Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3582: Accumulation!


Thunder exploded, and in the camp of Xuntian Thunder Clan, all the disciples, headed by Wan Jun, formed a huge thunder net, intertwined together.

In an instant, everyone saw the thick thunder arc transforming into a huge thunderbird, which raised its head to the sky and screamed. Then, the wings formed by the thunder spread out and shot out directly towards the Yanhe River.


The arc surged, and the ghost faces condensed with black energy were directly purified by the power of thunder before they even got close.

The speed of the thunderbird was extremely fast. In just a few blinks of an eye, the disciples of the Xuntian Thunder Clan successfully crossed the Nether Flame River and strode towards the entrance of the tenth floor.

Is this the foundation of the Xuntian Lei Clan!

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, and the thunder that patrolled the sky was different from ordinary thunder. It carried extremely overbearing power of purification, even better than the Demonic Dragon Purifying Fire that Ling Feng mastered.

Of course, it's not that the demon dragon's world-purifying fire is lower than Xuntian's Thunder, it's just that Lingfeng's demon dragon's world-purifying fire is far from comparable to the real world-purifying demon dragon's breath.

"Is this okay with him?"

Chi Yan Kuang's eyes widened and he looked eager to try: "Is it enough as long as the speed is fast enough?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "As long as the speed is fast enough, why would Wan Jun have to do it alone to protect the other disciples of the Xuntian Lei Clan?"


Chi Yankuang was stopped by Ling Feng's question. He scratched his head and head for a while, but finally said with a depressed look on his face: "What should we do?"

"The demonic miasma of the underworld above the Yan River is ineffective against me."

At this moment, it was the Yushen Immortal Lord who stood up again. He was an Immortal Lord who majored in the Soul Path. He had condensed the spiritual laws and fruits, and could naturally be immune to the interference of those demonic miasma.

"I'll go back and forth a few more times and just take you there."

After Yu Shenxianjun finished speaking, everyone quickly bowed their hands to him and thanked him, "Thank you, senior brother!"

"Thank you so much, senior brother!"


If one does not consider the constraints of the rules, as long as one person crosses the river, it will be easy to put everyone else into the space magic weapon.

However, everyone has long since discovered that after entering the giant trial tower, all space magic weapons are restricted. To put it simply, they are allowed in but not allowed out.

Therefore, magic weapons and the like can be taken out, but cannot be put back.

Not to mention including other junior disciples in his space magic weapon.

"Okay, without further ado."

Lord Yu Shenxian raised his hand and looked at everyone, "Who comes first? I can take two people at a time."

"Haha, at this time, ladies should take priority."

Yufeng Immortal Lord smiled lightly.

Everyone looked at the relatively "rare" female monk in the team.

One is Yu Xin Xian Jun Su Liu Li, the second is Yao Qin Yao of Xuan Yin among the Nine Yao, and the third one is Wen Wan Lin of Water Blue Yao.

"I think I can do it myself."

Su Liuli waved her hand and smiled, "Junior Sister Qin, Junior Sister Wen, you should go there first with Senior Brother Yushen."

Qin Yao and Wen Wanlin nodded slightly, took a step forward, and bowed to the Royal Immortal Lord, "Thank you, senior brother."

"Keep your mind close, and when you cross the river, close your eyes, don't look at anything, don't think about anything, it will be over soon."

Immortal Yu reminded them, and the two women nodded quickly. The next moment, Immortal Yu grabbed the shoulders of the two girls with both hands, then jumped up and flew directly across the Nether Flame River.


The two women exclaimed at the same time, and before they could react, they were already taken into the sky above the Netherworld Flame River by Yu Shenxianjun.

In an instant, the ghostly faces transformed by the black mist immediately wrapped around him.

Purple light flashed in the eyes of Yu Shenxian Jun, dispersing some of the black fog, but Qin Yao and Wen Wanlin's eyes became dull, as if they were trapped in a fantasy.

If they hadn't been protected by the Imperial God Immortal Lord, they would have fallen into the Yan River. In a short time, two more undead souls would appear in the Yan River.

Purple light flashed, and the next moment, Yushenxianjun took the two girls across the Yanhe River and slapped them on the back respectively.

The two women exhaled a breath of black mist at the same time, and their eyes regained clarity.

However, there was cold sweat on the foreheads of the two women, and they looked extremely weak, as if they had gone through a fierce battle.


The faces of Qin Yao and Wen Wanlin were both pale and bloodless, and there were constant tingling sensations in their minds.

Yu Shenxian Jun took them across the river, but it took only a moment, but to them, it was extremely long, as if days and nights had passed.

"Two junior sisters, please rest here."

Yu Shenxian took a deep breath, returned to the other side again, looked at the remaining disciples, and said calmly: "Who is next?"

Seeing how easily Yu Shenxian Jun crossed the Yan River back and forth, everyone was no longer polite. They formed groups of two and crossed the river with Yu Shenxian Jun.

Every disciple who crossed the river was basically in the same situation as Qin Yao and the others. After reaching the other side, they were all sweating profusely and their faces were pale.

The Demonic Miasma of Yanhe River is indeed no small matter.

After going back and forth five times, it was obvious that even Yu Shenxianjun had a slightly tired look on his face.

Moreover, every time after crossing the river, he exhaled more and more black miasma.

It seems that these demonic miasma have no impact on Yushenxianjun.

The more times he crossed the river, the greater the disturbance from his soul became.

When they crossed the river for the fifth time, they happened to be crossing the river with Chi Yankuang and Han Wenliang.

After Han Wenliang entered the Yanhe area, he began to struggle violently, as if he was going crazy.

Yu Shenxian Jun held on tightly, but almost let go. Fortunately, he had quick eyesight and quick hands, and was able to pull Han Wenliang back.

In the eyes of all the disciples, this scene was simply shocking.

There was only a small chance that Han Wenliang would be burned to ashes.


After arriving at the river bank this time, Yushenxianjun was obviously more exhausted than before. He also knew very well that if he forced himself to cross the river again, he would be risking the lives of other disciples.

Taking a deep breath, Yu Shenxianjun sat down cross-legged. He had to adjust his breathing for a while before crossing the river again.

"It seems that I have gained some strength."

Su Liuli narrowed her eyes and smiled slightly, "Senior Brother Yushen, let me take care of the remaining junior brothers."

She shouted to Yu Shenxianjun across the river bank, and then turned to look at the other remaining disciples, "How about it, fellow juniors, who wants to come first?"

Ba Dao and Kuang Zhan looked at each other and took a step forward at the same time, "Thank you, Senior Sister."

Su Liuli smiled and said, "My spiritual law is far less stable than that of Senior Brother Yushen, so I can't guarantee that I will definitely send the two Junior Brothers there."


Ba Dao and Kuang Zhan's expressions froze at the same time, with slight sweat on their foreheads.

"Pfft, I was just joking. Don't worry, as long as I haven't fallen, I won't let you fall."

After saying that, two long white ribbons flew out from behind Su Liuli and wrapped around the two of them. Then, with a flash of white light, Su Liuli also flew towards Yanhe.

Fiery flames shot up into the sky. Su Liuli's movements were extremely fast and she avoided those flame pillars rising into the sky. Although she didn't look as relaxed and happy as Yushenxianjun, she finally managed to cross the river without any danger.

At the same time, the other tribes also showed off their magical powers, but none of them were as spectacular as the Xuntian Lei Clan, when they all crossed the Yan River in an instant.

"Phew, it seems I really think highly of myself."

Su Liuli put her hands on her hips and exhaled a breath before saying, "It seems that every time I cross the river, I need to adjust my breath and recover."

At this time, the only remaining disciples on the other side of the river were Ling Feng, Wu Chengkong and Yufeng Immortal Lord.

Yufeng Immortal Lord smiled helplessly, "Speaking of which, I am also a Six Yu. Unfortunately, with Shenhun, I am far inferior to Senior Brother Yushen and the others. I cannot lead you across the river."

"Why don't I give it a try?"

Ling Feng looked at Yanhe, and he had also condensed an immortal fighting spirit. If he looked at it purely from the source of the spirit, he was not inferior to Su Liuli.

"Junior brother, you?"

Yufeng Immortal Lord looked at Ling Feng and recalled that Ling Feng had also condensed an immortal fighting spirit, so he did have the capital to try.


Ling Feng nodded, "Senior brother, you should still remember that I have also cultivated an immortal fighting spirit. Therefore, the demonic miasma above the Yan River may not be able to affect me."

"Having said that..."

Yufeng Immortal Lord was still a little unsure, but soon he gritted his teeth and said with a heartbeat: "Okay, Junior Brother Ling, I will cross the river with you!"

"Brother Wu, what about you?"

Ling Feng turned to look at Wu Chengkong.

"Since you have the courage to speak, I naturally have a list to believe you!"

Although Wu Chengkong and Ling Feng had no friendship, they admired and cherished each other.

He believed that if Ling Feng was not certain, he would never talk casually.

"Ha ha!"

Ling Feng laughed loudly, and the next moment, a huge statue appeared behind him, which was Ling Feng's immortal fighting spirit.

The immortal fighting spirit appeared, and the situation suddenly changed.

As Ling Feng's cultivation stepped beyond the Taoist Realm, his immortal fighting spirit became more and more condensed, and there was actually a looming imperial power.

Wu Chengkong's "Emperor's Lun Hua Sutra" can condense a trace of imperial power to protect the body, and Ling Feng's "Breaking the Path and Forging Soul Art" is not inferior to Wu Chengkong's level.

The soul and magic power climbed to the peak at the same time. Ling Feng let out a long roar, and all the power flowed through his body, and his thoughts changed, and he inexplicably reached the state of unity between heaven and man.


In the spiritual sea, the Chaos Dao Fruit actually grew a bit stronger, and the power of law turned into a wandering dragon, constantly circling around the original divine tree.

Just in this moment of bliss, Ling Feng actually broke through another barrier and jumped from the early stage of the Dao Fruit Realm to the middle stage of the Dao Fruit Realm.

The so-called thick accumulation and thin hair.

This is the stamina brought about by Ling Feng's continuous suppression of cultivation and continuous improvement of his own foundation after drinking the immortal wine.

I believe that with this stamina, by the time they leave this place, Ling Feng's cultivation will reach the peak of the Dao Fruit Realm!

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