Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3630 Jueying Palace!

Some are happy and some are sad, and the one who is most worried this time is undoubtedly Dayu Xianting.

On the floating smooth stone wall, the rankings are still being updated, but the disciples of Dayu Xianting have their heads drooped one by one, like bereft dogs.

Yu Fan, in particular, had a man-eating rage in his eyes. He would look back and glare at Yu Zhao from time to time, which sent shivers down Yu Zhao's spine, from head to sole.

If it weren't for the blood relationship between him and Yu Fan, Yu Zhaozhen suspected that Yu Fan would kill him immediately.

At this moment, the only one who dared to speak was Xia Houyuan.

"Your Highness, although our ranking this time is worse than expected, we have finally advanced to the third round. As long as we can advance, we will have a chance to make a comeback. Although we have become a joke in the eyes of many people, at least we are better than It’s better to be eliminated in the second round.”

Xia Houyuan gently fanned the feather fan in his hand, but the expression on his face did not show much surprise or unwillingness.

Perhaps all this was within his expectation.

After all, no one expected that Wan Jun and Ren Tianhen would attack them at the same time on the last day.

Of course, this is also due to their previous tolerant and cowardly strategy, which avoids and reduces conflicts with other super forces as much as possible.

Otherwise, they might really be eliminated in the second round.

By then, they will really become a big joke.

"Let's just let them laugh for a while. As long as we can advance to the third round, strength is always strength."

Xia Houyuan said calmly, and in a few words, the anger in Yu Fan's heart dissipated a lot.

Yes, strength is always strength.

How happy those guys from the Xantian Mountain Clan are laughing now, how miserable they will be when they cry in the final battle!

Taking a deep breath, Yu Fan gathered his mind and said in a deep voice: "What is the origin of Jueying Palace? Being able to occupy six high-level resource points is already quite impressive."

"Jueying Palace..."

The feather fan in Xia Houyuan's hand paused for a moment, and then started to gently flap again, "It seems that it is also a sect that has been passed down for thousands of years in the Xunfeng Heavenly Territory, but there was nothing too outstanding before. Unexpectedly, this time , it is possible to perform like this.”

"The Xunfeng Heavenly Domain is not the domain controlled by Empress Qingluo."

Yu Fan's eyes narrowed, and then he shook his head, "No matter what, they just made a mistake."

On the other side, on the floating island where Tianzhi was, Ling Feng almost simultaneously asked Yufeng Immortal beside him: "Senior Brother Mo, do you know this Jueying Palace?"

As Mo Qingfeng's encyclopedia in the Immortal Realm, there is basically nothing he doesn't know.


Yufeng Immortal Lord smiled faintly, "This Jueying Palace is not something that came out of nowhere. It has always been regarded as a top-notch force. It may not be famous in our Tianzhi or other places, but in Xunfengtian The domain is still famous.”

"Is it the Xunfeng Heavenly Domain again?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly.

Speaking of which, since arriving at Leixiao Holy City and participating in the Seven Ultimate Immortal List, most of the many forces I have encountered come from the Xunfeng Heavenly Domain.

The Kunwu Immortal Sect where Fang Shaoan belongs is like this, and the Qingyuan Sword Sect where Li Qingyan is like is like this.

And Master Jinguang seems to be from the Xunfeng Heavenly Domain.

There really is some "evil" fate between myself and this Xunfeng Heavenly Domain.

"What's wrong?"

Immortal Yufeng glanced at Ling Feng strangely.


Ling Feng shook his head and said with a smile: "Let's continue talking about the Jueying Palace. Although they can win this seventh place, it is also due to the contribution of our Senior Brother Ren, but they can occupy more than six yuan of high-end In terms of resources, this sect still has something to offer.”

Ren Tianhen on the side suddenly heard Ling Feng mention his name, and a look of pride appeared on his face.

It seems to be saying, yes, I am targeting them!

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. Ren Tianhen's name should be changed to Ren Jiqiu.

"Jueying Palace, it belongs to the kind of sect that is neither up to down nor down. The gap between it and the seven super first-class forces is actually quite obvious. Maybe this time it is really just a mistake."

Immortal Lord Yufeng shrugged and said casually.

"Is that really all there is to it?"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he murmured in a low voice.

After all, although on the surface, it seems that thirty forces are carving up the resource points of the eighty-one-layer space, the seven super-first-class forces can actually occupy more than half, basically thousands of people from all over the world. The sect forces are carving up the remaining half of the resource points.

Being able to occupy six high-level resource points by itself shows that the strength of Jueying Palace greatly surpasses most ordinary first-class forces.

At least, they all have at least one master who is comparable to the Six Imperial Level.

"Hehe, Junior Brother Ling, don't think too much. The most outstanding disciple of the younger generation in Jueying Palace seems to be called Nie Feng, and he has the same name as you. Maybe there will be a chance to fight in the future."

Immortal Yufeng smiled and patted Ling Feng on the shoulder, "It would be better for us to focus our attention on the five Xantian clans."


Ling Feng nodded and smiled lightly.

However, during this Qi Jue Immortal Ranking competition, the mysterious black shadow that appeared frequently still made Ling Feng somewhat worried.

He couldn't help but use his peripheral vision to look at Su Liuli who was not far away.

Is there any connection with that mysterious black shadow?

And is the strength of Jueying Palace also related to this mysterious force?

Thinking of this, Ling Feng couldn't help but take a deep breath. He always felt that behind the scenes of this Seven Ultimate Immortal List, there seemed to be a mysterious big hand hidden, controlling something and planning something.

Just when Ling Feng was thinking wildly, on the stone wall, the list of thirty people who had qualified for promotion was finally displayed.

Except for the eight forces in the front, the gap between the major forces that qualify later is almost negligible.

Basically, they occupy about three high-level resource points, and it is difficult to widen the gap.

In the end, the number of intermediate resource points often determines the outcome.

"Qingyuan Sword Sect!"

Suddenly, the appearance of these four words made Ling Feng's eyes light up. Qingyuan Sword Sect had finally qualified!

However, this was also the result of Li Qingyan and Fang Shaoan's joint efforts, but in the end, Fang Shaoan was willing to blame all the problems on Li Qingyan.

Moreover, the Qingyuan Sword Sect's performance ranked twenty-fifth, which was not at the bottom.

A smile appeared on Ling Feng's face. He believed that he was so optimistic about Li Qingyan and they finally did not disappoint him.

Finally, the top thirty sect forces were all displayed.

The next moment, before everyone could be relieved from their joy or disappointment, the floating boulders beneath the feet of those sects that failed to advance disappeared in an instant.

As the body fell, the participation token directly released a blue vortex.

In an instant, the unsuccessful disciples were swallowed by the whirlpool, and then were automatically transported to the outside world.

As for the disciples who were promoted to the sect, the pumice stones under their feet continued to rise, and finally disappeared in a golden light curtain.

The intense and dazzling golden light almost made everyone temporarily blind.

And when everything in front of him returned to normal, a huge palace appeared in front of him.

Right in front of the palace, there is a stone tablet with the words "Qi Jue Guild Hall" written on it.

This is where the real competition for the Seven Ultimate Immortal Rankings takes place, and the first two rounds are just to screen out the candidates who are truly qualified to enter the guild hall.

Everyone who has the qualifications to enter the Qijue Guild Hall is already a huge honor in itself.

In the shocked and surprised eyes of everyone, the door of the palace slowly opened.

Two teams of neatly dressed guards quickly walked out from behind the palace door and lined up on both sides of the hall.

Everyone held their heads high, their eyes bright, and each held a different flag. Each flag above represented the symbol of a different force.

The fifteen people on the left and the fifteen on the right represent the thirty sect forces that have advanced.

Immediately afterwards, a tall and handsome young man strolled out with two disciples.

Surprisingly, it was Zhuo Junjie who was greeted at the gate of Leixiao Holy City.

"Congratulations everyone, successfully promoted!"

Zhuo Junjie bowed his hands in front of everyone, and the disciples of the major forces who were promoted also returned the salute with clasped fists.

Even a genius like Wan Jun is just a junior in front of Zhuo Junjie.

Zhuo Junjie's eyes swept over everyone, and he immediately showed a faint smile, nodded slightly and said: "Okay, everyone, please follow me. The leaders of the seven major forces have been waiting in the guild hall for a long time. ”


At this time, one of the first-rate disciples raised his right hand and said, "Senior Brother Zhuo, what about the elders of our sect? Can they come in?"

"Ha ha!"

Zhuo Junjie laughed loudly, "Junior brother, please rest assured. The moment the rankings came out, our disciples have already gone outside the Qijue Pagoda to invite the entourage of your sect into the Qijue Hall. I believe that soon, you guys will We can see it. Although this Qijue Guild Hall cannot accommodate all the participating disciples to watch the battle, it is more than enough for the entourage of thirty forces. "

"So that's it!"

For a moment, the disciples from the ordinary forces showed a hint of relief.

"Okay, come with me into the clubhouse!"

After Zhuo Junjie said this, he made an invitation gesture to everyone, and then led them to the Qijue Guild Hall.

Finally, the final battle of the geniuses is about to begin.

Ling Feng took a deep breath. The next third round of trials was conducted under the eyes of the two Broken Immortal Emperors.

There is only one thing that I can do.

Low-key, low-key, low-key!

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