Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3573 Let’s fight! Fight!

"Let's go, I'll take you there!"

Cao Wuxie reached out to hold Fengling. However, when Fengling saw Cao Wuxie, the fear in her eyes was far greater than the fear of the Yin-devouring Spring.

She shrank and hid behind Yu Shiwei, "No... no need! Don't come over!"

It seems that Cao Wuxie left a huge shadow on her. For her, nothing is more dangerous than Cao Wuxie.

"Feng Ling, what are you doing?"

Cao Wuxie scratched his head and head anxiously, "I have good intentions!"

"Please put away your good intentions. Even if I die here, I have nothing to do with you!"

Feng Ling gritted her teeth. She already knew Cao Wuxie's character too well. As long as she softened her attitude towards him just a little bit, this lunatic would probably feel that she was just acting coquettishly with him before.

He was completely immersed in his own world and couldn't understand what others were saying.

The only way to wake him up a little is probably Cao Yan's iron fist.

"Are you really so heartless towards me?"

Cao Wuxie was so angry that he grabbed a few monks who were about to cross the river and was so angry that he almost threw them into the river.

Those two unlucky monks were so frightened that they lost their souls. This was a completely unreasonable disaster.


Yu Shiwei's eyes widened, how could she watch Cao Wuxie care so little about human life.

The next moment, the sound of the piano sounded, and Yu Shiwei directly plucked the guqin in her arms. The notes turned into more than a dozen golden inscriptions, all blasting towards Cao Wuxie.

Cao Wuxie casually threw away the two monks in his hands, swept away Yu Shiwei's attack with a sweep of his sleeves, and sneered: "You want to attack me too?"

"I have no intention of being an enemy of you, Shengzi Cao, but you have gone too far in bullying others. What grudge do they have against you? You want to throw them into the Yin Devouring Spring, isn't it equivalent to sending them to death?"


Cao Wuxie clenched her fists, "I was just angry for a moment and forgot that the river is the Yin Devouring Spring. Okay, just treat this as a small mistake on my part, you two, I'm sorry!"

The two monks were so frightened that their faces turned pale. Fortunately, they managed to save their lives and hurriedly ran away, fearing the god of plague.

"What a small mistake! Senior sister, let's go!"

Yu Shiwei laughed angrily at Cao Wuxie's gangster logic, grabbed Feng Ling and was about to leave.

"You woman, those two guys didn't blame me just now. You're not done yet. I think you are Feng Ling's junior sister. I'm already very polite to you. Don't push yourself too far!"

Yu Shiwei shook her head, simply speechless.

Fortunately, this guy could say such a thing. What do you mean, the two guys didn't blame him? How dare they blame him?

What an unreasonable lunatic!

Cao Wuxie spread his arms and stopped in front of the two girls, "I don't care anyway, Fengling, you must speak clearly to me today, you come with me!"

Not far away, Ling Feng saw this scene and couldn't help but shake his head and sigh. Immortal Yufeng happened to pass by Ling Feng. When he saw Ling Feng turning back to stare at the other side, he couldn't help but shook his head and lowered his voice: " Forget it, Junior Brother Ling, it’s better not to provoke that mad dog.”

Ling Feng nodded slightly and said solemnly: "I understand."

I have a special status. In this situation, it is not wise to meddle in other people's business.

What's more, even if he doesn't take action, at this moment, it seems that there are already people who can't stand it.

It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

A green wind sickle suddenly swept past Cao Wuxie, cutting a deep ravine directly on the ground beneath his feet.

There was a slight tingling sensation on his skin. Cao Wuxie's expression changed and he took a few steps back. Anger surged in his chest and he cursed loudly, "Who is that person? How dare you stab someone in the back!"

"Hitting someone in the back? Are you worthy of it?"

Not far away, however, he saw a woman in green clothes walking slowly towards her. She was none other than the genius of the Xantian Wind Clan, Yue Yinshuang.

"If I wanted to kill you, you would have been dead just now!"

Yue Yinshuang snorted coldly, but looked straight at Cao Yan, the strongest member of the Xantian Fire Clan camp, and sneered: "Are you Xantian Fire Clan just these scum who bully the weak?"

"Just saying."

There was a flash of lightning, and a delicate voice came. Then, a graceful figure appeared in the surge of electric arcs. It was Wan Xin'er, who was known as "Thunder Flash" among the Thunder Clan that patrolled the sky.

"That's all for others. Yu Shiwei is my friend, her surname is Cao. Just try, if you dare to hurt her even a hair, I'll pay you back a hundredfold!"

As soon as her figure flashed, Wan Xiner was already standing beside Yu Shiwei. She stretched out her hand to pull Yu Shiwei up and said with a smile on her face: "Sister Yu Shi, we meet again."


A smile finally appeared on Yu Shiwei's face, and she held Wan Xiner's hand tightly, her eyes filled with joy.

It seems that the friendship between Yu Shiwei and Wan Xiner is extraordinary.

Ling Feng smiled faintly. It seemed that Yu Shiwei and the others would be fine without his intervention.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

Cao Wuxie was like a wild bull. He clenched his fists and his whole body was filled with fire. He didn't care who the opponent was and wanted to hit him first.

"Disgraceful thing!"

Finally, Cao Yan came forward under pressure.

Needless to say, Yue Yinshuang of the Xantian Wind Clan was on the same level as him, and Wan Xiner, who represented the Xantian Thunder Clan.

Wan Xiner is nothing, but behind her is Wan Jun!

“It’s fun to watch!”

Yufeng Immortal Lord crossed his arms with a playful look on his face: "I didn't expect that the smell of gunpowder would be so strong right from the beginning!"

"Fight! Fight!"

Chi Yankuang didn't mind the excitement and clenched his fists excitedly, "It would be interesting if we just start taking action now."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, although it stands to reason that the top monsters of the seven super powers should not officially confront each other until the third stage.

But the rules don't allow fighting from the beginning.

"It's probably impossible to fight."

Immortal Yufeng shrugged and said calmly: "Cao Yan is not that stupid."

Sure enough, Cao Yan's figure turned into a ball of fire, stepping on the bones lying on the water, and returned to the other side.


A clear slap sounded, and Cao Yan knocked Cao Wuxie to the ground with a slap.

Cao Wuxie covered her cheeks with an aggrieved look, coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, and even spit out several molars!

This slap was also very powerful.

"Boss, why did you hit me..."

Cao Wuxie wanted to say something more, but he saw Cao Yan's face was as cold as frost, and he stared at Cao Wuxie coldly, "You idiot, if you dare to say one more word, I will throw you into the Yin Devouring Spring!"

As soon as he said this, Cao Wuxie shuddered and did not dare to continue to act stupidly.

Cao Yan took a deep breath, looked at Yu Shiwei and the two girls, and said coldly: "I'm sorry, I promise, Cao Wuxie will not harass you two again in the future!"

After saying that, he turned to look at Yue Yinshuang not far away, and said coldly: "Yue Saint, are you satisfied?"


Yue Yinshuang sneered, ignored Cao Yan, turned around and led the disciples of the Xantian Wind Clan across the river.

"stand up!"

Cao Yan clenched his fists and kicked Cao Wuxie hard. Cao Wuxie rolled on the ground a few times and followed Cao Yan obediently. Although she still looked back and glanced at Fengling unwillingly, , but after all, I didn’t dare to say another half word.

It's just that one thing brings down another, and only Cao Yan can make Cao Wuxie afraid like this.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. It was funny to say that every time he saw Cao Wuxie these days, it would end with Cao Wuxie being beaten up by Cao Yan.

Ling Feng even wondered whether it was because Cao Wuxie had been beaten too many times by Cao Yan since he was a child, so his brain had been beaten stupidly.

It’s very possible!

"This is the end, it's so boring!"

Chi Yankuang looked disappointed, "I thought I could see the battle between the Xantian Fire Clan and the Xantian Wind Clan's geniuses in advance."

"You'll see!"

Immortal Yufeng patted Chi Yankuang's shoulder. Among the six emperors, Immortal Yufeng was the least pretentious one.

"let's go!"

Now that the farce is over, there is no need to waste any more time. They have just passed through the Yin-Devouring Spring, and they still don't know what kind of tests are waiting for them in the future.

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