"The gate can be raised!"

After Elder Lian Lei finished speaking, the two teams of guards in front of the tower turned at the same time to face the giant tower behind them, and each made a mysterious handprint. Finally, one on the left and one on the right, two golden inscriptions were struck in front of the door of the giant tower.


The inscription on the door seemed to activate some mysterious magic circle, and then, with a thick muffled sound, a huge stone door dozens of feet high slowly rose below the giant tower.

This huge tower towers into the clouds like a mountain, stretching for hundreds of miles. In comparison, this stone gate, which is dozens of feet high, seems insignificant.

"Everyone who has participated in the Seven Ultimate Immortal List can enter the giant tower one by one."

The two leaders each stepped aside, looked at the sea of ​​people in front of them, and simply said lightly: "According to the sect forces whose names we read, enter the tower in order, there must be no mistake!"

Everyone held their breath, and the leaders and elders of various tribes and factions explained something to the disciples below.

It's just a matter of being careful.

"Surveying the Thunder Clan."

The guard was the first to announce the name of the Sky Patrol Thunder Tribe. This was not surprising. After all, as the host this time, it was normal for him to be the first to enter the tower.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a man wearing a light blue gown, leading about twenty disciples of the Thunder Clan who were patrolling the sky, striding toward the giant tower.

When they saw this man in blue, many of the disciples of the five Xantian tribes actually said hello to him.

This person seems to be named Wan Jun.

Behind Wan Jun, there were two men, two women and four people, who seemed to be quite famous.

Ling Feng basically knew nothing about the situation of other tribes, and at this time, the "social butterfly" Yufeng Immortal Lord came in handy.

"It seems that Junior Brother Ling and several other junior brothers know very little about the situation of other super-first-class forces. Anyway, as the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy will never be invincible in a hundred battles. It is also a good thing to know more about the situation of other opponents. After all, after entering the Qijue Guild Hall, we are A team now.”

Immortal Yufeng smiled faintly, and was about to start explaining the situation of the other major forces, but he heard Immortal Yulong Ao Tianxin sneer, "Junior Brother Yufeng, you don't think that these new disciples have any ability to influence The overall situation is just a few guys making up the numbers, not to mention a fool..."

As he said that, Yulong Immortal Lord couldn't help but glance at Chi Yan Kuang. Previously, in the main hall of Xantian Lei Clan, Chi Yan Kuang had completely embarrassed Tian Zhi.

The Imperial Dragon Immortal Lord has always been the most important person in pomp and showmanship. Now that he is embarrassed in front of other super powers and has been laughed at, he naturally feels a little resentful towards Chi Yan Kuang.


Chi Yan's maniacal nature was as fierce as fire. He was so belittled by others, and his anger appeared on his face. However, the other party was a strong man in the Six Defenses, so he had no choice but to swallow his anger.

"Okay, what Yufeng said is right. Since we represent Tianzhi in the Seven Ultimate Immortal Rankings, we are a unit. It would be too stupid to have internal strife at this time."

Ren Tianhen, the Imperial Immortal Lord, spoke slowly. In one sentence, Ao Tianxin shut up. He shrugged, stepped aside, and said no more.

Although Ao Tianxin looks a bit effeminate, he has always been arrogant. Although everyone is a Six Yu, in fact, the only one he truly admires is Yu Shen.

Ling Feng glanced at Yushenxian with some surprise. Since setting off from Qingzao Terrace, this was probably the first thing Yushenxian said besides paying homage to the Immortal Lord.

And Ao Tianxin would be so obedient to the words of Yu Shen Xianjun. It seems that Yu Shen should be the strongest among the six emperors.

At least, Ao Tianxin should have suffered a loss at the hands of Yushenxianjun.

"Senior Brother Yu Shen is right."

Yufeng echoed, patted Chi Yankuang's shoulder affectionately, and said with a smile: "Junior Brother Chi, let's just write off the past."

Chi Yankuang didn't dare to have any opinions. He could only nod his head, but muttered in his heart: "The other senior brothers are fine, but that Yulong, a damn sissy, a fucking ghost!"

Yufeng Immortal Lord shook his head and smiled, without saying much, then returned to the topic, looking at the man in blue from the Xuntian Lei Clan, and said lightly: "This man's name is Wan Jun, he is the younger generation of the Xuntian Lei Clan, the most recent The talented monster has already reached an unpredictable level of strength. Although he is an Immortal Lord, it is said that he has been promoted to the realm of the Earth three times in ten years, and he has also destroyed the Earth Yuan Mansion three times to re-concentrate the Dao Fruit. , not to mention anything else, just such decisiveness and perseverance is enough to impress people. "

"Are you going to abolish Yuan Mansion..."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. He was no longer the newbie who had just entered the Immortal Realm. He naturally understood what Yuan Mansion meant.

The three realms of Immortal Lord, Fu Zhuan, Dao Yan, Dao Fruit, are like nurturing a towering tree in one's own Qi Sea Dantian.

Continuously develop root systems, flourish branches and leaves, and eventually bear fruit.

After reaching this realm, it is difficult for ordinary monks to make breakthroughs, because ordinary Dao Fruit Realm monks have limited Dao Fruit and do not have the conditions to open up the Yuan Palace.

Opening up the Yuan Mansion is like re-opening a small world within Dantian, completely built with the power of its own laws.

Therefore, generally speaking, only geniuses with more than nine Dao Fruits and various laws that complement each other can have a chance to build a relatively stable Yuan Mansion space.

For ordinary immortal monks, opening up the Yuan Mansion once is already an extremely lucky thing. It is absolutely impossible to destroy the Yuan Mansion and start over.

But this Wan Jun actually destroyed Yuan Mansion three times!

Although Ling Feng's understanding of Wan Jun is limited to this, it does not affect Ling Feng's admiration for this man.

Not to mention anything else, this kind of courage alone is enough to make me feel a sense of sympathy for him.

After all, he had also destroyed the Dao Fruit in Xiaohan Pond, hundreds of times!

But he didn't know at the time that all that was just a test to obtain the "Breaking Path Soul Forging Technique".

"Today's Wanjun's cultivation is between the threshold of the Earth-opening Realm and the Dao-Fruit Realm. He has already crossed half of the Earth-Bidding Realm. He should be regarded as the most powerful among all the Immortal Lords. It’s close to the existence of earth-opening realm.”

Yufeng Immortal Lord continued to add.

Ling Feng nodded secretly in his heart. Although Wanjun destroyed the Yuan Mansion and his cultivation fell back to the Dao Fruit Realm, after all, he was an existence that had reached the Pi Di Realm and was considered a half-immortal.

In addition, he was able to be promoted to Immortal Lord three times in just ten years, which proved that his talent was unparalleled.

He is a formidable enemy!

He took a deep breath, he was worthy of being the top monster of Xantian Lei Clan!

"The two men and two women behind Na Wanjun are collectively called the 'Four Flashes', which is somewhat similar to our Tianzhi Six Yus and Nine Yaos. The so-called Four Flashes are respectively 'Thunder and Flash' Wan Xin'er, 'a flash of the sword', Mo Yixi, 'a flash of purple light', Wanbaozhen, 'a flash of the sky', Yi Liang."

First there was Ten Thousand Jun, and then there was Four Flashes. Among the Thunder Clan that patrolled the sky, there were indeed many evildoers!

Ling Feng took a deep breath and looked at Wan Jun, the genius who led the Sky Patrol Thunder Clan. The figure gradually disappeared into the light curtain behind the stone gate. Then, the guard once again maintained the name of the Sky Patrol Wind Clan.

Similarly, Yufeng Immortal Lord introduced again.

And when he introduced the Xuantian Wind Clan, he seemed a little envious.

As a monk who is good at wind laws, who can not envy the disciples of Xantian Wind Clan.

The laws of wind that he had worked so hard to cultivate were innate to the Xantian Wind Clan.

There is no such thing as fairness in this world.

Taking a deep breath, Yufeng Immortal Lord adjusted his mood before continuing: "Probably due to the influence of the Empress, most of the geniuses of the Xuntian Wind Clan are women. Look at the more than 20 geniuses participating in the Seven Ultimate Immortal Rankings. Among them, Most of them are female disciples, which is very rare in other sects. "

After a pause, he looked at one of the women walking at the front of the Xantian Wind Clan, and said calmly: "That woman's name is Yue Yinshuang. She has the style of Empress Qingluo, and she is also a very strong opponent."

Then, Yufeng Immortal Lord introduced Cao Yan, the genius of Xuntian Fire Tribe. Unexpectedly, this person actually had the record of killing the powerful Immortal Lord.

Ling Feng couldn't help but feel startled. Fortunately, he still thought about capturing Cao Yan alive. He was thinking too much.

But just because we can't do it now doesn't mean we can't do it in the future.

If you dare to attack your grandfather, this Cao Yan will be dead sooner or later!

As for the Xantian Ice Clan, Lan Bing'er and Lan Xiaoyu, the Shui family siblings, are the best among them, but they are not the strongest yet.

The most outstanding genius of the Xuantian Ice Tribe this year is named Shui Yanbing. It is said that he once fought with Cao Yan for three days and three nights, with neither victory nor defeat.

When the Dao Xuntian Ice Clan was introduced, Ling Feng vaguely seemed to notice that Shui Changyin seemed to have glanced at him coldly.

Did he notice something?

Ling Feng shook his head and put his thoughts behind him. Now was not the time to think about these things.

What's more, no matter how strong Shui Changyin is, he is not a contestant after all, and in front of the two Broken Immortal Emperors Yi Ting Immortal Emperor and Qing Luo Empress, he still dares to act recklessly?

Then there is the Xuntian Mountain Clan. The disciples of the Xuntian Mountain Clan are just like their name. They are all like mountains, calm and heavy, and they are all wearing heavy armor and carrying heavy swords on their backs. Just the weights tied to their legs are probably... There are tens of millions of kilograms in total.

Therefore, except for the leading man, the disciples behind will more or less leave a shallow footprint on the ground.

But this is already quite astonishing.

This is equivalent to walking with several mountains on your back all the time, but you can lift it with ease!

As expected, none of the five Xantian tribes is easy to handle.

Following closely behind is Dayu Xianting. According to Yufeng Immortal Lord, the most powerful monster in Dayu Xianting is named Yu Fan. He is the ninth son of the crown prince of Dayu Xianting, which is also the so-called imperial grandson.

The Great Yu Immortal Court is more similar to the model of a mortal secular dynasty, so the geniuses participating in the competition are basically the princes and grandsons, as well as the descendants of some ministers. Among them, Yu Fan has an extraordinary record. When he was twelve years old, He broke into Longtan alone and killed the demon dragon at the level of Xuxian with his sword.

From then on, he became famous in one battle.

"Now please invite Tianzhi disciples to enter the tower!"

After the children of Dayu Xianting entered the giant tower, it was the turn of the Tianzhi organization.

Yushenxianjun turned around and glanced at the other junior disciples, then nodded to Jieyinxianzun, and led everyone quickly towards the giant tower.

"You brat, come on, don't embarrass me! Don't forget, I brought you here!"

Xiao Xianling clenched her fists and encouraged Ling Feng.

Ling Feng nodded and smiled, then looked at Si Chen beside him.

She can't just follow him when he enters the Qijue Guild Hall to compete, right?

Si Chen took a deep look at Ling Feng, then suddenly came close to Ling Feng's ear and lowered his voice: "Put this talisman away. Use it when you are in danger. You can summon a clone with 10% of my strength. Remember , you can’t die in there.”

After saying that, he raised his slender palm, patted Ling Feng's chest, put the talisman directly into Ling Feng's arms, and helped him tidy up his clothes, just like a gentle wife.

Ling Feng smiled lightly and said, "Sister Chen, you are really considerate. Thank you very much!"

With Si Chen's magic talisman, it can be regarded as an extra life-saving card, and Ling Feng finally feels more at ease.

"What the hell!"

Si Chen rolled her eyes at Ling Feng and then stepped aside. Naturally, she couldn't follow Ling Feng into the giant tower, so this was all she could do.

I hope this kid, who is a good person and a good person, won't cause any trouble.

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