Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3543: In case of a tie, you win!

The leader of the Tianjing clan, after thinking for a moment, finally nodded.

Ling Feng was right. With the "maid" beside him, no one on this small Sky Crystal Island could stop them.

It can even be said bluntly that if Ling Feng was more ruthless and let his maids take action, the Tianjing clan, which was living in seclusion here and just surviving, could easily be completely wiped out.

However, he did not do this.

From this point of view, they should indeed have no ill intentions towards the Tianjing Clan.

What's more, they were brought back by their own sons.

Although more than a hundred years ago, Kuang Shan resolutely decided to leave the Sky Crystal Island, and even made a vow never to return.

In a sense, he has broken away from the Tianjing Clan.

However, the blood of the Tianjing clan flows in his bones, and this can never be changed.

"Okay, I agree to your request."

The leader of the Tianjing Clan raised his eyes and looked at Ling Feng. Although this young man was not very skilled and his aura was not very strong, he was able to become the "master" of that terrifying woman. His identity was also extraordinary.

"How do you want to compare?"

The head of the Tianjing Clan looked calm: "Although Ju Shifang is not very old, his forging skills are considered to be at the top level even within our Tianjing Clan. If you want to compete with Shifang in forging, I'm afraid you don't have much chance of winning. ”

Even Kuang Shan frowned. The young genius who was so highly praised by the entire Tianjing Clan was probably a wizard who forged the world.

Although Ling Feng was not bad in talent, his ability to control fire even shocked him secretly.

But fire control is fire control, forging is not just about fire control.

If he loses, wouldn't it mean that he would be trapped on the island for the rest of his life?

Unless he couldn't afford to lose and forced himself to cheat when he lost, wouldn't that be tantamount to breaking up with the Tianjing clan?

He is caught in the middle and it is really difficult to be a human being.

However, Kuang Shan was worried, but Ling Feng looked relaxed and said with a faint smile: "Of course I know very well that if we want to forge divine weapons, we will definitely not be able to match a forging genius like Brother Shifang, so, we How about smelting ore?"


This time, the leader of the Tianjing Clan showed a look of astonishment and stared at Ling Feng in disbelief.

And that Tie Yan almost laughed out loud, "You want to compete in smelting ore? You want to compete in smelting ore with my Tianjing clan?"

After holding it in for a long time, Tie Yan finally couldn't hold it back, "Don't you know what the greatest talent of my Tianjing Clan is?"


Ling Feng pretended to be surprised, blinked his eyes, and looked confused, "I don't know!"

"Hmph!" Tie Yan sneered, "I suggest you change the comparison method, otherwise if word gets out, you will be accused of being bullied by our Tianjing Clan!"

However, Ling Feng also had a lot of backbone. He patted his chest and said, "Man, once you say something, it's hard to chase it back. I said it's better than smelting, so it's better than smelting!"

"Hey, boy, there's something interesting about it!"

Tie Yan looked at Ling Feng with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

"However, since your Tianjing clan is good at smelting, that's fine. If I'm lucky enough to tie with Brother Shifang, then I win, so there should be no problem."


Before the leader of the Tianjing Clan could speak, Tie Yan spoke to the fire first: "It's a tie and you win!"

The Tianjing Clan leader glared at Tie Yan angrily, but he didn't feel anything was wrong. He finally nodded, "Okay, as you said, if it's a tie, you win."

After saying that, he glanced at Ju Shifang again and asked lightly: "Shifang, what do you think?"

Ju Shifang blinked and didn't say anything more. He just nodded in agreement.

"Well, it's better than smelting ore!"

An understated smile appeared on the face of the Tianjing clan leader.

Compared with others, there may be a little bit of suspense, but if it is compared with smelting ore.

The reason why the Tianjing clan is considered by foreign tribes is because their Tianjing clan leader can smelt any ore.

Even ores that are difficult to mine such as the Beichen Crystal can be easily mined under the catalysis of the blood of the Sky Crystal.

How could Ling Feng not know this?

However, it was precisely because of this that he was able to coax the Tianjing Clan into agreeing to his condition that even if it was a draw, he would win.

Because he has a piece of ore that is bound to lead to a draw.

The life-killing golden spirit!

At this moment, Kuang Shan understood Ling Feng's intention, and a smile flashed in his eyes, as if to say: Good boy, you are the one who is the one who is the one doing the cheating!

However, he concealed it very well. Instead, he looked remorseful and beat his chest, "If I had known earlier, I should have done more homework for you. Why didn't I even tell you such an important thing? Hey! …”

Seeing Kuang Shan acting so hard, Ling Feng was secretly amused.

This old boy’s acting skills aren’t bad either!

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and then said: "Master Patriarch, let me choose the ore, is that okay?"

"Yeah, no problem!"

The leader of the Tianjing clan nodded slightly, and Tie Yan looked even more arrogant and proud, "Boy, if you lose, you can't regret it, don't be unable to lose!"

"Senior, don't worry, whoever can't afford to lose will be his grandson!"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and immediately took out the life-threatening golden essence from the Naling Ring.


The moment the dark red ore the size of a human head fell to the ground from the Naling Ring, its terrifying weight immediately shook the entire island.

The palace trembled for a while, and it took a long time to regain calm.

Such a large amount of ore is actually so heavy.

This immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the hall.

This ore is extraordinary!

The leader of the Tianjing clan took a deep breath and looked at the ore carefully several times. He had some guesses in his mind, but he was not sure yet. After hesitating for a moment, he slowly asked: "This is..."

"It's just an ordinary piece of ore, just a little bit bulkier."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled. Not only not many people have seen rare treasures like the Life-Calling Golden Spirit, but even those who have heard of them are very few.

Maybe they would suddenly realize it after telling the name, but no one would have thought that a mere junior in Lingfeng's Cai Dao Yan realm could easily take out a piece of life-threatening golden essence.

Ling Feng grinned and continued: "Then I'll show off my shame first and give it a try first."

The leader of the Tianjing clan nodded, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Then, please!"

Unexpectedly, Ling Feng just walked around the ore, gently pressed his palm on the ore, and patted it lightly, then stepped aside and shook his head, "The test is over."


For a moment, everyone in the audience stared.

Finished trying?

You haven't done anything yet!

Ling Feng spread his hands and looked helpless, "That's right, I've finished trying. I can't smelt this ore."

The corner of the Tianjing clan leader's mouth twitched slightly, but due to his status, it was difficult for him to get angry. He glanced at Ling Feng with a slight contempt, and then looked at Ju Shifang, "Shifang, come and try."


Ju Shifang straightened his clothes, hesitated for a moment, then put aside the box wrapped with white cloth strips behind his back, and then walked step by step towards the piece of life-killing gold essence.

After carefully examining it for a moment, Ju Shifang activated the true fire and began to try to refine the ore.

The results can be imagined.

If the life-threatening golden spirit could be smelted so easily, why would Ling Feng come to the Sky Crystal Island to retrieve the ancient book?

Kuang Shan and Qiu Tianlong, two great forging masters, had already forged Kuang Shan into a divine weapon.

Soon, Ju Shifang obviously realized that this ore was unusual. He gritted his teeth and saw the flames in his palm suddenly glowing with dark red light.

I saw ten drops of blood oozing out from the tips of his ten fingers at the same time, using the original blood to sacrifice the original true fire.

In an instant, the aura of fire between heaven and earth seemed to be drained out in an instant. Even a fire monk like Ling Feng felt that the original fire in his body was ready to move.

This boy's original fire is indeed somewhat unique, and seems to have some shadow of swallowing flames.

It seems that he should be more suitable to practice the "Flame Swallowing Immortal Technique" than himself.

What a good seedling!

Ling Feng couldn't help but sigh in his heart, it would be great if he could be admitted to Sao Feng Camp.

It's a pity that although Ju Shifang's fire control techniques are obviously better than Kuangshan's, the life-threatening golden essence is not so easy to refine.

Ju Shifang gritted his teeth and persisted for a full hour. Although the life-threatening golden essence seemed to flow like a liquid, it was always able to isolate the heat and was not refined by the power of the flames.

In the end, Ju Shifang's figure swayed, and he was obviously a little out of strength.

But the fate-killing golden spirit remained motionless.

Both of them failed to refine the life-threatening golden essence.

A faint smile appeared on Ling Feng's face, and he looked at the Tianjing clan leader, "It seems that Brother Shifang has also failed. In this case, wouldn't we be tied?"

The Tianjing Clan leader's face froze, and he felt extremely regretful. If he could do it again, he would never agree to this kid's request so easily that a tie would count as a win!

I never thought that at my age, I would be tricked by a young boy.

When he thought of this, the Tianjing clan leader was both angry and amused. He sighed lightly, but finally nodded, "Don't worry, little friend, since I can afford to gamble, I can naturally afford to lose! Tell me, you have What conditions!”

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