Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3548 The mighty heavenly soldiers! Ten Halls of Yama!

Because the "Book of Heaven" recognized him as his master, Ling Feng somehow became the master of the Tianjing Clan, and naturally enjoyed the highest courtesy and hospitality from the Tianjing Clan.

And this heavenly book was presented with both hands and became Ling Feng's possession.

Although so far, Ling Feng has only obtained a divine forging method from the Book of Heaven, but there are still some contents that have not been unsealed.

Everyone in the world is curious, and so is Ling Feng.

Since this heavenly book belongs to you in the future, you may want to try to see if you can unblock the "encrypted" content in it in the future.

Early the next morning, the leader of the Tianjing Clan held a grand and solemn ceremony, announcing to all the people of the Tianjing Clan that Ling Feng would become the new master of the Tianjing Clan. From now on, the Tianjing Clan must obey Ling Feng. order to worship him as a god.

Although Ling Feng was reluctant, he could only cooperate with the arrangement of the Tianjing clan leader.

A large number of natural forging masters are sent to your door for nothing, don't want them for nothing.

And although Tianjing Clan Bin is not good at cultivation, his overall strength is still much higher than that of the pirates on Yanlong Island.

Needless to say, the overall quality goes without saying.

With the expansion of the Tianjing clan's strength, the new Xiaofeng camp has gradually gained some scale.

The most important thing is that Yanlong Island is located in the outer sea area after all. Although it is hidden, it is still incomparable with this Sky Crystal Island.

The so-called cunning rabbit has three holes.

Ling Feng is ready to use this Sky Crystal Island as one of his bases.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng also informed the Tianjing clan leader to ask the clan members to build a one-way teleportation array, which could only teleport to and from Yanlong Island.

Of course, after he returns to Yanlong Island, he will also build a one-way teleportation array on Yanlong Island to complete the directional teleportation.

The existence of this teleportation array must be kept secret, and only those who are absolutely trustworthy can know about it.

Otherwise, it will undoubtedly be a huge disaster for the Tianjing Clan.

Now that Ling Feng was the leader of the Tianjing Clan, the Tianjing Clan leader naturally had no objections to Ling Feng's decision and directly ordered Tie Yan to lead people to build the teleportation array.

As for Ling Feng, he spent some time sorting out the contents of the divine forging method and transferred it into a rubbing crystal.

This divine forging method should be returned to its original owner and returned to the Tianjing Clan.

Of course, Ling Feng also left a copy in case of emergency.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

In the past few days, Ling Feng handed over a copy of the divine forging method to Ju Shifang for detailed study, and unexpectedly, Ju Shifang lost his previous shyness and looked extremely confident when he discovered the forging method.

As soon as the two started chatting, time passed quickly, and before they knew it, it had already been three days and three nights.

Ling Feng naturally benefited a lot from communicating with a genius like Ju Shifang.

Ling Feng was also able to give Ju Shifang completely different insights and guidance through fire control and spiritual consciousness, which also made him suddenly enlightened.

Finally, after the two of them had completely straightened out the method of divine forging, they watched the sun rise and set, and several days had passed in the outside world.

"Hahaha! Brother Shifang's insight is indeed unique. It seems that the key to the art of guiding spirits and divine forging mentioned in the method of divine forging lies in the spirit of the weapon."

A bright light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and in the next moment, all directions were destroyed, already appearing in the palm of his hand.

Ju Shifang nodded, and when he saw the magic weapon in Ling Feng's hand, he suddenly became so brilliant that he could hardly take his eyes away and exclaimed: "What a weapon! This sword..."

"This sword is called Destruction in All Directions."

Ling Feng shot out the long sword and sent it directly to Ju Shifang's hand.

However, he overlooked one thing.

All directions were destroyed, and it was heavy to hold. In Ling Feng's hands, it was as light as a goose feather, but in the hands of others, it was heavier than the ancient sacred mountain.

Although Ju Shifang is a virtual immortal in the magic realm, and as a blacksmith master, he naturally has some attainments in body refining.

But when he held Shi Fang Ji De, he still staggered and almost fell to the ground.

He exerted all his strength and reluctantly placed the Destruction of All Directions on the forging table aside. Then he couldn't put it down and stroked the blade of the sword, admiring it endlessly.

He has never seen such a magical weapon.

It is completely natural, with no trace of human intervention.

"Destroy all directions, good sword, good sword!"

Ju Shifang's eyes flashed with great excitement, "Does the master want to fuse this sword with the life-threatening golden spirit?"


Ling Feng nodded slightly. Regarding the title of master, although he had repeatedly emphasized that he and Ju Shifang could be on equal terms.

It's a pity that these Tianjing clan members are more pedantic and rigid than the last, so Ling Feng can only let him shout.

After a pause, Ling Feng continued: "Originally, I hoped to use the life-threatening golden essence to forge another divine weapon, but you have tried it before. No matter how hard you try, the life-threatening golden essence cannot be smelted at all. Now, After obtaining the divine forging method in the heavenly book, I realized that there is also the so-called spiritual forging technique. The key is to use the sword spirit as the leader to integrate rare treasures such as the fate-destroying golden spirit into the sword spirit. "One body."

"However, to achieve this step, not only does it have extremely high requirements for the sword spirit itself, but it is also a huge test for the blacksmith."

Ling Feng took a deep look at Ju Shifang and said, "Brother Shifang, do you have the confidence to fuse my Destruction of All Ten Directions with the life-killing golden spirit?"

If he wants to realize the so-called spirit-guiding divine forging technique, Ling Feng has absolute confidence in the sword spirit that will destroy all directions.

This is not only his own heavenly weapon, but also a fragment of a heavenly weapon that was once fused with a certain immortal from the Tiandao clan, and can be transformed into the form of a celestial being.

From this point of view, the sword spirit that can be destroyed in all directions can definitely be regarded as the best among countless divine weapons.


Ju Shifang clenched his fist nervously, hesitated for a moment, but nodded heavily, "I'll try my best!"

As a blacksmith, his biggest dream is undoubtedly to forge a peerless magic weapon.

Now, Ling Feng has been destroyed in all directions, and he is a divine weapon.

The life-threatening golden essence is a rare treasure, something that countless blacksmiths long for in their dreams.

If he could successfully combine the two into a rare artifact, it would undoubtedly be the most glorious moment in his life.

"Okay, I believe you!"

Ling Feng patted Ju Shifang on the shoulder, which was exactly the purpose of his trip, "I will also fully assist you!"

After saying that, Ling Feng summoned the sword spirit Xiaobai with a thought.

There was a flash of light, and Xiaobai's figure appeared in front of Ling Feng.

Although Xiaobai has not shown up all this time, every time he confronts an enemy, as long as Ling Feng holds the ten directions and destroys them all, he will definitely be in a state where the sword and man are united.

Therefore, Xiaobai is even a closer partner to Ling Feng than Jianlu, Zifeng and the others.


Xiao Bai still looked stern, but after fusing the fragments of Tianchu, Xiao Bai's aura became more mysterious and unpredictable.


Ling Feng nodded towards Xiaobai, then looked at Ju Shifang, and said calmly: "Brother Shifang, this is the sword spirit Xiaobai who will be destroyed in all directions. Next, I will help you!"


Ju Shifang took a look at this overly handsome sword spirit. It was obviously just a sword, how could he be so handsome?

However, maybe it is a special fate. Even if all ten directions are destroyed, there are still ten directions, and my name is also called Ju Shifang.

Perhaps because of this, he would transform this peerless weapon by himself.

"Xiao Bai, you must cooperate with me fully in a while. You only have one chance."

Ju Shifang was a little nervous, clenched his fists, and said in a deep voice: "Use the Spirit-Yearing God forging technique. If it succeeds, this life-threatening golden spirit will turn into a piece of armor and merge with you. But if it fails, The life-killing golden spirit is equivalent to being destroyed, and there is no more."

Xiaobai nodded calmly, "Please feel free to take action, I will fully cooperate."


Ju Shifang took a deep breath and patted his cheeks with both hands, calming down the tension in his heart.

Then, Ling Feng put the Shi Fang Annihilation on the forging platform, and placed it side by side with the Shi Fang Annihilation.

The two looked at each other and lit up the original fire at the same time.

An hour...

Two hours...

one day……

Two days...

In the blink of an eye, the two of them had been at the largest forging platform of the Tianjing clan for half a month.

During this period, no one is allowed to enter.

If Ling Feng had not been the new leader of the Tianjing Clan, he would never have had such privileges.

On this day, within the valley, a golden light rose into the sky.

Then, red, blue, cyan, purple...

Countless rays of divine light connected to the Nine Netherworlds of Qingming, and the clouds moved in all directions, gathering together and turning into a huge colorful cloud, covering the entire Sky Crystal Island.

Countless people rushed out of the room and looked up at the sky.

With such a vision, could it be that a peerless magic weapon has been born?

The next moment, a figure slowly rose among countless colorful lights. It was none other than Sword Spirit Xiaobai.

And around him, a set of golden-red armor fit tightly together.

Battle helmets, battle boots, battle robes, battle clothes...

Every component is exquisitely crafted, with a vaguely thunderous and intimidating momentum.

It was smelted from the life-threatening gold essence. At this moment, it has been integrated with the sword spirit Xiaobai.

"It's done, it's finally done!"

In the Tianjing Clan Imperial City Palace, in the square in front of the palace, an old man with white beard and hair almost burst into tears.

"Finally someone can recreate the divine forging skills of the past!"

Kuangshan was even more excited and burst into tears, "Is this the endless power recorded in the Book of Heaven? That sword spirit, that sword spirit has such power, it is limitless, limitless!"

On the dome of the palace, a slender figure looked far away in the direction where the colored lights gathered, and couldn't help but secretly sighed, "This brat has obtained another unparalleled magic weapon. He is really a lucky man!"

This person is naturally Si Chen.

At the same time, in the valley where the forging room was located, Ling Feng and Ju Shifang were both looking up at the sky. The difference was that Ling Feng was holding Shifang Destruction in his hand, and he could feel the fusion of Jie Ming. The golden spirit was destroyed in all directions, as if filled with new vitality.

It is no longer the annihilation of the past.

According to the statement recorded in the heavenly book, the ten directions are now destroyed. They are no longer ordinary heavenly soldiers, but should be powerful heavenly soldiers!

The blade of the sword swung, the air moved in all directions, and the sky and clouds changed nine times!

In an instant, countless gods and magic gathered around the sky, and the shadows of gods and demons were calm and powerful, filled with evil spirits that shocked the Nine Desolations.

The next moment, if Ling Feng had some enlightenment, his soul would be filled with happiness. He swept away the sword energy, looked up to the sky and laughed, "From now on, this sword will be called the Ten Palaces of Yama!"

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