Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3577 Breakthrough in battle! Six annihilations without self!

"Junior Brother Ling, I'll leave the situation here to you. You and the other brothers should leave here quickly!"

Immortal Yufeng took a deep look at Ling Feng, raised his hand and patted his shoulder, "I'm going to help Brother Yushen!"

Originally, with Ling Feng's status, he should be at the bottom among these disciples. After all, there are Jiuyao experts in front of him, so it is his turn to make the decision.

But after all, it was thanks to Ling Feng that they were able to escape, so even Jiu Yao's Tyrant Sword didn't say much.

"Senior Brother Yufeng, you have to be careful yourself."

Ling Feng took a deep look at Immortal Yufeng and nodded heavily.

"Don't worry, even if I lose to those big monsters, my ability to escape is still pretty good."

Immortal Yufeng smiled faintly, and after his words fell, he turned into a ray of green light and shot out.

"Brothers, if you continue moving towards the south, you will soon reach the final Flame Valley."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, looked back at the other Tianzhi disciples, and said in a deep voice.

"What's the meaning?"

Chi Yankuang was slightly startled, "Brother Ling, aren't you with us?"

Qin Yao also pursed her lips slightly and looked at Ling Feng, "Junior brother Ling, what do you mean?"

"I'm afraid there's still some trouble here, and it's been staring at us for a long time."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, and sure enough, in the swamp that had trapped everyone before, the mud was rolling and seemed to be boiling.

Then, a giant beast over three feet tall gradually emerged from the mud.

Surprisingly, it is the mountain ape demon!

And this mountain ape demon is the eleventh great demon in this jungle.

Although it has not yet fully advanced to the Immortal level, it can be regarded as a half-step Immortal level!

It hides in this dead swamp, and even a strong person like Yufeng Immortal Lord cannot detect its aura.

But in the end, he could not escape Ling Feng's infinite vision.

Although the infinite field of vision cast by the technique of Xu Tian Wanxiang is not as good as directly condensing the eyes of the emperor, it still allows Ling Feng to detect a clue.

"Mountain Ape Demon!"

In an instant, Ba Dao (PS: One of the Nine Yao, the Yao of Ba Dao. Among the Jiu Yao, in addition to the five immortal kings with the basic attributes of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, there is also Ben Lei. , Crazy Fighting, Domineering Sword and Dazzling Sound) immediately drew out a broad-bladed sword as cold as snow and stared at the mountain ape demon.

Then, the rest of the Jiuyao experts also became alert.

"Senior Brother Ba Dao, leave this to me! Get out of here quickly!" Ling Feng looked back at Ba Dao and shouted in a deep voice.

Ba Dao frowned, "Junior Brother Ling, although I have no friendship with you, at this time, how can I abandon the battle? You are taking me, Ba Dao, too lightly!"

"Senior Brother Ba Dao, I have absolutely no intention of doing this. However, this mountain ape demon controls the Black Abyss Death Swamp. Once we fall into the Death Swamp again, all our previous efforts will be in vain. Senior Brother Yu Shen and the others are still giving us help. Let’s buy time to escape, we can’t be delayed here, otherwise, they may not be able to hold on any longer!”

"Then let me stay!"

Ba Dao swung the blade in his hand and said in a cold voice: "As the leader of Jiuyao, it is most suitable for me to stay. You just blew yourself up and spent a lot of energy and blood, so you should leave with everyone."

Ba Dao quickly understood Ling Feng's good intentions, but he still couldn't let Ling Feng stay alone to deal with the mountain ape demon.

Neither his pride nor his conscience allowed him to do this.

"I'm absolutely sure!"

A faint light flashed in Ling Feng's hand, and all directions were destroyed. He held it in his palm, "Believe me!"


However, just when Ling Feng and Ba Dao were arguing, the mountain ape demon laughed strangely, "Don't even think about leaving!"

The quagmire rolled again, and then, one mountain ape demon, one after another, and another mountain ape demon jumped out from the depths of the quagmire. Four mountain ape demons blocked all the paths of Tianzhi's disciples from four directions.

"Huh, what a small skill."

Ling Feng sneered, and directly mentioned that the Ten Directions would be destroyed, he rushed towards one of the mountain ape demons, and at the same time shouted: "Brothers, break out of the encirclement quickly, don't stay!"

The mountain ape demon looked at Ling Feng and attacked him directly, with a pair of big copper bell eyes showing a hint of astonishment.

The four-headed mountain ape demon actually only has one body, and the other three heads are just afterimage clones.

Ling Feng was able to see through its tricks at the first moment, and found its true identity with incomparable accuracy.

Who is this kid?

As the sword edge swung, the mountain ape demon felt his scalp numb slightly. Why was this boy's sword energy so cold and terrifying!

Ling Feng smiled coldly. This was the first time since he practiced the mass killing technique that he had put it to use.

The reason why he took the initiative to stay and intercept this mountain ape demon was not simply to show off as a hero. He also wanted to test the power of this great killing technique.

Secondly, his cultivation has reached the critical point of breakthrough. This mountain ape demon can refine all the energy of the three glasses of immortal wine he drank in the Xuntian Lei Clan Hall before, and unleash all his potential. inspire.

Today, we must break through!

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

Ling Feng's sword was as powerful as thunder and as fast as lightning. The mountain ape demon was tired of dealing with Ling Feng's fast sword, and the few afterimage clones also disappeared in an instant.


At the same time, Ling Feng did not forget to remind everyone. Ba Dao clenched the broad sword in his hand. Although he was still a little unwilling, he had to admit that if it were him, he would not be able to discover the true identity of the mountain ape demon in the first time. body.

"Junior Brother Ling, you... take care of yourself!"

Gritting his teeth, Ba Dao finally made a decision and waved to everyone, "Let's go!"

The rest of the people took a deep look at Ling Feng and quickly flew away with the sword.

"Brother Ling, be righteous!"

Chi Yan gave Ling Feng a thumbs up, sighed, and turned away.

"Damn it, damn it!"

The mountain ape demon watched helplessly as those Tianzhi disciples left and screamed in anger.

These human beings are all talented monsters with full vitality and rare blood. They are undoubtedly a great nourishment for these monsters and ferocious beasts.

Originally, these people were already in its possession, but they didn't want to be let go by this kid in front of them.

And he is actually only in the Daoyan realm!

"Boy, you have to pay the price for your actions. I will eat you to death one bite at a time!"

The mountain ape demon's eyes were bloodshot, and he stared at Ling Feng, with rage almost coming out of his body.

It waved its claws, and in the swamp, two thick mud dragons instantly rolled up, wrapped in bloodthirsty vines, and rushed towards Ling Feng.

"Well done!"

Ling Feng laughed loudly. Now his body was like a water tank completely filled with water. No matter how much he squandered it wildly, his mana seemed to be inexhaustible.

He did not save any mana at all, but used all his strength to perform the mass killing technique. The sword came out like a dragon, and the figure was like lightning. In an instant, hundreds of sword shadows slashed out, forcing the mountain ape demon to retreat continuously.

"Disguised heavenly soldiers!"

Ling Feng let out a low roar, and the next moment, the long sword in his hand emitted a bright and dazzling light, and the sword spirit Xiaobai appeared directly. Then, the life-threatening golden spirit transformed into a pair of dark golden armor, covering Xiaobai's body.

In Ling Feng's hand, the Shi Fang Ji Annihilation instantly turned into a giant sword more than ten feet long. With the blessing of the Great Slaughter Technique, the sword swept across and directly killed the two mud dragons summoned by the mountain ape demon. Crushed into pieces.


The mud splashed down like a heavy rain. Ling Feng's whole body was covered with a layer of light golden light mask, isolating the mud. His figure flashed and he wielded his sword again to slash at the mountain ape demon.

"Damn boy!"

The mountain ape demon bared its fangs and waved its claws to grab Ling Feng's long sword, but all directions were destroyed. Oh no, it should be above the Ten Palaces of Yama. With a flash of red light, the long sword suddenly turned into a The soft sword, like a spiritual snake, wrapped around the mountain ape demon's arm and stabbed straight into the mountain ape demon's chest.


The mountain ape demon's expression changed drastically and it retreated crazily, but the soft sword still directly cut through the skin on its chest, and bright red blood dripped down its hair.

If this sword had been deeper, it would have been directly pierced through the mountain ape demon's heart.

"Asshole! You've completely made me angry!"

A chill ran down the mountain ape demon's spine, and he became even more violent.

It beat its chest crazily, and its body swelled in the wind, and soon turned into a giant ape more than ten feet tall. With a slap of its palm, the wind howled, and the color of the world changed.

Ling Feng's figure flashed, and he directly used the Jiuyou Instant Body Technique, and retreated a thousand feet away. The Ten Palaces of Yama in his hand changed again, turning into a hard bow that was eight feet long.

Whoosh whoosh!

The bow string trembled slightly, and eighteen sharp arrows were shot out in succession. These sharp arrows were transformed from the life-threatening golden essence, and could easily penetrate even shields made of immortal metals.

The mountain ape demon looked up to the sky and roared. He put a pair of thick arms in front of his chest, opened a ball of golden light shield all over his body, then kicked off his feet and pounced in the direction of Ling Feng.

Bang bang bang bang!

The sharp arrows transformed by the eighteen fate-killing golden spirits only encountered a momentary block when encountering the golden shield. Then, they directly penetrated the shield, and then, the arrows directly passed through the mountain ape demon. The arm penetrated and came out.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Eighteen blood arrows were shot out, and then, on the huge body of the mountain ape demon, there were eighteen blood holes, and the blood flowed out like crazy, and it looked extremely tragic.

"As expected of the life-killing golden spirit!"

A trace of satisfaction flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, as he had spent a lot of energy and effort to fuse the Life-Calling Golden Essence with the Destruction of the Ten Directions.

At this moment, the form of Yama of the Tenth Palace finally appeared.

The long bow in Ling Feng's hand turned into a long sword again, taking advantage of the mountain ape demon's weakness to directly kill it!

"Six annihilations without self!"

Ling Feng's eyes flashed with cold light, and his whole body was full of murderous aura. He completed the mass killing technique in one go. He had already broken through the first level of entry level and reached the realm of six annihilations and selflessness.

At this point, it can be regarded as the initial success of the magical power and a small amount of success.

Roar! ——

In an instant, there seemed to be a divine dragon between heaven and earth, roaring for nine days. With Ling Feng's sword, it thrust out like thunder. A muffled thunder rolled past. Then, the sky clouds changed color, and Ling Feng's realm barrier also followed this sword. It stabbed out and shattered instantly.


The sound of thunder erupted from Lingfeng's muscles and joints. His sword directly raised his realm to the realm of Tao and Fruit.

The Chaos Dao Fruit finally condensed successfully.

At this moment, Ling Feng broke through the Dao Yan realm and reached a higher level of cultivation. The power of his sword was also rising crazily, and the tide was rising.

The terrifying pressure increased crazily, step by step, and the eyes of the mountain ape demon changed from anger at first, to panic, and then to fear.

The sword that broke through in this battle definitely had the terrifying power to destroy heaven and earth!

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