Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3499 Ling Feng’s cultivation level has fallen?

The mysterious world, the cave-heaven realm.

With the help of the inner disciple's identity token, Ling Feng directly input Xiao Xianling's Tianyan sequence. With the activation of the teleportation array, the next moment, Ling Feng appeared on the teleportation platform in Xiao Xianling's cave space.

For more than two years, Ling Feng has spent most of his time every day on the top of the mountain, comprehending the secret rewards mentioned by Tie Long. He is also busy practicing during the day and has to take time to complete the reception hall. Assessment tasks and earn contribution points.

But fortunately, relatively speaking, the work of Jieyin Hall is relatively easy. Of course, the contribution points earned will be much less.

But I was still barely able to complete the annual contribution assessment.

But it is true that there is no contribution left.

Therefore, Ling Feng's own cave has always been vacant, still maintaining its original appearance, with only a bare piece of land.

As for himself, plus the three girls Yu Junyao and Si Chen, they have always lived in Xiao Xianling's cave.

Over time, Ling Feng had forgotten that he still had the cave. Anyway, he would come back to meditate and practice for a while every day, and then go out again immediately.

It was just because Xiao Xianling was so miserable that she wanted to cry without tears. At first, she was just polite and allowed Ling Feng to stay for a few days. Who would have expected that this guy would actually turn his back on guests and settle down directly in his own cave.

"Ling Feng!"

As soon as they arrived at the teleportation platform, Xiao Xianling's voice came over immediately.

But it was Xiao Xianling who blocked the teleportation platform and caught him.


Seeing Xiao Xianling rushing over in anger, Ling Feng felt somewhat guilty. He put on a smile and said with a smile: "It turns out to be senior sister. Why is senior sister here?"

"Haha, this is my cave. If I'm not here, where can I be?"

Xiao Xianling walked up to Ling Feng angrily, put her hands on her hips, and stared at Ling Feng with a pair of phoenix eyes, "I just asked you to be my neighbor, not to let you live here forever! You guy, every day After practicing for the first time, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth I absorbed is too exaggerated. In the past two years, my cultivation has not improved much!"


Ling Feng was speechless. He could also be blamed for this.

Why don't you think about how much time you have spent practicing in the past two years?

If only this aunt could increase her cultivation time from less than half an hour a day to two hours, or even one hour, it would not take two years, and there would be no progress at all!

It's a good thing now, I actually put the responsibility on myself.

Even Ling Feng had to be convinced by his ability to shirk the blame!

However, since she was under the roof, Ling Feng couldn't expose her. He just smiled and said: "Okay, okay, after this Jiuyao New King Ranking is over, I will move out immediately!"

"Humph! This is what you said!"

Xiao Xianling pouted her little lips and couldn't help but mutter, "It's all your fault. I haven't made much progress in the past few years. I have no chance to win the Jiuyao New King Ranking this year."


Ling Feng rolled his eyes again. This little girl is so typical that she can't complain!


Suddenly, Xiao Xianling's eyelids twitched and she looked at Ling Feng in surprise, "You brat, what's your cultivation level?"

"What's wrong?"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Why does it seem to be getting weaker?"

Xiao Xianling frowned, "How come your current aura seems to be at the level of a little fairy? It's simply too weak!"


Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, then nodded and said, "I really only have one talisman left now."


Xiao Xianling's eyes widened, and she immediately became concerned, "You brat, aren't you obsessed with practicing martial arts? I've told you a long time ago that that iron dragon was just a lie to you, and you still foolishly believed in him. Traveling so far to Zhoutian Realm every day is a waste of time. Now that I see the Jiuyao New Monarch Ranking approaching, I am eager to break through. Something happened! "


Ling Feng couldn't laugh or cry for a while. It's a blessing that this girl can think of so many things!

Xiao Xianling was still immersed in her own fantasy, holding Ling Feng's arm with great concern, "Ling Feng, don't underestimate the dissipation of the talisman. If you can't handle the fall of the realm, it will be a disaster." If your life is in danger, no, I'll take you to grandpa and let him take a closer look!"

Although Xiao Xianling was obviously overly worried, Ling Feng still felt a sense of warmth in his heart.

At the very least, Xiao Xianling's concern for herself was sincere.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Ling Feng smiled lightly, "I just changed the focus of my training."

"Can this change?"

Xiao Xianling blinked, still a little worried, "Otherwise, why don't you follow me to find grandpa?"

"Haha, it's better not to trouble Senior Immortal Lord with this little matter."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. Since he joined Tianzhi, he has already had a lot of troubles with the Immortal Master.

"You guy..."

Xiao Xianling rolled her eyes at Ling Feng and said, "Then you'd better not go to Zhoutian Realm every day from now on. That Iron Dragon must be lying to you!"


Ling Feng smiled heartily and nodded immediately, "Okay, I won't go. Since you said so, I won't go in the future!"

Since I already got what I wanted, there was no need to go any further, and I was naturally happy to just go with the flow.

Xiao Xianling glanced at Ling Feng in surprise, but she didn't expect that Ling Feng would actually listen to her words.

It seems that I still have a lot of weight in this brat's heart!

Thinking of this, Xiao Xianling's pretty face couldn't help but blush slightly, but she quickly straightened her face and glared at Ling Feng angrily, "Humph, I'm too lazy to talk to you!"

After saying that, he turned around and ran away, leaving Ling Feng alone on the teleportation platform, watching Xiao Xianling's leaving figure numbly.

Is there something wrong with this woman's brain?

As expected, a woman's heart is a needle in the sea. It seems that she will never understand this kind of creature in her life.

Shaking his head, Ling Feng turned and walked towards a villa in the distance.

This is the place Xiao Xianling arranged for Ling Feng and the others to stay temporarily. Unexpectedly, they stayed there for several years.

In the other courtyard, the three Yu Junyao girls were practicing as usual, practicing swordsmanship, picking herbs, and sweeping. They were quite used to the life here.

During this period, the three women's cultivation levels have also made considerable progress, and the one who has made the fastest progress is undoubtedly Yue Yunlan.

Her cultivation level has directly entered the virtual immortal realm.

It has to be said that the cultivation environment does play a key role in improving the realm of monks.

If they were placed in the lower realm, they might have worked hard for thousands of years, and they might not be able to achieve what they are now, but if they were placed in the immortal realm, Yu Junyao and the others' speed could only be regarded as a relatively ordinary level.

Seeing Ling Feng coming back, the three girls had long been accustomed to it and completely turned a blind eye.

Anyway, according to past practice, at this time, Ling Feng should have returned to the training room to meditate for an hour or two, and then at noon, he would go to the Hall of Acceptance to report and complete some daily tasks.

Ling Feng smiled and said hello to Yu Junyao and the others. Suddenly, he found a "ghostly" look behind him.

But it's not Si Chen.

Si Chen knew that Ling Feng would go to the top of the mountain in Zhoutian Realm every day to meditate. In the beginning, he would follow him to have a look, either openly or secretly, but as time went by, he became too lazy to go.

As for the extra reward Tie Long mentioned, Si Chen naturally knew better than Tie Long what that "reward" meant.

However, she didn't think Ling Feng had a chance to comprehend anything on top of that mountain.

After all, that legend is too illusory. Even if there is a rumor, Lord Tianzhi has learned something from it, but it is just a legend.

Your Majesty himself did not admit anything directly, but only acquiesced to such a legend.

For thousands of years, batches of elites from the inner sect have tried to gain enlightenment on that mountain top, but unfortunately they all failed in the end.

Tie Long was one of the former disciples.

As time goes by, Tie Long has become an elder of the inner sect, but in the end that legend is still just a legend, and fewer and fewer people even mention it.

I really didn’t expect that Tie Long would actually use such a mythical legend as a reward to send his disciples away.

Therefore, Si Chen only paid no attention to the fact that Ling Feng spent most of his time running to the top of the mountain in Zhoutian Realm every day to comprehend the matter after truthfully reporting it to His Majesty.

But today, Si Chen noticed something strange about Ling Feng.

Didn't this guy still have four talisman seals yesterday? Why did his aura drop so much today that it seemed like there was only one talisman seal left?

"Sister Chen."

Ling Feng looked back at Si Chen and smiled.

This woman, on the surface, is his "handmaid", but in fact, she is ridiculously strong, terrifyingly strong, and even gives Ling Feng the feeling that she is no weaker than a strong person of the level of Jie Yin Xianzun.

Therefore, Ling Feng was a little doubtful about the fact that Yin Xianzun arranged for Si Chen to stay with him as a maid.

But this level of suspicion is not easy to dispel. After all, no matter from any point of view, since he joined Tianzhi, Jie Yinxian Zun has been quite good to him.

He is a senior who is trustworthy and worthy of respect.


Si Chen looked at Ling Feng with a pair of beautiful eyes. Although Ling Feng's aura seemed to have plummeted on the surface, he seemed to have some mysterious feelings.

There was another hazy feeling that even she couldn't see through.

Is it possible that this boy, who is only in the Talisman Realm, has mastered some kind of power that even he cannot control?

As soon as this idea came up, it was immediately rejected by Si Chen.

But what's with that aura on him?

Could it be that he really understood something on top of that mountain?

"Boy, did you really realize something on the top of that mountain?"

Si Chen looked deeply at Ling Feng and observed his expression. Every subtle expression might hide very important information.


Ling Feng shrugged, noncommittal.

He knew that his changes couldn't be hidden from Si Chen, so he simply didn't deny or admit it and let her guess on her own.

"What do you mean maybe?"

Si Chen frowned, but the more Ling Feng acted like this, the weirder she felt.

Could it be that this brat really understood something?

Doesn't that mean that his understanding is almost close to that of Your Majesty?

Is this the qualification of the Tiandao clan?

It’s really outrageous!

Si Chen took a deep breath. In fact, when she was in the realm of Immortal Lord, she once went to the peak of Zhoutian Realm to gain enlightenment, but after persisting for several months, she chose to give up.

Although the Ling Feng in front of her was still just an ant that could be crushed to death in her eyes, such an ant had completely surpassed herself in some aspects.

Or you can think that as long as Ling Feng continues to grow, he will definitely surpass himself in the future and become a being as good as the Lord.

Si Chen is not a jealous person. She should be happy that there is a junior in Tianzhi who can surpass her.

However, it just so happens that this junior is from the Tiandao clan.

Do the Immortal Emperors of the Xantian Clan really allow such strong men from the Tiandao Clan to exist who can threaten their status?

But he is still responsible for protecting this boy and ensuring his growth.

Thinking of this, Si Chen couldn't help but shake his head and sigh, the "maid" next to Ling Feng might not be easy to do either!

But no matter what, since it is your Majesty's order, you must protect Ling Feng Zhou even if you pay for it with your life.

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