again, leading the way.

Compared with the lobby above ground, the third underground floor looks a bit dark.

Except for some light green light, there is no such thing as "electric light" for illumination.

The entire atmosphere on the negative third floor gives people a depressing and cramped feeling.

The bitch looked around with some vigilance, his eyes darting around, but half of his body was huddled behind Ling Feng, ready to use Ling Feng as a human shield at any time.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, but after all, Bitch was injured for his own sake, so there was no harm in letting him serve as a shield.

"This should be a laboratory. Generally, this kind of environment is used for some transformation experiments."

Huang Shaotian looked indifferent. After all, he was just an energy body. If he was attacked, he would probably hide in the East Emperor Bell.

Tianbai Emperor Faxiang is more curious about everything around him.

In his memory, even in some residual memories belonging to Emperor Tianbai, there was no impression of all this at all.


Ling Feng pondered for a moment and secretly guessed that it was probably a place similar to the alchemist's alchemy room.

The entire space on the third negative floor is also divided into square rooms.

A few people walked forward quickly, and every time they passed a room, they opened the door and looked inside.

All the rooms looked empty, with some instruments that Ling Feng and the others couldn't understand at all. As for Huang Shaotian, although he was a time traveler, he was only half a bucket of water.

Compared with Ling Feng and the others, they are actually not much better.

"There's nothing to see here!"

Huang Shaotian shrugged. They had pushed through a dozen rooms, but they didn't find anything strange.

Just when everyone was a little bored and ready to give up this floor and go to other floors to take a look.

A laboratory directly in front attracted everyone's attention.

The door was not completely closed, and some green light could be vaguely seen from inside.

Moreover, there is actually a sense of oppression that is invisible, making Ling Feng, a young immortal in the Talisman and Seal Realm, feel like he can't breathe.

The situation of Jianlu and Zifeng was even more serious. Even Jianlu's calves started to tremble slightly unconsciously.

Ling Feng and Huang Shaotian looked at each other. It seemed that the laboratory in front of them was where the real secrets were hidden.


The bitch coughed a few times and said, "Well, boy Lingfeng, this beast will be waiting for you at the door."

"Hey, coward!"

Zifeng cursed lowly, while Xiaoqiong looked eager to try.

Xiaodie, on the other hand, looked a little drowsy because she had absorbed the special poison from the Blue Sea Clan before and had not yet fully digested it.

Ling Feng thought for a while, and took Bitch and the others back into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, leaving only Zifeng still resting on his shoulder.

After asking Tianbai Emperor Faxiang what he meant, Tianbai Emperor Faxiang insisted on staying, so Ling Feng asked him to stay too.

After taking a few deep breaths, Ling Feng took a step forward and followed Huang Shaotian towards the seemingly largest laboratory directly in front of him.


The sound of the door opening was a bit dull. Unlike the previous doors, this door was very heavy and its material was the same as the metal shell used to build this battleship.

Ling Feng spent a lot of effort and managed to open the heavy door.

Everything inside made Ling Feng's eyes widen with an incredible expression.

"It turns out that this is where these green lights come from!"

In this laboratory, there were rows of transparent glass containers filled with green solutions.

And inside the green solution, there was a human-like body floating.

They seemed to be taller than ordinary humans in the Immortal Realm. They were both male and female, and they were all naked.

But these bodies are like soulless skins without any breath of life.

But the suffocating pressure they felt before was emanating from these "skin bags".

"Could it be that these people are all powerful body refiners? Even though they are dead, their bodies still have a terrifying aura!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, looked at Huang Shaotian, and asked, "Brother Huang Di, is this the morgue?"

"What a morgue, these seem to be some kind of cloning cultivation chambers!"

Huang Shaotian swallowed hard, and after a while he frowned and said, "No, no, this thing should be different from where I come from. The humans in my world are all ordinary people, how could they possibly cultivate the body of a powerful immortal? . Impossible, absolutely impossible!”

Each of these bodies soaking in the training warehouse is at least equivalent to a powerful virtual immortal in the magic realm.

And if you continue to move forward, there is even a more terrifying and more powerful Immortal Lord, a powerful Immortal Lord!

The entire laboratory is densely packed with countless culture chambers, estimated to number more than three thousand!

If these were all disciples belonging to the same sect, it would be enough for this sect to become a first-rate force in just a moment.

And this is only the third level!

Can we boldly guess that there is a similar training chamber in the cabin below this battleship?

Maybe the "corpse" soaked in it will be more powerful and terrifying?

Ling Feng even dared not imagine it.

If these corpses open their eyes and rush out of this battleship, they can definitely wipe out forces like Tianyong City with ease.

Fortunately, Ling Feng stared at these bodies for a long time. Although they all looked very alive, they were indeed just skins.

It has no soul and no vitality.

"Why is this like a body specially designed to seize bodies?"

Suddenly, Emperor Tianbai Faxiang on the side couldn't help but said: "Look, these bodies contain very terrifying energy, but they don't have the origin of the soul. It's like they are specially created containers!"

"Senior, what you said seems to make sense!"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up, yes, could it be possible that these bodies were created simply to be used by others?

Even Ling Feng could feel the heat in Tianbai Emperor Faxiang's eyes.

If he could occupy one of the bodies, wouldn't it be equivalent to being resurrected in a sense?

Moreover, these are all close to perfect candidates!

Ling Feng took a deep breath and asked Emperor Tianbai to calm down for the time being.

He continued to walk forward, looking around, and finally, right in front of the laboratory, he saw a long-rotted book.

This is a book with a red cover. It seems that because it has been left for too long, the book has become loose and yellowed, and even many of the words on it have long faded away.

"Brother Huangdi, come and see if you can recognize these handwritings?"

Ling Feng opened the book and handed it to Huang Shaotian.

Huang Shaotian blinked, took the book and looked at it a few times, then frowned, "I kind of recognize it, but I don't recognize it a little bit. It's very similar to the words in my world, but not exactly the same."

Suddenly, the pages fell apart, and several individual papers were scattered from this thick book.

The material of these papers is obviously different from that of the book, and the words on them are also completely different.

However, Huang Shaotian seemed to recognize the handwriting, and read it slowly as if mumbling to himself.

"The great miraculous civilization has created the most terrifying purgatory, a purgatory of despair."

"We had to get out of here, and we tried countless ways to do that."

"Failure! Failure! Still failure! The flood of time and space created has turned into endless shackles!"

"There is no more hope for our civilization, our miracles!"


Just a few words, but every word is horrifying!

"I only know these few sentences, and I only half-guessed them. I can't quite recognize the words, and a lot of them are blurred."

Ling Feng fell silent. He took a deep breath and could vaguely feel the despair that the person who wrote this sentence was in.

However, these fragments and information were too little for him to speculate on.

"Miracle? Civilization?"

Ling Feng frowned and thought to himself: They regard themselves as gods, could they...

He couldn't help but make a bold guess.

My mother once told herself that the so-called immortal gods in the Immortal Realm are just a group of more powerful practitioners.

And at the source of that world, there is a group of even more terrifying beings.

They call themselves the Celestial Clan!

Since gods and miracles all regard themselves as "gods", are they related?

Ling Feng just felt a little overwhelmed, maybe he thought too much.

At this moment, Ling Feng suddenly felt that the entire cabin seemed to be shaking violently.

It seems to be rising slowly.

The next moment, Ling Feng realized that he must have stayed inside the "big iron lump" for too long, so those people outside were trying to pull the "big iron lump" up again.

"It's time to go out."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose and said lightly.

After thinking about it, Ling Feng put away the yellowed book again.

Although they are still unable to understand the contents of the book, since this so-called miraculous civilization once appeared in the fairy world, there will definitely be some clues left to help him decipher the contents of the book.

"Wait a moment!"

Huang Shaotian seemed to remember something and pointed to a square cabinet in the corner, "Ling Feng, open that freezer and take a look. There might be something in it."


Ling Feng blinked and without thinking much, followed Huang Shaotian's prompts and opened the square cabinet.

A gust of cold air hit my face, and there were indeed some small boxes sealed inside.

When I opened the small box, I saw two small transparent glass bottles inside, one red and one blue, which seemed to be some kind of liquid medicine.

Ling Feng put the small bottle back into the box, and used the ice law to freeze the small box, and then put it into the Naling Ring.

After doing all this, Ling Feng, together with Huang Shaotian and others, returned the same way.

Let’s meet up with the people outside first. As for the rest, we’ll talk about it later.

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