Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3579 Unfathomable!


The Nine Nether Instant Technique unfolded, and Ling Feng's figure also turned into a bolt of electric shock. Three breaths later, he appeared outside the Senluo Demonic Mirror set by the tree demon.

When Wan Xin'er heard the flash of thunder, he thought it was the disciples of Xuntian Lei Clan coming, but when he saw Ling Feng's appearance clearly, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Silver hair?

There seems to be no silver-haired person among the Thunder Clan that patrols the sky.

Also, this guy looks...

So handsome!

Wan Xiner's pupils shrank, but she quickly shook her head and put the thought away.

What is the situation now? Do you still have thoughts about this?

Ling Feng's face was as cold as frost, and he held the Shifangji Destruction, which was equipped with the power of life-threatening golden essence. He swung the sword edge and just said coldly: "Get out!"


How could those monsters let this fat sheep go, let alone the guys who treated them like dogs and walked them for a long time.

One of the ferocious beasts in the form of a crocodile drooled from its bloody mouth. At the same time, it uttered human words and said in a hoarse voice like sandpaper: "Since you are here, you should also stay!"

However, the next moment, golden light flashed, and an arrow shot out of the void, directly piercing the throat of the crocodile beast.

call out!

The arrow directly dragged the body of the ferocious beast, leaving a deep mark on the ground. There was an explosion and it was nailed to a towering ancient tree.

That crocodile beast was killed with just one blow.

The monsters looked around in shock, only to see that the long sword in Ling Feng's hand had turned into a long bow at some point.

Ling Feng stretched out his hand and made a slight move, and the arrow turned into red light and was retracted, directly integrated into Ling Feng's body.

During the fusion with Sword Spirit Xiaobai, Ling Feng and the heavenly soldiers merged into one, and the powerful armor transformed by the Life-Calling Jin Jingsou could also cover Ling Feng's body surface at the same time.

Therefore, the arrows transformed by the fate-killing golden spirit can naturally be directly integrated into Ling Feng's body.

Everything is up to you.


The remaining ferocious beasts were all stunned by Ling Feng's arrow, but in the next moment, they bared their teeth and claws and pounced on Ling Feng.

This guy must be dealt with first!

This was the thought that flashed through the minds of all the ferocious beasts at the same time.

However, Ling Feng stood still, motionless.

It's time for that person to arrive!

The thought just flashed through my mind, chi chi chi…

The violent arc instantly filled the entire space.

Bang bang bang bang!

Immediately afterwards, arcs of electricity as thick as buckets fell from the sky, as if they had eyes. Each thunderbolt hit a ferocious beast.

Then, several streaks of charred black smoke rose up, and all the ferocious beasts were killed on the spot in that flash of lightning. They were too dead to die.

Under Ling Feng's calm surface, there was an uproar in his heart.

So strong!

So strong!

So strong!

He took a deep breath. Is this the strength of the strongest monster in the Xuntian Thunder Clan?

This sense of oppression, this dominance...

He broke through the realm of Immortal Lord three times, destroyed Yuan Mansion three times, and started all over again.

And all of this also created his legendary myth of the Prodigy King.

Ling Feng tightened his fists. Even now, he had advanced to the Six Destruction Selfless Realm with the Great Killing Technique, and had stepped out of the Dao Fruit Realm. In front of this proud king, he didn't even have a 10% chance of winning.

This is after fully estimating all of his own strength, even including the Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation.

In fact, Ling Feng even had a feeling that even if he used Chaos Reincarnation and forcibly substituted for a big realm, he might not be able to get any advantage in front of this Wanjun.

This person's power has reached the point where it is completely unreasonable.

All the ferocious beasts perished in an instant, and the Senluo Demonic Mirror that trapped Wan Xiner was naturally destroyed and dissolved invisibly.

The vines on Wan Xiner's body dissipated on their own, and her body slowly fell from the air. Then she looked at Wan Jun with a proud look on her face and said with a smile: "Cousin, why are you so slow!"

Wan Jun's face darkened, and there was a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

Obviously, this is not the first time Wan Xiner has caused trouble for him.

Of course, it won't be the last time.

"Those big monsters are coming soon, so we shouldn't stay here for long."

Wan Jun rolled his eyes at Wan Xiner and said in a deep voice.

"What are you afraid of? It's not like you can't beat me, cousin."

Wan Xiner looked relaxed, and then glanced at Ling Feng, "Hey, thank you just now. My name is Wan Xiner, what's your name?"

"Tianzhi, Ling Feng."

Ling Feng saluted the two brothers with fists in his hands, neither humble nor arrogant.

"It turns out he is a disciple of Tianzhi."

Wan Jun nodded slightly towards Ling Feng, "Thank you so much, Your Excellency."

Even though Ling Feng didn't take action, he would definitely be able to arrive in time.

"If I had known that the famous Wan Jun would take action, why would I have to show my shame."

Ling Feng smiled modestly. In fact, if Wan Jun hadn't appeared, he wouldn't have bothered to take action.

"Brother Ling, you are too humble. That arrow just now was extraordinary."

"Hehe, there are not many people who can be praised by my cousin!"

Wan Xiner smiled, patted her chest and said: "Your name is Ling Feng, right? Since you helped me, you will be my good friend Wan Xiner from now on. I dare not say that in other places. In the surveying mine field, I Cover you!”

Ling Feng was secretly amused, but he still raised his fist and saluted Wan Xiner, "Thank you very much, Miss Wan."

"It's not appropriate to stay here for a long time. Brother Ling, please leave quickly."

Wan Jun reminded Ling Feng, then without any explanation, he pulled Wan Xiner and turned around to leave.

Wan Xiner was held in Wan Jun's hand like a little chicken. At the same time, she did not forget to shout in the direction of Ling Feng, "Hey, don't forget, remember to come to me after the Seven Ultimate Immortal Ranking is over. Play!”

The voice gradually faded away, and Ling Feng couldn't help but shake his head and smile. Although this Wan Xiner was strong, she was very scheming, like a little girl who hadn't grown up yet.

As for Wanjun...

Ling Feng's evaluation is only unfathomable!

Just these four words!

Not long after, Ling Feng finally flew to the Yangu area, while the disciples of Tianzhi were waiting on a relatively high hillside.

Seeing Ling Feng finally coming back, Chi Yankuang was the first to fly up to meet him.

"Good boy, I knew you were destined to be lucky, hahaha!"

Chi Yan Kuang stepped forward and punched Ling Feng on the shoulder, causing Ling Feng a burst of pain.

But it can also be felt that this guy really regards himself as a good brother, which is why he is so excited.


The next moment, Chi Yankuang couldn't help but widen his eyes, slapped Ling Feng in the face carefully for a long time, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "You kid, have you made a breakthrough?"

As soon as this statement came out, more than a dozen eyes immediately came over.

Especially Wu Chengkong and Han Wenliang.

After all, when they were on the Jiuyao New Lord Ranking, they had some understanding of Ling Feng's incredible performance.

At that time, Ling Feng seemed to have just broken through to the Daoyan realm.

It has only been a few months since the Jiuyao New King Ranking, and he has made another breakthrough.

However, Ling Feng only had one Talisman Seal, which meant that he could only condense one Dao Fruit in the end.

Compared with other nine-fruit and ten-fruit Immortal Lords, Ling Feng's promotion to the Dao Fruit Realm will be much less difficult.

Generally speaking, there is only one Dao Fruit, which is undoubtedly the existence at the bottom of the Dao Fruit Realm.

But a monster like Ling Feng, who defies heaven, is definitely not included in this list.

As for him being able to open up Yuan Mansion with just one Dao Fruit...

Although there is probably not one person among tens of millions of people, but if it is Ling Feng, maybe he can really do it.

"It was just a fluke."

Ling Feng shrugged, with a calm expression on his face.

"No wonder you want to stay. You are preparing to break through with the pressure of that mountain ape demon!"

Chi Yan Kuang glared at Ling Feng, "You kid, you were already ridiculously strong when you were in the Daoyan realm. Now that you break through, aren't you going to chase the senior brothers of Liuyu and Jiuyao?"

"Not even close."

Ling Feng smiled modestly, then suddenly turned around, a smile flashed in his eyes, "Senior Brother Yufeng and the others are back..."

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