Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3606 News about Ling Hanyang!

Tick ​​tock!

Tick ​​tock!

Inside the cave, stalactites dripped on the wet rock wall, making a crisp ticking sound.

Ling Feng threw Cao Wu aside casually, and set up a nine-layer barrier. After thinking for a while, he then scratched Cao Wuxie's palm and took out a few drops of blood essence.

The next moment, purple clothes flickered in Ling Feng's eyes, and the void witch spirit Yorick was summoned by the void pupil.

Black smoke surged, and a hideous and ugly guy slowly emerged from the crack in the void.

This is probably a characteristic of void creatures. They basically look ugly, but they are absolutely loyal to the person who summoned them.

According to Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, this Qijue Tower is a world of its own, and the outside world cannot supervise the situation inside.

With his dignity as the Yi Ting Immortal Emperor, he would not lie to others.

Therefore, Ling Feng dared to use the ability of the Eye of the Void, which belonged to the demon royal family and Gulanduo's lineage.


The Void Witch Spirit floated up, with four pairs of dark eyes staring at Ling Feng, half-hunched over, waiting for Ling Feng's order.

Ling Feng flicked his hand and sent Cao Wuxie's blood to Yorick, and said in a deep voice: "Create three clones of this guy for me."

"Yes, Master."

Yorick nodded expressionlessly, "Gulu" and swallowed Cao Wuxie's blood directly.

Immediately afterwards, a void of light flashed in its chest, and one after another copies of Cao Wuxie appeared in front of Ling Feng.

These clones have almost the same abilities as Cao Wuxie.

However, his strength is probably less than one-tenth of the original body.

This is also limited by Yorick's own level.

Ling Feng once asked him to copy the Great Desolate Domain Dragon through a drop of the Great Desolate Domain Dragon Essence Blood. In the end, he only awakened one billionth of the energy and directly got rid of Yorick's control.

Unfortunately, Ling Feng does not dare to practice the Eye of the Void openly now, so the ability of the Eye of the Void has always stayed at the second stage, and Yorick's ability naturally cannot be further enhanced.

But in terms of functionality, it's still pretty good.

Ling Feng nodded with satisfaction, his eyes focused, and he used the Great Creation Technique to create three clones of himself.

"You are chasing each other in tandem, in three different directions, to lure others away!"

Ling Feng knew that Yan Jiuchuan should be a cautious person, although they did not see clearly whether he kidnapped Cao Wuxie or whether Cao Wuxie took the initiative to pursue him.

But he will definitely send someone to search for Cao Wuxie.

And what I have to do next must not be disturbed or destroyed.


Three clones of Cao Wuxie, plus three clones of Ling Feng, immediately shot out with lightning.

With the aura belonging to the two of them, it quickly dispersed in three completely different directions, which should be able to lure away all the Xantian Fire Tribe disciples who were searching for Cao Wuxie.

After completing all this, Ling Feng took a deep breath and looked at Cao Wuxie.

Although he wanted to directly use the most brutal and brutal method to forcefully read his memory, in this case, Cao Wuxie would definitely die suddenly on the spot.

In this way, the person who finally came into contact with him was the biggest suspect.

At present, I am not suitable to enter the sight of those powerful Immortal Emperors prematurely.

Otherwise, my situation may be very dangerous.

A little impatience can ruin a big plan. Ling Feng was able to get to where he is today step by step, not just because of his passion.

Taking a deep breath, the yin and yang fish floated in Ling Feng's eyes.

Since joining Tianzhi, it is rare to have such an opportunity to use the ability of the Eye of the Emperor.

The next moment, Ling Feng grabbed Cao Wuxie's collar, and his spiritual consciousness poured directly into Cao Wuxie's spiritual sea through his eyes.

A quarter of an hour……

Two quarters of an hour...

For a reckless man like Cao Wuxie, most of the memories that impressed him were related to that Feng Ling.

It seems that although he is not a good person, he is indeed infatuated.

And these messy memories undoubtedly consume a lot of Ling Feng's spiritual power.

Ling Feng frowned. There was no sign of the information he wanted coming to the surface. Could it be that he really didn't know anything about it?

Seeing the time passing by, although Ling Feng tried his best not to disturb Cao Wuxie's sleeping consciousness, in the long run, it would not only put a huge load on the origin of his own soul, but also once Cao Wuxie wakes up, he may immediately You will know your identity.

By then, you will inevitably fall into a dilemma and a passive situation.

It doesn't matter if you kill him, and it doesn't matter if you don't kill him.

There is not much time left for him.

Ling Feng's forehead was dripping with sweat. If he had no scruples and directly crushed and attacked the opponent's soul source, it would naturally be much easier to plunder the required memories.

Now that we are tied up, it is naturally difficult to achieve what we want.

Fortunately, just when Ling Feng was about to despair, the god of luck seemed to have arrived.

In the depths of Cao Wuxie's spiritual sea, there was indeed some information about Ling Hanyang.

"Brother, I heard that you went to the lower world not long ago!"

The scenes in Cao Wuxie's memory appeared in front of Ling Feng's eyes bit by bit.

It seemed to be a palace among the Xantian Fire Clan. It was magnificent and majestic. It was obvious that the people living in it had different status.

Cao Wuxie happened to meet someone walking out of the palace in a certain corridor.


Cao Yan lowered his eyes, glanced at Cao Wuxie, and then said coldly: "What do you want from me?"

"Nothing, just asking casually."

Cao Wuxie grinned, "I just heard that your trip this time, brother, is related to the long-extinct Tiandao clan!"


Cao Yan gave Cao Wuxie a cold look, "Why are you asking so many questions? There are some things you shouldn't know."

"Brother, I just think that if the Immortal Emperor sends you down, it would be making a fuss out of a molehill. For such a small matter, I am more than enough."

Cao Wuxie patted his chest and said proudly.

It turned out that he had just broken through to the Dao Fruit Realm and was looking for an opportunity to perform well.


Cao Yan sneered and glanced at him, "You act recklessly and impulsively, it is difficult for you to take on a big responsibility, not to mention, that old guy... is not simple!"


Cao Wuxie's eyelids twitched, "Isn't it just a Tiandao clan who is only in the mortal realm? Besides, since the Tiandao clan was destroyed by us, it means that they are not as powerful as the legend says."

"You know nothing!"

Cao Yan snorted coldly, "After the lower realm, restricted by the laws of heaven and earth, I can only exert the so-called ancestral realm cultivation in the lower realm. If the old guy hadn't used an ability similar to the rotation of time and space before, which consumed a lot of mana, I really may not be able to take him down easily.”

"So, there is really something unusual about the Tiandao clan?"

"There is indeed something extraordinary about it, but it will eventually disappear in the dust of history."

Cao Yan narrowed his eyes and smiled faintly, "It's just strange that the Immortal Emperor just ordered me to capture him alive and lock him up. Obviously these Tiandao clan only need to kill every one they catch."

"not dead?"

Cao Wuxie's eyes lit up, "Where is that? I want to suppress my cultivation and practice with the legendary Tiandao Clan. What a bullshit Tiandao Clan, they don't even carry shoes for our Xuntian Clan, hahaha!"

"Then I won't be locked up in..."

Suddenly, Cao Yan's eyes narrowed and he gave Cao Wuxie a cold look, "What are you asking about? The Immortal Emperor has ordered that the fewer people who know about this matter, the better. You already know too much, what else?" If you dare to ask too much, you may get into trouble."

"Okay, okay, if you don't ask, don't ask. I've never seen the Tiandao clan before, I'm just curious!"

The memory scenes gradually fade away.

"Grandpa, he's not dead!"

A trace of hot tears flashed in Ling Feng's eyes.

In order to protect himself, Ling Hanyang's traces were exposed and he was taken away by the people from the Sky Patrol Fire Tribe.

Ling Feng was filled with regret.

Now that he knew that Ling Hanyang was just locked up, Ling Feng felt as if he had lost something and found it again.

Although he still doesn't know where he is imprisoned, in any case, as long as his grandfather is not dead, he still has a chance to rescue him and reunite his ancestors and grandson.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng forced himself to calm down. It was far from the time to get excited.

He clenched his fists. Although Cao Wuxie knew very little, it seemed that Cao Yan knew everything.

If I could capture Cao Yan alive...

However, Cao Yan is no better than a loser like Cao Wuxie. His strength is not inferior to those of the top experts like Yuxu Immortal Lord.

I still need to continue to be patient.

"You traitors who killed the lord, now you still dare to say that my Tiandao clan is not worthy of carrying Xantian's shoes?"

Ling Feng kicked Cao Wuxie hard. Still uneasy after thinking about it, he gave the guy a few more needles.

Although Taixuan acupuncture is a method of curing diseases and saving people, when it comes to harming people, the effect is definitely not bad.

After these few injections, it won't take long for Cao Wuxie's yin to rise and yang to decline. Within three to five years, not only will the male characteristics gradually disappear, but even the chest muscles will continue to swell and become like a woman.

In this way, he not only relieved his anger, but also completely rescued Feng Ling from the sea of ​​suffering.

When he becomes a "girl", I'm afraid he won't have that kind of mentality anymore.

It kills two birds with one stone!

"Hmph, at least what Chi Yan Kuang said is right. You will soon turn into a Cao gelding!"

Ling Feng broke out in a cold sweat and took a shot of a fire dragon with his backhand, creating the illusion that there had been a battle in the cave.

Then, he retracted the magic circle, jumped up, and left the place.

Now, it's time to join Su Liuli and the others.

As for the star smelting vein under the river valley, they naturally would not give up easily.


Not long after Ling Feng left, Cao Wuxie woke up leisurely. The entire cave had turned into a sea of ​​fire.

"what's the situation?"

Cao Wuxie's eyes widened and he jumped up quickly. The rock lying under him was already hot enough to fry an egg directly.

Fortunately, he is a Xuntian Fire Clan, so he is not afraid of being burned by flames.

But at this moment, he felt light-headed, as if something had happened, but he couldn't remember anything.

"Where did that kid go? Damn it, damn it! He ran away again!"

Cao Wuxie clenched his fists, gritted his teeth with hatred, and blasted the cave again as if to vent his anger.


The ground shook and the mountains shook, and a sea of ​​fire rose into the sky, as if it was the anger in Cao Wuxie's chest that was erupting.

As everyone knows, if Ling Feng hadn't been scrupulous, his little life would have been dealt with long ago...

(PS: Brothers, have a healthy Dragon Boat Festival! The Dragon Boat Festival is constantly updated. I am touched by my diligence. What about you?)

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