Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3523 The Great Emperor’s Wheel of Flowers!


The burly flame giant looked up to the sky and let out a deafening roar. The ground of the arena cracked instantly, and the gravel turned into hot magma and spurted out. The rolling hot magma flow was like a fire dragon, entangled there. The whole body of the flame giant.

The most shocking thing was that the Tianzhi Divine Curse, which originally belonged to Tianzhi's disciples, actually covered the huge body of the Flame Giant in an instant.

A change!

Two changes!

Three changes!

Four changes!

Five changes!

The five-change sky pattern began to spread rapidly on the left shoulder of the flame giant. In almost an instant, it had covered the entire body of the flame giant.

The giant, which was already more than thirty feet tall, had grown taller again, reaching an astonishing height of fifty feet.

Not only that, the blazing flames all over his body became more domineering and fierce, and a terrifying aura swept across the entire arena.

Even across the barrier, people feel a suffocating and oppressive feeling.

This is the complete state of the Fire Giant!

It seems that this Chi Yan Kuang is also a secretive master. Even though he faced danger before, he still failed to show the ability to truly win the battle.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

At the same time, the spear in Wu Chengkong's hand was dancing in the wind, and the blazing flames were swept away by the tip of his spear, turning into two torrent-like flames, split in two.

Golden light gradually enveloped his body, and behind Wu Chengkong, a statue of an immortal god with the same height of more than fifty feet slowly gathered, holding a spear, fighting against the flaming giant.

Half of the entire arena space was filled with raging fire, while the other half was blocked by golden light, unable to cross the thunder pool even half a step.

Similarly, Wu Chengkong's divine patterns of heavenly control also began to evolve. Unlike Chiyan Kuang's flaming giant, his curse patterns first spread on his own body, and then synchronized with the body of the dharma image.

This Dharma is the embodiment of Wu Chengkong's powerful will, and it is completely synchronized with all his actions.

However, through this dharma image, the power of one's own spear skills is infinitely amplified.

"Okay, there will definitely be a hearty battle today!"

Chi Yan's wild eyes were full of fighting spirit, "It's been a long time since I've been this happy! Junior Brother Wu, take the move!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw Chi Yan making a hand gesture wildly, and the ground beneath his feet exploded with a roar, a pattern of a six-pointed star lit up, and then twelve pillars of fire rose into the sky to protect his true self.

Immediately afterwards, Chi Yan Kuang's soul actually left his body and merged directly with the giant flame.

At this moment, the flame giant is the red flame madman, and the red flame madman is the flame giant.

This method can undoubtedly greatly increase the ability of the Fire Giant, allowing him to perform various magical arts at will.

But the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, the ontology is easily attacked.

The reason why he used the magic circle to protect his body was to prevent his body from being attacked and having to recall his soul in advance.

At the moment when the soul's origin merged with the flame giant, Chi Yan Kuang's control over the power of fire laws undoubtedly improved to another level.

The fire flashed, and a huge fire-tipped spear condensed in the palm of the flame giant. The flames jumped on the tip of the spear. Amidst the wind and fire, the huge flame giant had already rushed towards Wu Chengkong. go.

Although this huge object is huge, its movements are extremely fast and agile.

The huge figure seemed to disappear on the ring for a moment.

Under the stage, Ling Feng's eyes flickered with light, and his vision was pushed to the extreme, and he could barely catch the figure of Chi Yan Kuang.

It seems that this guy also has considerable attainments in the understanding of wind laws.

Wu Chengkong, how do you respond?

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. Wu Chengkong had the same opportunity as him, although he did not choose to continue breaking the original talisman like himself, and finally chose the avenue of chaos.

However, now that he has entered the Xiaohan Pond, the opportunities he gets may not be inferior to his own.

"Bahuang Furious Thunder!"

In the midst of the electric light and flint, Wu Chengkong jumped up on the stage, and the spear in his hand touched the void. In an instant, thunder exploded, forming a thunder net. For a moment, the lightning surged, and the original disappeared. The red flame crazily retreated instantly, a look of horror flashed in his eyes.

Is this guy's thunder power so powerful?

That was no ordinary thunder, it could actually shatter his law of fire.

This is……

The Law of Annihilation?

Chi Yan Kuang's pupils suddenly shrank. No wonder this guy was so defiant. With his mere Dao Yan realm, he was able to fight against a nine-fruit level Immortal Lord in the first round with fewer enemies and crush the opponent.

The law of annihilation is extraordinary and extremely difficult to cultivate. If you can condense the talisman, you are already a genius at the level of a monster.

But, so what?

The flame giant transformed by Chi Yan Kuang tightly clenched the fire-tipped spear in his hand.

The flame giant is not simply condensed by the power of fire laws.

Its body is condensed from Yanyuan Mixed Earth. This Yanyuan Mixed Earth itself is a rare treasure that contains the power of law. It took thousands of years of sacrifices from the Chi Yan Kuang family to forge such a top-notch statue. Immortal treasure.

If it were only condensed from the laws of fire, it would be difficult to resist the crushing power of Wu Chengkong's Law of Annihilation.

However, Yan Yuan mixed earth is not an ordinary thing.

Even when faced with the power of the Law of Annihilation, unless the opponent has absolutely crushing power in the power of the Law, it will be impossible to easily damage the foundation of the Fire Giant.


After a brief retreat, Chiyan Kuang directly dispersed the flames covering the body of the Flame Giant, and instead used all his mana to strengthen the defensive barrier on the Flame Giant.

Since the fire law does not have an advantage and is even restrained by the opponent, then even with the powerful brute force of the fire giant, the opponent must be knocked off the ring.

Bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom!

After giving up the law of fire, the Fire Giant directly launched a violent attack like a violent storm. Even Wu Chengkong had a trace of surprise in his eyes.

This Red Flame Maniac would actually give up his best fire law, which was something he didn't expect.

What's more, the Fire Giant's own hardness can actually resist his Law of Annihilation.

This battle was undoubtedly unprecedentedly difficult for Wu Chengkong.

He took a deep breath. Ling Feng drew a good lottery. His opponent in this round was probably the weakest among the top ten. Therefore, Ling Feng would definitely be able to advance successfully.

Although as a new disciple, he could be proud of having reached this point, but he was not willing to lose to Ling Feng!

"Boss Wu, you can't lose!"

In the spectator seats, Nan Xiaolie, who had been eliminated early, clenched his fists and shouted crazily to cheer for Wu Chengkong.

He had already lost, and only Wu Chengkong was left among the trio of geniuses from the Immortal Realm.

But Ling Feng, the "mortal" who ascended from the lower world, was still sitting in the preparation area.

If Wu Chengkong also loses, wouldn't it mean that they, the geniuses of the Immortal Realm, would be disgraced?

And Cheng Tianyong, who was very close to Ling Feng, how could that guy, a playboy that he couldn't even look at in the eyes before, turned out to be so defiant?

Nan Xiaolie even began to doubt his life, but for now, as long as Wu Chengkong didn't lose, then at least the reputation of their Immortal Domain Prodigy had not been completely wiped out.

"We can't lose, boss, we must win!"

Nan Xiaolie clenched his fists tightly and stared at the two parties on the stage while holding his breath. He was even more excited than his own competition.

Zhong Ruoxin on the side held her forehead and smiled bitterly. What Wu Chengkong said was indeed very reasonable. Although Nan Xiaolie's talent was not bad, it was a pity that his mood was too impetuous.

On the stage.

The Chiyan Kuang obviously regards this battle as the final decisive battle. Now that he has exhausted all his cards, he no longer hides them, and does not even have any remaining strength. As long as he wins this battle, what will happen next? , he can’t control it anymore.

But right now, the most important thing is to defeat the opponent in front of you!

No matter what, you can’t lose to a newcomer!

Chi Yan Kuang gritted his teeth and merged his soul with the flame giant. Although it was not the first time, it was definitely the first time he had encountered such an all-out, hard-fought battle beyond his capacity.

What's more, he has to give up his best fire law and rely on strength to defeat the opponent's power of annihilation.


With a heavy punch, the golden god statue behind Wu Chengkong "clicked" and cracks began to appear.

In the final analysis, Chiyan Kuang is a peak-level Immortal King who has condensed Dao Fruit.

And Wu Chengkong, although relying on his adventure in Xiaohantan, has greatly narrowed the distance with these geniuses who have practiced hundreds of years longer than him.

However, after all, there was a huge gap in realms. In addition, Wu Chengkong possessed a rare treasure like the Fire Giant, so he had no intention of underestimating the enemy and exploded with all his strength.

It is not easy to defeat the strong with the weak.

Wu Chengkong tightly clenched the spear in his hand and used the Eight Desolations Dragon-Slaying Technique more than a dozen times.

He knew that soon, he might no longer be able to rely on his superiority in spear skills to contain Chi Yan Kuang.

No matter how sophisticated a move is, once it gets old, it will lose its sense of mystery, and instead, the opponent will catch the flaw.

Especially his opponent, who is also an evil genius with incomparable qualifications and talents.

"It seems that I can't hide it anymore!"

Wu Chengkong clenched his spear, and some memories of what he experienced in Xiaohantan flashed through his mind.

While he was absorbing the aura of heaven and earth from Xiaohantan and condensing it into talismans with the power of various laws, at the moment when he was about to complete his work, a golden light emerged from the depths of Hantan and merged into the depths of his spiritual sea. .

And the content contained in it shocked him even more.

It was clearly a technique of an incalculable grade, called "The Great Emperor's Wheel of Flowers Sutra".

The reason why it is impossible to estimate the grade of this skill is because there can only be one person who practices this skill from generation to generation.

Whenever the previous generation of cultivators died, the results of their cultivation would be transformed into a Tao seed and integrated into the technique.

The new generation of cultivators can directly integrate this Tao seed and obtain the cultivation experience and memories of previous generations of cultivators.

This kind of improvement is undoubtedly enlightening.

This is also the reason why Wu Chengkong can easily suppress those Nine Fruit Immortal Lords even though he is only in the Dao Yan realm.

Unlike Ling Feng, he has the blessing of the power of chaos. Even if he cannot use the various magical powers of the Tiandao clan, he can still crush the same level or even high-level monks.

What he relies on is the "Great Emperor's Lunhua Sutra", which brings him more than a thousand, ten thousand, or even one hundred thousand years of cultivation memory.

Originally, he didn't want to expose the Great Emperor's Lunhua Sutra technique in front of others, but now, he had to use it!

Taking a deep breath, Wu Chengkong retracted his spear, clasped his palms together in front of him, then turned left and right and performed a wonderful hand gesture.

In an instant, there were bursts of Sanskrit sounds, and the golden divine image behind him actually erupted with a terrifying imperial power!

Although it was just a glimpse, the imperial power was so powerful that in an instant, the elders on the high platform trembled for no reason.

Jie Yinxian Zun and Ming Shen Zun also looked at each other and stared at Wu Chengkong in surprise.

This little guy actually has such an opportunity!

Immortal emperors are not uncommon within the Tianzhi organization. Among the elders, there are hundreds of them.

But most of the Immortal Emperors of the Wheel Realm, the three powerful ones, are not afraid.

But the imperial power that Wu Chengkong suddenly glimpsed was probably not as simple as the Immortal Emperor of the Wheel Realm!

That could be the Immortal Emperor of the Broken Realm!

The whole place was silent, and almost everyone looked frightened.

Only Ling Feng, inadvertently, raised his hand and gently touched the bridge of his nose.

Diwei, I’m familiar with it!

In my mind, I can now preserve the orthodoxy of the Nine Immortal Emperors.

And the most powerful among them, Emperor Yan Tian, ​​could conquer the world with his pen and ink, and conquer the world proudly.

However, unlike Wu Chengkong, he seems to have begun to master the ability of the Immortal Emperor's Taoism. However, he has the Immortal Emperor's powerful Taoism, but so far, he is still far from reaching the threshold of cultivation.

But Ling Feng may have felt a lot of things like Diwei, so he may have become numb...

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